Title: Princes of Death: A High-spirited Saga

Author: chibi-kyuubi

Genre: Action/Adventure/General

Rating: K+

Summary: Prince of Tennis and Bleach crossover. The Seigaku regulars go to Karakura Town for an exhibition match, but end up getting influenced by Ichigo's reiatsu. Will they be able to master their newfound powers before it is too late to save Tokyo City from being turned into a base of operations by Aizen's minions?

Disclaimer: I neither own Bleach nor Prince of Tennis.

Chapter 13: Field Exercise

Exactly 48 hours had passed since the Seigaku regulars began their shinigami training underneath Urahara's shop. Their allotted training period had just ended, and the young shinigami and their mentors gathered at the room where all of them had met exactly two days ago. They helped themselves to a generous lunch, and received first aid from Tessai as they waited for the instructions of their field exam.

"Hey, Fuji-senpai, what do you think the field exercise is going to be like?" Momoshiro asked the tennis prodigy seated next to him. The regulars were seated next to each other on one side of the large circular table and the other shinigami were seated opposite them.

"Knowing Urahara-san, it's going to be something dangerous. Even though he calls it an exercise, you better be prepared or you could die. At least that was what Kuchiki-san told me when I asked her the same question," Fuji answered. Momoshiro swallowed hard, not because he was afraid of doing something dangerous, but because his senpai smiled sadistically at him the entire time.

"Are you sure you can do this Eiji?" Oishi asked his doubles partner after he overheard what Fuji told the sophomore. Kikumaru looked very tired and had bandages wrapped around his fists and legs because of all the injuries he received during training. Oishi however, was uninjured despite the rips and tears on his shinigami clothing.

"Yep! I'm perfectly fine Oishi." The red haired boy raised a fist and pretended to be full of energy. "Besides, these wounds are nothing compared to the ones ochibi, Kaidoh, and Taka-san have."

"I guess you're right," The team vice captain said after taking another look at Echizen, Kaidoh and Kawamura, who could have easily been mistaken for mummies because of all their bandages. "But promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise," Kikumaru said with a nod and his usual cheerful smile.

"All right everyone, here's what's going to happen," Urahara said half an hour later after Ururu and Jinta cleared the table, and everyone had settled down. "Each of you will take one of these and enter the training chamber." Urahara showed them something that resembled a large, white medicine tablet. "After you find a comfortable spot, you crush this and let it dissipate into the air. It is an improved version of hollow bait that will lure hollows to a specific location. Don't worry. It will only draw out weak hollows because higher level hollows are smart enough to differentiate bait from the real thing."

Yeah right. Ichigo and Rukia thought as they remembered what happened last time when Ishida used a similar kind of hollow bait during their petty quincy versus shinigami contest.

"But of course, fighting weak hollows is no fun at all, so Inui-kun came up with an idea to make things a little more… interesting," Urahara continued with a devilish smile concealed behind his fan. "Inui-kun, please continue from here."

Inui stood up and adjusted his glasses. "While we are fighting the hollows underground, the other shinigami will be monitoring the hollows' and our movements using Urahara's equipment upstairs. And as an added rule, the person who purifies the least number of hollows after the exercise will have to drink this," Inui pulled out a beer mug full of black liquid that that emitted a cloud of red smoke and had the smell of rotten eggs. "I call it, Inui juice: Tessai remix. It is a unique kind of Inui juice made from Tessai-san's herbal medicine and other suspicious things found in the storage hold of this shop. It is good for both the body and soul." Everyone's face turned sickly blue as they observed the bubbles forming on the surface of the viscous liquid. The Seigaku regulars felt that they had moved a step closer to understanding what fear really means.

"Thank god we won't have to drink that," Renji whispered to Ichigo. "The unlucky guy who drinks that would probably lose his internal organs the next time he goes to the toilet."

"Yeah," Ichigo agreed, feeling slightly relieved.

"Of course, it would only be half as fun if only one person drinks it," Inui pulled out another mug of the vile drink. "The assigned mentor will also have to drink a mug of Inui juce: Tessai remix, because of his or her poor training. Don't worry. It's also the most delicious variation of Inui juice yet."

"What!" The other shinigami protested.

"Why did you agree with this Kisuke?" Yoruichi yelled.

"Because I'm pretty sure Inui-kun won't lose," Urahara said confidently.

"Same goes for me," Ikkaku said without even looking at Kawamura. He found the boy annoying at best when the Seigaku regular was meek and friendly, but the two of them got along very well when Kawamura was in burning mode.

"Yes, sensei, I won't disappoint you." Kawamura nodded. If I drink that, I'm going to die. The Seigaku senior thought.

"Remember this Kaidoh, if we drink that thing and survive, I'm going to kill you," Renji threatened.

"Don't worry Abarai-sensei, I have no intentions of drinking that thing either," the sophomore replied.

"Same goes for you Ryoma," Ichigo said.

"I won't lose, Kurosaki-senpai," the freshman said with a confident grin.

Rukia and Fuji looked at each other and immediately understood each other. It would be troublesome if we had to drink that. Fuji thought.

"Don't be scared Toushiro-kun, I won't let you drink such a horrible thing," Tezuka placed a reassuring hand on young shinigami captain's head as they stood up to proceed with the field exercise.

"I think we could stop here," Oishi suggested. He and Kikumaru had arrived at a corner of Urahara's subterranean wasteland which was unoccupied, aside from Fuji whom he could spot several meters away.

"I'll go first," Kikumaru said as he crushed the hollow bait with his hands. He and Oishi had agreed to fight the hollows together because they figured out that it would be safer, and Inui didn't mention anything in the rules about teaming up.

"Okay, now it's my turn," the Seigaku vice captain said shortly afterwards. He followed Urahara's instructions, and then the two of them waited for what was going to happen next. After a few moments of silence, they heard the sharp screeching of a hollow coming from above them. They looked up, and saw that the fake sky and clouds painted on the chamber's ceiling had become terribly distorted. "Get ready Eiji, there's at least fifty of them heading towards our direction. I could feel them."

"Got it," the red-haired boy said as he prepared to attack. He crouched a little, and then focused his reiatsu on his arms and legs, which were now covered with a faint blue glow. Beside him, Oishi pointed his palms at the warped sky above them and whispered some kind of chant. "There!" Eiji said as a handful of humanoid hollows materialized several meters above them. He jumped high up to intercept the falling monsters, breaking their masks using his bare fists and powerful kicks.

"Destructive Art #31, Shakkaho!" Oishi yelled, and a red ball of energy shot out of his palms, headed towards a hollow that was just out of Kikumaru's reach. It hit the monster right in the middle of its mask, causing it to disintegrate instantaneously.

"Nice, Oishi," Kikumaru complimented as he landed skillfully beside his partner. "Yoruichi san-thought me that too, but I think I forgot it already."

"Please leave some for me next time, I don't want to drink Inui Juice too," Oishi reminded his partner as he readied another spell.

"Sorry, I'll make sure to just beat them up next time," Kikumaru replied as he jumped up again to attack the next wave of hollows falling towards them.

Since most of them can't fly, my best chance is to kill as many as I could before they touch the ground, Fuji thought as the area above him started to swirl from the dimension-crossing of the hollows. "Destructive Art #33, Sokatsui!" He yelled, and a large blue sphere burst from his hands hitting the nearest hollow, and destroying its upper body completely.

I won't drink that! I won't drink that! I absolutely won't. It was the only thought on Kaidoh and Momoshiro's minds as they fought off the hollows appearing in their respective areas. Kaidoh used his warping ability to get behind the hollows and hit them at the weak spot behind the masks, and Momoshiro used his ability to distort the opponent's spiritual senses to distract the hollows and attack them when they leave an opening.

"Angle of enemy's attack: 35 degrees. Chance of it hitting me: zero percent," Inui muttered to himself as he stood still and cut off the hollow's arm as it passed by to his right. Inui's soul slayer appeared like a normal katana with a black hilt and an eye design on its circular hand guard. It seems that these low level hollows have terrible accuracy, Inui thought as the hollow screamed in pain. And they're too slow. Before the hollow could swing its remaining arm towards Inui, the Seigaku regular had already managed to get behind the hollow. As a shinigami, not only the speed of my calculations has increased, but the speed of my movements as well. Inui thrust his soul slayer right trough center of the hollow's head, the tip of his sword coming out on the other side, right in the middle of the hollow's eyes, destroying its mask completely.

"Get out of my way! BURNING!" Kawamura yelled as he purified two hollows in one wide slash, and effortlessly dispatched the others standing on his way.

Echizen had just finished off the group of hollows that appeared within his immediate vicinity when he caught sight of Tezuka quite some distance away from him. The Seigaku captain stood still in the middle of the dry landscape, doing nothing except probably relaxing. Echizen was about to let him be, when a group of hollows suddenly materialized a few meters around the senior, surrounding him completely.

"Buchou! Watch out!" Echizen yelled as he ran towards the senior, who did nothing when the hollows suddenly dashed towards him.

Notes: I've just edited out the vast number of grammatical errors in this chapter. Also, Fuji using demon arts is obvious, since Rukia was the one who thought him. But how about Oishi? Don't worry, it will all be explained in due time. Thanks to all reviewers, and please keep on reviewing.