Alanna and Jonathan had a wedding to plan. But, they needed out of
Corus. After several intense discussions with his parents, with some
negotiating ("We'll bring Raoul/Gary/Myles"), the king and queen
finally agreed. Their big friends Gary and Raoul, along with Myles,
and, of course, Coram, joined the couple. Alanna had sent word to Halef
Seif that she was returning, and to ready two tents. Gary, Raoul, and
Myles would occupy one, while Alanna and Jonathan would occupy another.
Coram would stay with Myles and the knights.

When they were a day's ride from the Bloody Hawk, Jonathan explained to
Raoul and Gary: "Alanna and I are something of heroes to these people."

"We know, Jon," Gary said. "We were in Persopolis, remember?"

"No, its more than that," Jon told him.

"I'm The Woman Who Rides Like a Man- wipe that smile off your face,
Goldenlake- and the former shaman. Jon is the Voice of the Tribes. He
took over for Ali Mukhtab- remember him?- and is very important to the
Bazhir. He's going to have to spend a lot of time with them-" Alanna

"Is this for our sake or yours, Lanna?" Raoul teased.

She glared at him and continued, "As I was saying, Jon is going to need
to spend a lot of time with the tribesmen, and I will as well. Halef
Seif has already told me that many will object to me and Jon sharing a
tent- stop grinning, Raoul!- and that you two will have to join the

"Join the tribe?" Gary asked. "What exactly does this entail?"

"I'm not eating anything that shouldn't be eaten," Raoul informed them.
Alanna and Jon smiled.

"There's a short ritual, and they cut you open-" they revealed their
scars, "-that long one is from my Rite of the Voice. You and Halef Seif
will connect arms, and your blood will mix," Jon explained.

"The Bazhir magic will tingle," Alanna said. "But don't worry- it feels
strangely comforting."

"All right," Raoul sighed.

"I never took you for a coward, Goldenlake," Alanna jabbed. Raoul
glared at her.

"D'you want a match, Lanna? Cause there are better ways to go about
it." Jonathan put his arm around his betrothed.

"Aw, Raoul," Jon said. "Leave her alone."

"I'm perfectly capable of fighting my own battles, Jonathan," Alanna
told him coolly.

"Oh, really?"


Jonathan kissed her passionately on the mouth, dipped her back. She
pulled back. "Still capable?" he teased. She just grinned and kissed
him harder back. Raoul and Gary smiled at Coram and Myles.

"Jonathan, please," Myles said, putting his hand to the prince's back.
"Coram and I are like fathers- I am her father- to Alanna, and this is
somewhat disconcerting." Jonathan smiled and Alanna frowned.

"Oh, Myles," Alanna sighed. "Do you two have to spoil all the fun?"

"It's a father's job, Alanna," Myles replied with a grin.

"I've been doin' fer years, lass," Coram put in. Alanna groaned in
aggravation and heaved a sigh.

"Fine, then. Raoul, get out your sword. I need some practice." She went
to the tent she had erected, grumbling about "how glad she was going to
be once she was queen and no one could tell her what to do."

Jonathan, Coram, Myles, Raoul, and Gary all said the same thing
together with a sigh and a headshake: "Alanna."


"They've returned!" a man cried. "The Woman Who Rides Like a Man and
the Voice! They've returned!" As the group trotted in, an aisle of
people was formed. Halef Seif stood at the end. As Alanna and Jonathan,
leading the group, reached him, they stopped their horses and
dismounted. Alanna smiled.

"Halef Seif, its good to see you again," Alanna said, nodding deeply.
Men and women did not show affection publicly in the Bazhir tribes.
Halef Seif nodded.

"It has, Woman Who Rides Like a Man," he replied, intentionally being
formal before his people. He turned to Jon and bowed. "Voice, we are
honored to once again have you in our tribe."

"It is a pleasure to once again be with the Bloody Hawk," Jon said.
Goddess, he's good at that, Alanna thought. It must be all the time in
Court! "We have brought two of our friends, and hope that you will show
them the same kindness you did us."

"Friends?" Halef Seif asked. Raoul and Gary stepped forward. "What are
your names, friends of the Woman Who Rides Like a Man and the Voice?"

"Sir Gareth the Younger of Naxen," Gary replied.

"Sir Raoul of Goldenlake."

"Welcome, friends," Halef Seif said. "It is my sincerest hope that you-"

"Alanna!" Alanna spun and saw Kara and Kourrem, the tribe's shamans and
her former apprentices, running toward her. As shamans, they were given
more slack on their actions.

"Kara! Kourrem!" Alanna exclaimed. The girls hugged her fiercely.

"We've missed you," Kara said.

"Very much," Kourrem put in.

"Halef Seif, might I…" Alanna asked, glancing at the headman.

"You may." Alanna smiled and was dragged away by the shamans.

"How is everything?" Alanna asked once they were in the tent.

"Perfect!" the girls cried together.

"They've accepted us," Kourrem explained. "And they trust us."

"Why are you back?" Kara asked. "I would have thought you wouldn't
return once you were married." That's right, Alanna thought. They were
there when Jon and I told the tribe we were betrothed!

"Oh, we're not married yet," Alanna replied.


"What about you girls? Have you had any offers of marriage?" Kourrem
shook her head.

"I haven't, but Kara has." The older girl blushed, and Alanna realized
that neither girl wore a face veil.

"You've shed your veils!" she exclaimed. The girls nodded. "Now, Kara?
Have you accepted?"

"No!" she cried.

"Why not?" Alanna asked.

"I… I don't want to," she replied. "I don't want to get married."

"Why not?" Alanna had once felt the same way.

"I don't want to give up being a shaman. And he told me I would have
to." Alanna grinned.

"I had the same problem. Only, the men who loved me wouldn't dream of
making me give up being the Lioness—the Woman Who Rides Like a Man,"
she told Kara. "Its just a matter of finding the right one." Kara
smiled gratefully.

"The Voice!" Kourrem breathed. Alanna turned and smiled at Jonathan.

"Might I steal her away from you, girls?" he asked. The girls looked at
him, eyes dreamy.

"Sure," Kara replied. Jon smiled and reached out his hand.

"Alanna?" She took his hand and he helped her up. Jon took her to a
tent not far from Kara and Kourrem's.

"Where are we?" Alanna asked. When she stepped in, she gasped. The
floor was covered in pillows… and there was a bedroll for two spread on
the ground. "This is ours?" She was amazed that Halef Seif had arranged
such a glorious tent when, technically, Alanna and Jon should have been
in separate tents.

"Yes," Jon replied.

"It's beautiful," Alanna breathed.

"As are you." Alanna grinned as Jonathan pulled her against him, using
her waist. She snaked her arms around his neck. "What do you think of a
nap?" There was a wicked twinkle in his sapphire eyes that sent excited
shivers down Alanna's spine.

"But I'm not tired," Alanna replied.

Jonathan kissed her deeply on the mouth, cradling her head in his
hands. Alanna kissed him back with all the strength she had, showing
her betrothed that she did indeed love him very much. Their mouths
moved in time and Jon lifted her so they were even. Alanna put her legs
around his hips, and settled into the kiss. She pulled back an inch.

"I'm tired now."

"How tired?" Jon started to walk his fingers up her back, underneath
her tunic and shirt.

"Not too tired."

"Good." He put her down and pulled off his tunic and shirt, revealing a
strong, tanned chest.

I am the luckiest woman in all of Tortall, Alanna thought as she and
Jon collapsed onto the bedroll to christen their new tent.