Kagome was a princess engaged to Kouga, heir of the Eastern Lands. But was unbelievably in love with InuYasha, a servant/ slave to Koga's family. Then one day a monster, with only Kouga and InuYasha able to find and save her, kidnapped Kagome.

A/N: this takes place in a totally fictional world any references are purely confidential. But the outfits are based off of normal fairy tale time periods. And I don't own InuYasha.

Chapter one

Shadows of the past return

Kagome was in deep, deep shit and she knew it. Kouga had proposed to her just before he left and was expecting her answer within a week. She sighed as she walked out onto her balcony looking out across the open ocean. She loved the ocean she always had, it was the only thing that calmed her down and made her relax.

Even when Kagome was back at her home she had loved the ocean. When she had met him, it was the ocean that brought them together, it was the ocean that reminded her of him. Him, the one she had loved with all her heart.

"Why? Why must you go now? You are safe here!" Kagome said with trying to hold back the tears.

"shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't cry love. You know I hate it when you do" he said as he held her close while cupping her face in his hand. "I love you, you know I do. But I have to back to help my people."

"Why dose there have to be war? Why can't people just leave well enough alone?" the tears now flowed freely from her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She looked up into the deep golden amber orbs of his eyes hopping beyond hope that he would change his mind. But to her dismay all he did was sadly shake his head, his silver hair swaying with each movement that he made.

"I don't know, but you mustn't worry. I will be bake soon." He wiped her eyes with his thumb looking deep into her eyes.

"But what if something happens?" Fear and sadness filled Kagome's voice.

"Don't worry, what ever happens I will come back to you" he then reached into his pocket and took out a small, silver locket. He took her hand and gently opened it and placed the locket in it. "I will always come back for you. As long as you have this am I with you." Then with that he took her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

Kagome brought her hand to her neck and held the locket. She hadn't taken it off once in fear of loosing it.

"My lady, you are requested to come to the thrown room. The worriers are back from the war, and being lead by the prince Kouga." Her maid said quickly as she had entered without permission, or knocking. Kagome was used to this bye now, but it still drove her crazy. Sighing she followed the overly excited maid to the door where the maid bowed ad followed Kagome down to the thrown room.

He was being pulled through the doors of a huge gate, shackled at the hands and feet. He had given up his little battle between the guards for now, but the guards knew that if they let their guard down they would be dead in an instant. After all he was the only worrier who had taken on their prince and almost win, well he would of they hadn't helped.

"Faster shit face" one of the guards growled and pushed him forward to receive a glare and death promise. He didn't dare try anything with so many people around. He was an idiot, but not that big of an idiot. "HURRY" the guard yelled at him again. He was one of the 20 or so survivors from the war, and knew that he was going to either be killed or put into slavery, most likely the first one though. "Move it!" that was it, the first moment that he could he was going to kill this guard.

Kagome sighed for what seemed the millionth time that day. She wasn't looking forward to seeing Kouga again. It wasn't that she didn't like him because she did. In fact she thought that he was quite attractive and kind and caring, but she just didn't feel that way about him. Then came what she was dreading as the doors swung open and in walked Kouga in all of his glory.

"Kagome my darling, oh how I have missed you!" Kouga exclaimed as he ran up to her and held her in a tight embrace.

"I missed you too" Kagome lied as she hugged him back. To her relief he let her go and led her down the steps of the top thrones

"Look every one" he said as he led her to the front of the makeshift group "I have brought you some of their best fighters and leaders. We haven't won the war yet, but with them here we have a better chance." All of the people in the room cheered loudly as Kouga beamed. Kagome just found herself disgusted and uncomfortable with the thing. "Take a look Kagome" Kouga said as he pointed to the dog demons.

Kagome did as she was told and stood in shock of what she saw. Her hart raced and she felt like she was out of breath. "Kagome?" Kouga asked a bit concerned about her. One of the prisoners was just looking at her. "Kagome?" Kouga asked again, this time a little more forcefully.

"InuYasha" was all she said.