Chapter 27: The Biggest Surprise of them all

A week later, Dragon was staying in a family cottage all by his lonesome, as Mat had decided to take Tiger. Not that he was alone mind you, he did have his family running around helping him get ready for the day, to get him out of his 'I miss Mat' funk, but that would end soon enough. "I can't believe my son is growing up so quickly, I feel like it was just yesterday that I changed your diaper and rocked you to sleep." Harry said, holding Elijah.

"Aww dad, I'll always be your little boy, just like Tiger will always be mine." Dragon said, hugging Harry.

"Come on you two hurry up or we're going to be late." Draco called in, cool and calm as he was back in Hogwarts.

"Alright, alright." Dragon said, fixing his wizarding robe. He quickly portkey'd to the Garden's of Malfoy manor, where the family was holding a congratulations 'barbeque' for Dragon passing his 'O.W.L.s' even though the results had yet to come in.

"Is everyone here?" Mat asked his mum, still hurrying to get dressed.

"Yes, all our family and his are here, and according to that nice James Potter man, the press has yet to show up, I think you kids really fooled them this time." Eliza said, helping her son spike his hair. An hour later, the guests had found their seats, the sun was shining, and Dragon was standing infront of the Minister ready to get married. To his right left was Remus and on his right were his two best friends Daniel and Thomas, who were also sharing the best man spot. Standing up there for what felt like an eternity, the music finally started to play, and Mat started walking down the aisle with his mother. Dragon's breathing literally stopped, Mat had never looked so handsome, and the sight of him brought tears to Dragon's eyes. After walking all the way down the aisle, Mat finally got to Dragon and took his hand.

"Are you alright?" Mat whispered, standing to face Dragon.

"Yeah, you just look amazing." Dragon said, before Remus stole their attention.

"We are gathered here today to witness these two men come together in holy Matrimony. To many here today, it seems like just yesterday that Mathew and Dragon were crawling around, going off to Hogwarts, and today they stand here before us a sign of hope and love. Dragon, we'll start with you. Do you Dragon Potter-Malfoy take Mathew McGuire to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, or richer or poorer in sickness and in health until death do you part as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Dragon said, smiling at Mat, and placing the ring on his finger. Though really wanting to lean over and kiss him.

"Do you Mathew McGuire take Dragon Potter-Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Mat said, sliding the ring onto Dragon's finger.

"I know pronounce you bonded, you may kiss your husband Dragon." Dragon pulled Mat close and kissed him passionately, earning claps and whistles from the gathered group. The adults quickly went to work on taking down the wedding things and putting up the reception stuff for the barbaque as the guys went back into the house to change out of their wedding robes and into actual clothes.

"I can't believe we're married!" Mat said excited, pulling a shirt on over his head.

"You know what this means right? That you finally get to lose your virginity tonight." Dragon whispered in his ear before nibbling on it. This though, made Mat blush as red as a tomato, and was now starting to worry him. What if he wasn't good enough for Dragon? What if he didn't know what to do?

'This is insane, he's already helped you figure out what it's going to be like, you'll be fine.' Mat thought to himself. 'But, he has had sex before, so what if I don't meet the standards that he's expecting me to meet?' These thoughts plagued his mind, as he and Dragon made their way hand in hand back downstairs. Dragon was quickly pulled off to the side to be congratulated by his friends, while Harry pulled Mat aside.

"I know what you're thinking Mat, I thought the very same thing the first time Draco and I were together. He loves you not the people he was with in the past. That makes it even more special for the both of you. Plus, not everyone is the same in bed, everyone has different things they enjoy doing, and things that they are uncomfortable with. I know my son, if you tell him it hurts or something's uncomfortable or if you don't enjoy doing something, then he's going to stop, fix it, make it enjoyable for the both of you. If he really enjoyed what he did in the past, don't you think one of those girls would be standing here today with the name Potter-Malfoy instead of you? Something about them obviously turned my son off." Harry said, hugging Mat.

"Thanks dad." Mat said smiling, the words sounding very foreign on his tongue.

"My son is all grown and married!" Eliza said, tears running down her cheeks. She quickly ran up to Harry and Mat before hugging Mat. "I can't believe you beat Noah to the altar! Oh I'm so proud, I can't believe how handsome you looked, and Dragon was simply speechless, I swear he wasn't breathing while you were walking towards him. Oh, I'm just so proud."

"Thanks mum." Mat said, hugging Eliza.

"Mind if I cut in?" Dragon asked, standing off to the side.

"Oh not at all, not at all you handsome wonderful man." Eliza said, pulling Dragon into a hug also, before he was able to pull Mat out onto the dance floor.

"Let's give it up for Mr. and Mr. Dragon Potter-Malfoy." The DJ said, while everyone clapped, before starting to play their song. Dragon pulled Mat close, wrapping his arms around his waist.

When you light those candles
Up there on that mantel, setting the mood
Well, I just lie there staring
Silently preparing to love on you
Well, I can feel the heat from across the room
Ain't it wild what a little flame can make you wanna do

I melt every time you look at me that way
It never fails, anytime, any place

This burn in me is the coolest thing I've ever felt
I melt

Dragon starts whispering the lyrics into Mat's ear, loving the shivering that Mat did everytime his warm breath went past his ear. Mat wrapped his arms tighter around Dragon's neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

Don't know how you do it
I love the way I lose it, every time
Whats even better
Is knowing that forever you're all mine
The closer you get, the more my body aches
One little stare from you is all it takes

I melt every time you look at me that way
It never fails, anytime, any place
This burn in me is the coolest thing I've ever felt
I melt

Every time you look at me the way
I melt, I melt.

By the end of the night, Dragon and Mat got into a muggle Limo that Draco had set up, while taking them to the airport, where the plane was taking them to another location, where they would spend their honeymoon. However, where it was they both had no clue. "Your destination sirs." The driver said, getting out and opening the door for them. Dragon got out first, and held his hand out for Mat, who readily accepted it. The both of them stepped out onto a white sand beach, where just a few feet away stood a beach house. The two went inside to see the floor sprinkled with rose petals, the lights dimmed, and a bottle of champagne waiting besides the bed.

"Would you like some?" Dragon asked, popping the cork and pouring a glass for himself.

"Sure." Mat said, smiling, before picking up a strawberry. He took the glass from Dragon, before sipping the wine. "I've never had wine before."

"Well then this is definitely a special occasion. This is one of the best and cost about 300 Galleons, per glass, in a restuarant." Dragon said, downing the rest of his drink and smacking his lips together. He quicklyl pulled Mat towards him, setting down Mat's drink before kissing him.

"Dragon, wait. I...I don't think I-"

"Hey, it's okay, we'll do this when you're ready and not a second earlier." Dragon said, kissing Mat and backing off a bit. "I would never pressure you into doing anything you weren't ready for, but for now I'm going to go take a shower and change." Dragon said, kissing Mat's cheek before going into the bathroom. This, however, made Mat feel extremely guilty. Sitting down on the bed, Mat thought through everything that Harry had said, his own feelings, insecurities, and problems while finishing off his wine.

'There's nothing to be afraid of, you're just afraid of being hurt and he won't do that.' Mat thouoght, before coming to a conclusion. Mat quickly stripped himself of his clothing, folding it neatly and placing it in the corner of the room, before getting under the covers of the bed and waiting for Dragon to come out of the shower.

"Hey Mat, I was thinking that tomorrow we could go take a walk along the shore, what do you think?" Dragon asked, wrapping a towel around his waist and wipping the fog off the mirror with his hand. Mat stayed quiet knowing that it would get Dragon's attention more. "Mat?" Dragon asked, opening the bathroom door and looking out at the bedroom. "Oh, sorry I didn't know you were going to sleep."

"I'm not."

"Alright then resting."

"Nope." This intrigued Dragon, who walked over to Mat with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright then, I give, what are you doing?"

"Waiting for you." Mat said lifting the covers up a bit.

"Let me get boxers on and I'll lay with you."

"Trust me, you won't need them." Dragon looked at Mat suspiciously, before Mat nodded his head a tad bit, before Dragon slid into bed, taking the towel off and leaving it on the floor after he was under the covers.

"We don't have to you know, we have our whole lives ahead of us." Dragon turned to lay on his side.

"I want to Dragon, just be careful. I'm completely and utterly afraid but not of us being together, but of what's going to happen. I'm...I'm just afraid that...that I won't-"

"Be good enough for me?" Dragon finished for him.

"Well, yeah." Mat said, blushing.

"Baby, that's not going to happen, ever." Dragon said, leaning forward and kissing him. Mat kissed him back, wrapping his arms around his neck, and rolling onto his back so that Dragon was on top of him. Dragon kissed Mat's neck, sucking on his pulse point, which made Mat moan. He quickly kissed his way down Mat's throat, while snaking a hand up to play with one of his nipples.

"Mmm, please, more..Dragon...please." Mat said, withering underneath Dragon's hand. Dragon chuckled against Mat's neck, before running a finger against Mat's hole before plunging it in. "Ooh!"

"Just relax." Dragon said, pumping his finger in and out before adding another and then another finger. Eventually Mat was ready, Dragon accio'd lube to him using his wandless magic, before putting a generous amount on himself and Mat's hole. Dragon carefully lined himself up with Mat, before kissing him and pushing in slowly.

"S-stop." Mat gasped. Dragon quickly held still letting Mat get use to the intrusion, before slowly pushing in inch by painful inch, once he was fully inside Mat he held completely still until Mat was ready for him to move. "Move...please. Do something, anything." Dragon started to thrust into Mat slowly, which Mat having never experienced, made him moan and wither even more.

"Fuck Mat.." Dragon moaned out, gaining speed. Mat pulled Dragon down by his neck, kissing him passionately. After a few more thrusts, Dragon pulled out and laid besides Mat, catching his breath. Mat turned on his side, kissing Dragon's chest.

"That was, why did I wait so long to do that with you? Merlin, no wonder you have the reputation you do." Mat said between kisses, his brain still a pile of mush from his orgasm.

"Oh, and what reputation would that be?" Dragon asked, wrapping his arms around Mat's waist and pulling him against him.

"Sex god." Mat blushed, resting his head on Dragon's shoulders.

"Hmm, tomorrow I'll show you just what sort of sex god I am, but for now let's just sleep, it's been such a long day." Dragon kissed Mat's forehead, before pulling the covers up and falling asleep.



D/N: Yes, it is the end of Year 5! However, that does mean that Year 6 is not too far behind. We know that it wasn't as detailed, but we hoped the sex made up for it. We have yet to reach 200, we seem to be stuck at 186. Which means you need 14-15 more reviews before Kime and I even attempt to agree to write an after the school year series. Now, Year 6 will start off from Us falling asleep, through parts of the honeymoon, the week of summer before school starts, SCHOOL obviously, and Mat's N.E.W.T.s as of right now there are 2 VREY VERY good twists, which I am NOT saying! (Zips lips with fingers) Nopers, not getting it out of me. Anyways, (hands out cupcakes) I hope you've all enjoyed Year five and are looking forward to year six. We here on the set (acting out real life of course), are wondering just exactly what year was your favorite? What year did you really love reading? Cause everyone has one year they favor above the others. We are also open and welcoming any ideas that you the reader would like to see happen in year six, what juicy concoctions can you all come up with?

Inuyasha: Harry and Draco (Hugs back), thanks. Happy Holiday's to you also. (Kisses Harry). Tiger and Dragon: Thanks, I liked that version too. Tig ute! (giggles) I heard that IIII heard that! You think Tiger is cuter than me! (gasps) How dare you?! James: If I ever have to go back into that store, I'll hurt you.

Sarahamanda: Happy holiday's to you too. I had a great Christmas and yourself?

Adrianna: Kime: I would have SWORN one of the girls was pregnant!!! It was either Chastity or Jersey, but now I can't remember all because of you, so I set the task of you finding out whom is pregnant and reminding me. James: Erm, I'm lost. Dragon: Update your own story, who cares if you don't know, you could fill the whole chapter with a sex scene...I wouldn't mind.

Heather: Dragon: Well 1. (Glares at Kime) We weren't suppose to get married until the beginning of the next story! 2. It was suppose to be a surprise wedding to throw off the press remember? Which means Kime wanted to keep it quiet so that you were all shocked when the last chapter was the wedding, which she wrecked for herself. Kime: HEYYY I make up for it in the first chapter of the sixth year bugger head! Dragon: (speaking louder over Kime) and 3. I've been a busy test taking person! Give me some slack for not remembering my own wedding.