The Next Big Thing
Summary: Hermione sees American Idol over Winter Break and decides Hogwarts needs to break out in song.
NOTE: I was in need of another character to make the contestant number equal, so I made an add in character, don't ask, honestly, but she is just like her brother, she's Ginny's age but she's of course, in Slytherin. I also added my other character Skylar from my story Bad Boy, so you might want to read that first!
Hermione went into the Griffindor common room after 2 weeks of holiday break in the normal world. She had a big idea. "Hey Harry Hermione's…." Ron said being cut off by Hermione. "I have the greatest Idea!" she exclaimed. "What?" Harry said curiously. "I saw a muggle television show while on break called American Idol," she said. "So?" Ron said. "I thought we ought to have a singing show like that, but instead of American Idol, call it, Hogwarts Idol!" she exclaimed. "Wicked!" Ron replied. "That sounds like fun but there is one problem, what are we to sing?" Harry said. "Well, I rode back to school with another girl in Gryfindor named Skylar and she had seen it too, and we were talking about it and she…" Hermione got cut off. "Get to the point!" Ron yelled. "Alright, We already laid down song choices." She retorted. "I'm going to put a sign up sheet on the announcement board in the main corridor and in our common room!" she said.
A week later it was time to collect the sign up sheets. Hermione read off the list of competitors to Harry and Ron. "Ok, so our line up is, Me, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Skylar, Ugh, Malfoy." "And last but not least, Pansy. But we still need something, that would be judges and a host." "I've got an idea for your judges, Snape, my brother Percy, and that Ravenclaw prefect Penelope." Ron said. "That's great, we need a host, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked. "If your thinking having Lockhart as our host, then I am!" Harry exclaimed.
That Friday, everyone went into the great hall at 8:00 for the first official presentation of Hogwarts Idol. Where the teachers usually sit stood a large golden colored stage, and the ceilings were bewitched to turn a different color every 3 seconds. "Wow" Skye said. The tables had been turned into long benches with seat cushions to match the house colors. The students went behind the stage curtain. "Do you know what we have to do now?" Skylar asked. "No, but I am sure your not gonna leave us wondering!" Draco said with his signature smirk on his face. "Yes, I am, time to bewitch our wardrobe, watch." She said pointing her wand at herself, Wardrobis Updatus." Her uniform then turned into a paor of jeans with a lime green pinstripe down the side, and a green T-shirt with Teenage Millionaire scrolled on the front. "That's amazing!" Ginny squealed. "Do you want me to do yours next?" Skye asked. "Yes Please!" Ginny exclaimed. "Ok" she said. She performed the spell and Ginny's uniform turned into a denim shortsleeve jumpsuit. "Wow!" Ginny said. "Draco?" Skye said. "Fine." He replied. His turned into a white button up polo with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a black loosely hanging tie, a studded black belt, and jeans, and high top converse. "Bloody Hell!" He yelled. "Wow, As much as I hate to say this, Draco, you look good." Hermione said. After they all had been equipped with a new wardrobe. It was time to go on. Up first………..Draco.