It was early friday morning. everything was quiet. waves gentaly splashed against the ship. Nami (who had just woken up) walked over to the bow and rested her arms.she thought to herself " it was shure nice of luffy to save me from arlong, but why did he do it? these thoughts rateld around in her mind. "why did he come for me when i betrayed him?" Nami sighed. she looked deeply into the ocean. "ha ha!" Nami thought,"it funny, the ocean remindes me of...Luffy." she paused, "Luffy...why does the ocean make me think of Luffy"
meanwhile.. Luffy was watching Nami from a distance. Instead of screaming and waking everyone up like he normaly does, he stopped. " Nami lookes sad," He thought,"mabie I should cheer her up?" Nami felt sombody watching her. she moved her head slightly to see who. Luffy stood still, realizing he was noticed."morning Nami!" he shouted from one end of the ship as he ran up to her.
"goodmorning Luffy, how are you?" she asked.
"Im fine, but what about you? You seem sad. Somthing wroung?" Nami looked back down at the water a sighed remembering the terible fight Luffy had to bare to save HER. "Its nothing, Im fine."
"are you shure?"
"Good! Now lets go get somthing to eat i'm starved!"Said Luffy.
"haha! Your right, lets go eat. Im starved too!"she replieed.
Meanwhile in the kitchen..."zolo!(zoro in japinese) You idiot! How have you already managed to get ege on the sealing! You said you where going to help me make breakfast not destroy it!" Yelled Sanji,"Give me that pan!"
"eeeeeaaaaa! Give it back i'm tring to help!"zolo yelled back.
"O, shut up Sanji!" there is now a war in the kitchen
"hey Guys! whats cooken'?"Luffy said merrily. The two gave Luffy a very strang look."um... somthing wroung?"
the two continued to fight.
"um..Luffy? Im guessing nows not the time to eat."Said Nami.
"Nonsence,"said luffy,"Now what do we have in the fridge?"Luffy tiptoed over to the fridge.
"Luffy! Get outa the fridge!" Yelled Sanji.Nami sat down and sighed.
"O no! My Nami! shes hungry! I must feed her! Nami-Swan!"said sanji with his big heart eyes.
"sanji, give it a rest already.." reaplied Nami.
"see what youve done Luffy! you made Nami Mad!"yelled Sanji.
"Hey.wad I do?"asked Luffy.
"HEY! you forgetin' about somone!" Yelled zolo.the whole crew began to argue..well..almost the whole crew...
"Hey guys, whats for breakfast?"said usopp half asleap being waked up by the noise.
"Sit down!" yelled Luffy, Nami, Zolo, and Sanji.
Authors note: Yay! Chapter 1 is now up! What do you think? sorry for the boringness but its just going to be on the ship for a while. Lots of funny moments with sanji and zolo in the meantime. Please R&R amanda(a.k.a. cracker-jacks)