Three years later…

"No no no, that one goes there."

"You mean like this?"

"No! Not like that! Here, see this part? It has to go against that part, otherwise it all falls apart."

"But that doesn't make any sense.."

"I know, I know, just trust me, will you?"

"Okay, you're the expert."

Han steps back from the change table and examines the diaper on his newborn son. "That doesn't look right," he says.

I pick up my grandson, Jacen, and the diaper promptly falls off. I look at Han with an amused expression on my face.

He shakes his head as he looks in dismay at his son's bare buttocks. "I can take a hyperdrive apart with my eyes closed," he mutters. "But can't get this damn thing to stay on! Is there some special Jedi trick you use to get it to stay on?"

I laugh at my son-in-law's frustration. "No, not at all," I tell him, lying the baby back on the table. Jacen seems rather amused by his father's frustration and kicks his chubby legs happily.

"Now watch," I tell Han, going through the entire procedure again.

"Okay, okay, I think I've got it now," he says. "Let me try."

He undoes the baby's diaper only to be treated to a yellow stream aimed squarely at his face.

I turn away and laugh boisterously at the ridiculous spectacle.

"What's so funny?" Leia asks as she enters the room holding Jacen's impeccably clean and dressed twin sister, Jaden.

I just point in the direction of the change table as I continue to laugh, leaving Han in the more than capable hands of his wife.

"Luke just called," Padmé tells me as I enter the adjoining playroom. "He's going to be a little late."

"Always on the move," I reply, mimicking Obi-Wan. Padmé laughs.

"And what are you up to, miss?" I ask my younger daughter as I join her and Padmé sitting on the floor in the twins' playroom.

"Watch what I can do, Daddy," Shmi tells me. She closes her eyes for a moment in concentration and then slowly one of the building blocks on the floor starts to levitate. One by one she stacks them on top of each other, ending with a stack of 12 neatly stacked blocks. She opens her blue eyes and looks at me with a grin.

"Well done," I say, sitting down beside her. "You know I couldn't do that when I was your age," I tell her.

"Why not?" she asks.

"Your daddy didn't start his Jedi training until he was 9, Shmi," Padmé tells her.

"How come?" she asks.

I look up at Padmé. "Well, it's a long story, sweetheart. Let's start at the beginning..."