Disclaimer: Sonic and all related characters are property of Sega, and they do not belong to me.
Tails P.O.V.
Ever Since we returned home from our adventure in space, I made no efort to leave my house. I found sleep almost impossible, and I hardly ate. I just found nothing could get my mind off of what had happened to her, to Cosmo...
I spent hours in my workshop, not fixing or building, but thinking. I felt a heavy weight on my chest, the feeling of hoplessness and sorrow. I guess I saw everything that had happened as my fault, despite the reason that I had no other options. I had made a promise to her, but she asked me to break it, so she could save me and the others. I wonder what could have happened differently if what I kow now could have been known during that journey through space...
...she may have been standing next to me perhaps...
Chapter One
Days went by, and I was starting to feel sick. I was lying in my bed, when I heard a knocking sound from my front door. I didn't bother to get out of bed, instead I turned to my window by my bed and peeked through the shades.
"Tails? Tails, open the door, it's Amy! Sonic wanted me to check on you!" called the voice of Amy Rose. I sighed and got up. I guess it wouldn't hurt to say hi to her at least.
I went to the door and unlocked it. I then without saying a word to her walked to a nearby chair and sat down. Amy sat across from me and looked at me. I could tell she was shocked by my appearance.
I guess I couldn't blame her. I looked at my reflection in a window. My hair was matted and tangled from not showering, my eyes had dark rings under them from my lack of sleep, and I looked skinnier from not eating enough.
"...Tails, what's happened to you?" Amy asked, shaking her head sadly with a frown.
"Is that question even necessary Amy?" I responded in numbly.
Amy bit her lip and looked at me. Tears came down her cheeks as she spoke, "Tails, you've got to move on. Cosmo will never be forgotten, and the fact that she-"
"The fact that she loved me was the reason why I hurt so much more than anyone else..." I interrupted glumly, staring a hole in the wall.
Amy got up and walked over to me, and tried to smile, but sobbed a little. She was probably upset about my predicament more than about the events that happened little less than a month ago.
"Amy, if I could turn back time, I would have stopped the Metarex before things became too desperate. I-I would have made the Blue Typhoon better equipped, and learned how to use Chaos Control, and-" I broke off, heaving and shaking with tears.
"Tails, I know it hurts, but you can't change the past. I know how Cosmo and you felt for each other. As far as you using the Chaos emeralds, though, I don't think it would've been possible. Sonic and Shadow are the only two that I know who can do it." Amy said gently, starting to wipe away her own tears. She put a hand on my shoulder and spoke again, "We're all going to a dance downtown tonight, do you want to come along?"
I thought about it for a minute, and saw that I could probably use a little fresh air.
"...Sure, why not?" I sighed.
Amy smiled a little and spoke again, "No one will force you to dance, we just want to be here for you." Amy then gave me a hug.
"So where's the dance at?" I asked her as she got up.
"Don't worry, just be at my place in two hours, and bring the X Tornado if you can." she answered. She left afterwards and I began getting ready. I showered for awhile, then attempted to comb down my bangs, but gave up after about five minutes.
Before I left for the garage where the X Tornado was, I went the widow in the kitchen. The sun was beginning to set, there were streaks of orange, yellow, and pink covering the horizon. I looked at the clay pot by the window, and felt tears once again go down my face.
After that final battle with Dark Oak of the Metarex army and after Cosmo's death, Sonic had returned to the Blue Typhoon with a single seed, the only thing left of Cosmo, the beautiful flower-like girl who I loved still to this day. He gave it to me, and I had nutured it into a small little plant. I could tell it was from Cosmo; it had a delicate look to it, but was strong, just like Cosmo's spirit.
I shut the window so the cold wouldn't get in. The golden rays shined off of it's two small leaflets, giving it a serene look.
"I'll be back, don't worry." I said to the plant. I found myself talking to the plant now and again, maybe because I felt a part of Cosmo still lived in it. I then headed out to the garage.
Minutes later I was in the X Tornado, flying thorugh the pre-night sky. After about five or six minutes, I was descending onto the dirt road infront of Amy's house. Sonic, Amy, Cream, and even Knuckles were standing in the front yard. I was a little early, but that didn't seem to be a problem.
Sonic was the first to greet me. I had to admit it had been a while since i last talked to him.
"Hey bud, how are you doing?" he asked in a friendly voice, but I also sensed a touch of sadness to it as well. He didn't show it through his face though.
"I've been better, but I'm alright..." I answered.
"Glad to see you came Tails, we were worried you would never leave that workshop of yours." Sonic added with a smile. I smiled as well.
The others walked over to greet me, Knuckles gave me curt nod and hello, and Cream and her chao friend Cheese gave me a friendly hug.
"Well, maybe we should get going." Amy said while the sky turned a bluish-black shade.
"Let's take the X Tornado downtown Tails, it shouldn't take too long to get their by air." Cream suggested as we got ready. This would've worked had there been less of us, but even with the new addition for seating of another person on the X Tornado, there wouldn't be enough room.
"Sonic, you can run on the ground, but I don't think this would work, I can only hold a total of three people in the X Tornado including myself." I said, scratching my head.
"No worries bud, I can carry Amy." Sonic told me, and he picked up Amy. She put her arms around his shoulders. No surprise there, but then Sonic did something unexpected; he smiled and held her closer, "Try not to fall behind Tails, I know the way to the dance." he added and zoomed off with Amy.
"Um...what just happened there?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.
"Sonic and Amy have been dating for awhile...about three weeks, and I guess they are doing really well..." Knuckles answered with a shrug.
"Well I think it's about time for them!" Cream exclaimed happily, and Cheese added a cheerful, "Chao chao!" at the end.
We got in the X Tornado and took off. I managed to find the blue streak of Sonic speeding over the landscape. I still couldn't believe it, Sonic and Amy Rose were dating each other...I felt like laughing.
" I hear that this dance club is the best one in town, and it just opened this past week." Cream stated as the downtown lights came into view.
I found Sonic and Amy near the edge of the downtown area near where I landed my X Tornado. I secretly admired the wonderful job I did on parking it by the curb of the street.
"Well come on guys! The club's already got reservations for a table of seven for us to sit at." Amy said as we walked towards a building with green, blue, and pink neon lights. Again, I was confused by what she said, since there was only five of us. When we entered and headed for our table, I saw two figures sitting down already.
"Is that Rouge and...Shadow?" I asked, trying to figure out who they were through the flashing lights, and otherwise dim lit club.
"Amy, over here!" I heard the voice of a familiar female bat call out; sure enough, it was them.
I guess with the relative peace that had settled in on the planet, things were getting better for us...most of us anyway, excluding me. Rouge and Knuckles were closer to each other now, and Shadow even managed to be a bit more socialable.
Strange how something so devastating could bring such changes...
End of Chapter 1. So what did you think? Please read and review!