Harry Potter


The Book of Merlin

A Story Of Year 7

A/N: First off, ships for this story will be Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermoine, Neville/Luna (kind of) and Remus/Tonks, among others. This is a high powered Harry story, not super Harry because I have not made him invincible. To Albus fans like me, Dumbledore will make a few appearances, to critics, don't worry he is still enjoying the "next great adventure" (dead). Cornelius Fudge is still minister, he is just too good of a character to lose, Delores Umbrige is still his senior undersecretary and is not happy with Harry at all (fun fun). Not a lot from the Dursleys in this epic tale, they are too predictable. Now on with the show!

Disclaimer: I wish that I owned Harry and the gang but JK can't bear to part with them. Furthermore, there are so many fics out there that some ideas are bound to overlap so please hold off on the plagiarism accusations.

Weekend At The Dursley's

Number 4 Pivet Drive:

In the smallest bedroom of an immaculately kept house a sixteen year old Harry Potter lay facedown on his bed. Harry looked like any other ordinary boy, but to anyone who carried a wand he was famous. Three years after Lord Voldemort's return from the brink of death Harry was again feeling alone. He had lost his godfather, Sirius Black, a year earlier during a battle at the department of mysteries. Now, only weeks before, Albus Dumbledore, the leader of the light and the order of the phoenix had been murdered by the infamous death eater and former potions master of Hogwarts, Severus Snape. Harry, who had suspected Snape from his first year had witnessed the murder, and now had to deal with the loss of the wizard that he respected above all others.

"Damn Snape!" Harry screamed as he punched his pillow over and over with all of his might. "Why didn't Dumbledore believe me?" he sobbed, "If he had then he would still be alive.". Those same thoughts had plagued Harry since he had returned from school. The only other thoughts he had were of Ginny, and were no better than the ones about Dumbledore's death. Her face floated the forefront of his thoughts, "I've lost her too" he thought sadly. Harry would never admit it but he desperately wanted to take back his comments to her after the funeral. "Maybe she still loves me" he thought, but he mustn't allow himself to think that way, it was safer for her if they were apart. "Voldemort will kill her too if he thinks it will get to me" he spoke aloud to no one.

It was at this point in his internal argument that Hedwig, Harry's snowy owl flew through the open window, she carried, what Harry assumed to be letters from Ron and Hermoine. He crossed the room and relieved Hedwig of her burden, he was however, surprised to feel the weight of a third letter in his hand. "I wonder who this is from" thought Harry. Flipping it over he immediately recognized Ginny's handwriting, he would save this one for last. First, Harry opened Ron's, guessing, correctly that it was the shortest.

Hey Mate,

Sorry that you couldn't come stay with us right away but mum insisted that you had to go to the muggles for a little while. Look, I'm not good at this sort of thing so, just take care of yourself until the wedding, then Hermoine can straighten you out. Oh, and I checked Ginny's letter for curses and I think its all right to open it.


The last sentence startled Harry so much that he had to read it twice. He hadn't thought that Ginny would send him a cursed letter, a howler maybe but curses could be pretty nasty. But the more he thought about it he understood that Ginny, when angry, was a force to be reckoned with. Hell, all her older brothers were afraid of her! Pushing that thought from his mind, Harry turned and opened Hermoine's letter.

Dear Harry,
Don't you dare beat yourself up over what happened to Dumbledore, he wouldn't have wanted one of the few people who actually knew him as a person to mourn for him. Look, I'll see you at Bill's wedding, from there we can go to Godric's Hollow and complete your mission. But to do that you are going to have to confront your grief and move beyond it. If I know you, and I do, then you have been starving yourself, you can' t fight Voldemort if you are going to collapse now can you? Until you get better I won't even let you try. I miss you, so please make it to the Burrow in one piece.


She was right, as usual. Harry had not been eating well at all, even less than the meager portions that were served to him at meals by Aunt Petunia. In fact, the only time he ever saw the Dursleys was when his aunt forced a meal on him to keep up appearances with the neighbors. Resolving to eat more from now on he set heroine's letter aside and picked up Ginny's. Her letter had tear marks dotting the outside and on the parchment itself, much like the letter he had gotten from Hagrid a few days before.

Dear Harry,
To say that I am both angry and disappointed about your attitude would be an understatement. The weeks we spent together were the happiest of my life. I have always wanted to be with you and some stupid hero complex is not going to stop that. You better hope that Tom gets his hands on you before my brothers, or I do.


Harry read her letter a second, and a third time. His heart leapt into his throat as he read, over and over again, that she still wanted to be with him. In fact, the letter itself expressed his own view on the breakup as well. But, his hopes were smashed as Errol fluttered through the window and dropped a red, smoking envelope on to his lap. Remembering Neville's advice from his second year, Harry reluctantly broke the seal and took a large step back.


-Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron

The letter tore itself to shreds before Harry's astonished, and fearful eyes. Just then Harry heard his uncle pounding up the stairs.

"You bloody freak! The whole neighborhood could have heard that racket!" screamed Vernon as he stepped into Harry's room.

"Well Uncle, your yelling isn't helping much then is it?" Harry replied acidly. Vernon Dursley's face then turned as red as Harry had ever seen it, Uncle Vernon seemed to be trying to get intelligible words out through his angry, and very loud pants for breath.

"How dare you speak like that to me in my own house, after all your aunt and I have done for you. You are still just an ungrateful little bastard!" Vernon bellowed. With those last comments years of pain and anguish came pouring out of Harry.

"All that you did for me! What fantasy world have you been living in, ever since I was placed here you have done nothing but belittle my family and my world. You locked me in a cupboard for years! I have never had enough to eat, and when I finally get some friends you tried to keep them away from me!" by the time Harry had finished he too was out of breath, tired as he was he still couldn't miss the sight of Vernon's fist barreling towards his head. Harry, using his quiddich skills, ducked at the last second, causing uncle Vernon's hand to collide with the doorframe. In a split second Harry had his wand out and was pointing it between Vernon's eyes. "Uncle I know enough spells to leave you in a puddle on the floor, and it would be worth the expulsion to do it!"

All Vernon only managed two syllables in reply "Get Out!"

"Fine!" Harry replied before quickly shrinking his trunk and gathering up his few remaining possessions. "Hediwig" he said, "Go to Ron's and wait for me there". As she flew out the window Harry shrunk her cage and stomped past uncle Vernon, down the stairs and finally out the door. The feeling of freedom that Harry experienced was short lived however, as he strolled quickly down the sidewalk he heard a voice from behind him.
"Harry wait!", Harry immediately recognized it as Tonk's voice, who was an auror and an order member.

"What do you want" he replied, exasperated at the fact that she was going to try and send him back.

"I need to take you back to your uncles" said Tonks.

"No", Harry replied simply, much like Dumbledore had done to him after the Department of Mysteries disaster.

"What do you mean no?" questioned a very confused Tonks, no one talked to aurors that way, well no one since Dumbledore.

"What I mean, Nymphadora, is that I refuse to go back into that hellhole." said Harry, he quickly added, "And don't try and stop me from leaving."

Tonks turned slightly red at the use of her first name but quickly recovered. "But Harry," she said almost pleadingly "Dumbledore would have wanted you to stay."

"Don't you dare talk about Dumbledore in front of me, you will never know what it was like watching him die!" screamed Harry.

"That may be" replied Tonks "but it doesn't change the fact that you need to go back for your own protection."

"Tonks, you know where there is someplace else that is safe, so you will have to either let me go, or fight me" said Harry, with just a hint of malice behind his words.

"Harry, you know damn well that I don't want to fight you but McGonegall won't let me to allow you to escape." said Tonks.

For the second time that night, Harry's rage threatened to overtake him. "Escape!" so now I'm a prisoner!" Harry exclaimed. Immediately regretting her choice of words Tonks tried to calm Harry down.

"No Harry of course you aren't a prisoner, just hear me out…"

"NO!", Harry cut her off "I'm done talking, I'm leaving now."

"Very well Harry" Tonks said with a hint of sadness "then you leave me no choice. Stupefy!" she cried, a jet of red light sped towards the spot where Harry had just been standing. Rolling to his left, Harry drew his wand and pointed it at Tonks. "Expelliarmus"

"Protego" said Tonks calmly as she deflected Harry's spell. Becoming angry, Harry thought "Levicorpus" as loudly as he could. There was a flash of light and Tonks was suddenly hanging upside down by her ankle. Her pink hair clashed brilliantly against her angry red face.

"Harry Potter let me down this instant!" she yelled at him.

"Silencio" Harry said, immediately cutting off her cries of protest. "perificus totalus", her arms and legs snapped together and she fell to the ground in a mangled heap. "I am leaving now" Harry declared, "your shift is over in five minutes, someone will find you then. I will be in touch within a day or so, so please tell Remus not to worry, goodbye.". Harry then turned and dissaparated on the spot, leaving a very shocked and angry Tonks in his wake.