Wow its really been a while…Oh well I'm back thanks to all of the great people who constantly reviewed reminding me to get up off my butt. I would think all of you but that's just too many people to write. I plan on really updating and possibly revamping this story soon. First I have a couple of questions for you. Should I combine some of the shorter chapters into several longer ones? Also what should I have happen between Bulma, Serenity, and Vegeta? Catfight? One big happy family? Tragic love story? Who cares? Oh and I would appreciate it if any one would be interested in beta-reading everything that I have written so far (posted and not posted) and anything else I end up writing soon so if your interested please tell me.
"Yes. You will be knighted as her protectors and given powers that reflect your bloodlines past and your personality." Responded Princess Setsuna as she quickly transformed from her scout uniform into her royal garbs in preparation of the upcoming test.
"Yes. Princess Setsuna is correct. You will be given the option to take on the title, abilities, and responsibilities of knight to the royal family, that is if you pass the loyalty test." Added the Queen in a strong and somewhat menacing voice as she seemed to size Gohan up. Well he seems to be strong enough...At least a super saiyin. Plus he seems to be well mannered, and if I'm not mistaken he is a decedent of royal blood. I'll have to ask Vegeta about that later...Yes I guess he could make a good mate for my little Serenity.
"Yeah, about that loyalty test...What do we have to do or what will it be?" asked Gohan with a slightly worried look on his face. 'This is gonna hurt. I mean hello this is Vegeta and his family were talking about.'
"Don't worry. It won't hurt or anything." Answered Queen Serenity with a slightly teasing tone to her voice.
"That is as long as you prove to be loyal to my daughter." growled Vegeta while cracking his knuckles menacingly. "I mean I can't just let some disloyal brat walk away from this. You know with the knowledge of all of the sensitive information we have discussed here today."
"Now Vegeta! Don't go scaring the poor boy like that!" Reprimanded Queen Serenity as she lightly slapped Vegeta on the shoulder.
"Oh like you wouldn't tear the flesh off their bones if they ever hurt little Rena?" responded Vegeta with his trademark smirk.
"Oh yes well, I probably would do something like that, but the point is that they haven't hurt or betrayed her yet and there is no need for this type of talk." answered the slightly blushing yet powerful Queen.
"Mama, will you and Daddy stop flirting already? We sort of need to get this loyalty test over with soon because we still have to train everyone to use their new powers after this and I could use a refresher coarse in advanced sayian combat ." reminded a rather impatient princess as she anxiously played with her hair and tapped her foot at a quick and unsteady pace.
"Fine Serenity, I guess we should get on with this. Oh and we weren't flirting. You know that your Father is mated to Bulma now." replied the Queen.
"Yeah, what ever you say Mom." answered Rena with her own version of the famous smirk. 'What are you guys going to do about this? You know, the three of you?'
'I really don't know Bunny, but I don't think it will end up in anything really bad. I mean I have to go back after the balance is restored and those traitorous brats get what they deserve. Actually I probably shouldn't have had this much of a direct role in all of this. I was only allowed back in this realm to give you my support and advise all of you. I just really don't know dear.' answered the Queen while sending her daughter a loving smile.
'I don't really know either darling. I love both your mother and Bulma the same. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of them. Serenity, is anything bad going to happen to you when you go back to the other realm? If I remember it correctly, those guys don't really appreciate it when people disobey orders or break the rules.' added Vegeta with what had to have been the first concerned but loving look to ever grace his face.
'I don't know but I have a feeling that they were expecting something like this to happen. I wouldn't worry about it right now though.' assured Serenity with a strong determined look on her face.
"Does anyone else have the odd feeling that we might have just missed out on a really important conversation?" asked a confused Trunks as scratched the back of his head while looking confusedly between the three members of the royal family.
"Yeah…" came the unanimous reply from the rest of the powerful group. can you say "sweat drop"?