As promised; I own nothing- please please please review.

"And think not, you can direct the course of love; for love,

if it finds you worthy, directs your course".

-Khalil Gibran

Truth or Dare

Part 2

It started with her shirt, and then his wife beater and progressed slowly from there- Danny it seemed like to touch. It was a whirlwind of clothing and bodies and hands and walls- her up against, them before they were moving down his hallway and towards his bedroom. He stops in the doorway, leaning her against the frame, brushing hair away to cup her face; some kisses softer then others- this turned out to be one of them. Lindsay makes little purring noises against him and he finds it extremely endearing- reminding him again of why he'd opted for a cat instead of a dog.

His hand moved, resting just under her breast as he steps closer into her and Lindsay moaned. His lips seemed to trail fire as they move and so do his hands, sending her head spinning- she finds herself quickly becoming addicted to the feelings he was causing. Never before her could Danny remember burning for a woman, wanting to the point of need- like the way he needed air. She melted into him, his lips and the feel of his fingers along her stomach and whimpered; Danny was much more intoxicating then the wine could ever hope to be.

His hands ran down, further this time then before, resting only when he'd come to her ass. He'd spent much too long starring at her ass at work, hoping she didn't notice- not wanting to get caught; he was done just starring.

"Too many clothes," she laughed against his mouth; too many clothes? For a moment she contemplated showing him the trail of clothing leading to his room. Danny pulled back, and took her in, eyes zeroing in on her swollen lips and he licked his own while smiling. He couldn't decide where to start with her, knew he wanted every part of her and knew that this wouldn't be happening against his bedroom door; Lindsay is much too good for anything less then a bed.

He scooped her up, pushed off of the door and carried her the rest of the way into his bedroom- Lindsay Monroe isn't going to be able to remember anything but his name he vows as he lays her down on his bed and crawls on top of her. Her dare was long forgotten as she pushed down his jeans, tiny fingers brushing lightly across his hips, nervous in their new territory; she gulps but he moans and it urges her on.

His hands wined themselves around her back, undoing her bra with expertness that scares her slightly but when his hot mouth closes on her nipple she forgets all about it and gives into him. His tongue shoots out and licks her sensitive nipple every few seconds before blowing on it and sending a shiver down her spine. Then he moves to her other nipple, showing it the same affection as he did the first one. She continues to shiver, both from the cold air shooting through her nipple and from the feel of his expert tongue on the other. His hands move down to slip below the waistband of her shorts and he stops suddenly to look at her in shock.

"No panties, Miss Monroe?" he wondered how he didn't know that before- he'd been looking at her ass all night, and knows that had he know before they never would have made it this long.

"Oops," she breathed "must have forgotten," He reclaims her mouth with his as he dips a finger into her wet pussy- it slides in easily. Her eyes widen, and on its own accord her back arches to his hand; he chuckles and pushed her back down with his free hand. Swiftly, he inserted a second finger, pushing it inside her only once before adding a third. His thumb plays with her clit, flicking it as he continued to pump his huge fingers into her rhythmically; her hands fan out to grip the bed sheets. Lindsay whimpers, the sound almost enough to make him cum right there and he smiled as he takes in the half naked woman trying desperately to arch her hips against his strong hand.

"Easy, darling; just tell me what you need." He whispers into her breasts, licking the valley between them and waiting on her.

"Deeper Danny," he smiles, satisfied and let's go of her hips which arch automatically, finally free to do so. His eyes darken- he's almost sure that this must be a dream because right now Lindsay Monroe is riding his hand and losing control. He continued to pump, fasted and finally deeper into her as he watched her toss her head from side to side, dark hair blocking her face from his view. He feels her walls tighten around his fingers and he pinches her clit; she organisms. He watches her, fingers still buried inside her as she rides it out before he pulls them out and brings them to his lips. She's sweet and musky as he licks her juices off of his fingers and makes his way back up her body. He runs a finger across her mouth, smearing her juices along her delicate lips as he locks his gaze with hers.

"Taste yourself, Lindsay." He all but orders and her tongue darts out to do so. She feels light headed, if she tastes this good it excites her to think of what he tastes like; the thought gives her a new wave of energy and she flips them over; kissing him as she does. His cock is hard and straight against her thigh as she pushes down his boxers and frees his erection. Dark eyes sparkle, he his massive- she lowers her head and takes him into her mouth; this time it's Danny who groans. She pulls back slowly, teeth lightly grazing him before she swirls her tongue around his tip and then starts all over again. She loves the look of pleasure on his face, the way his eyes close and his head falls back in concentration.

His hands tangle themselves into her hair and he tugs a little but she doesn't mind as she bobs up and down below him. Lindsay hears his breathing pick up, feels him tense and it brings a smile to her face; she can't believe that she's doing that to him. Danny grunts but stops himself from arching into her mouth, tugs at her hair harder this time but she pays no mind as her mouth works around his cock.

"Lindsay, hey stop-" his words trail off into a hiss but he moves his hands to her shoulders and pulls her up to him, kissing her before she can protest and pulling her back onto the bed with him. "I wanna cum inside you." He tell her, reaching down to peel her shorts off her toned legs- he wants it all to be about her, wants to watch her lose control over and over again, wants to count how many time he can make her say his name.

He kisses her neck, then her collar bone and works his way down; past her breasts and he nips at her hip bone- amused to find her ticklish and squirming, until he rest just above her cunt. He breaths against her and the familiar feeling of her head spinning comes rushing back- Danny dips his head, his tongue darting out to lick all around her. She shudders; he chuckles. He pulls her legs up over his shoulders, giving himself better access and his mouth closed over her, his tongue finally penetrating. Soft and thrusting, only his mouth and his tongue inside of her; Lindsay moans loudly, strapping at the sheets of the bed with her neatly filed nails. He let his teeth brush over her clit, and then mouths it, breaths on it, and she lifts her hips toward him, wanting more- needing.

His tongue press against the tender area just in her center, hard, and then it's inside her again, stroking, thrusting, and his breathing is harsh. He lifts his head, and she wines, wanting his mouth back on her. Lindsay twists and wriths in front of him. His eyes glazed over. She arches again, and he returned his mouth to her, suckling her clit, his tongue swirling around it, pushing against it, pulling. She jerked up off the bed hard, maoning his name, her body exploding.He laps at her moisture, softly, tenderly, as she gets her breath back; my god she is beautiful he thinks.

He starts his move back up her body- tight and leatal underneath him, kissing everything in his path, tasting her again, making sure to nip the ticklish spot where her hip juts up, and he rubs his check against her abdomen. All the while his hands never stopped exploring, caressing, smoothing, touching, until he is once again looming over her. She mumbled inaudibly things, her eyes still closed and perspiration forming lighting at her hair line.

Danny stopped from pinching himself to make sure it all real, because even if it's not this is by far the best Lindsay fantasy he's ever had and he's had plenty. She hissed when his finger lazily trails along her side and he knows that he can't wait any longer to be inside her, to feel her warmth around him. It seems she can't wait either, for when he gently pushes hair out of her face and looks down at her he's stunned and a little more then giddy to find lust filled eyes looking back at him.

"Fuck me Danny," And that's all he needs. He reaches over and grabs a condom from the night table, tearing it open and rolling it onto his penis; Lindsay helps him. He can feel the heat radiating from her as he settles himself between her legs, glancing up at her and hoping that they aren't making the biggest mistake of their lives. He hides his face in her neck, and slowly pushes into her, sucking on the flesh under his lips as he does so. Lindsay moans almost painfully and he pulls his head up, scared that he hurt her.

"You okay?" he stills himself, kissing her ear and then her jaw as she nods.

"I'm fine; not use to someone so big." She can feel him smile at the side of her mouth and she blushes but its true; none of her other lovers had ever stretched her the way Danny way. Her arms fall back over his shoulders, as she lifts her legs around him to take him in deeper. Danny relishes in the feel of being inside her, of how tight, and hot and wet she is. Finally, after she can't take it anymore her hips jerk up and he pulls out before slowly, antagonizing, inching his way back into her; watching as she continued to lose control.

"Please. Oh, Danny." She groaned, her want overcoming her need to keep some control and she doesn't care that she's begging. Danny smirked, picking up the pace, thrusting into her as her hips arch up to met him. She whimpers, her breathe becoming ragged as she digs her nails into his back but he doesn't notice the pain as he continued to plunge into her. He pushed himself into her and then withdraws; only to return with a force that send her screaming and crying in pleasure.

"Christ Lindsay," he growled, biting at her nipples.

"Faster." she panted, urging his hips on with her own until they reached a speed and roughness that lets her know that there is a good chance she'll be incredible bruises in the morning. At the moment she doesn't care as Danny catches both her wrists and holds them above her head as he bends to taste her lips; her tongue meets his halfway. He moves lower, latching onto her neck again, bent on finishing the project he's started earlier as he continues to pump in and out of her, making sure to go harder and deeper with each thrust. He sucks on her neck until it burses, until he leaves his mark before he pulls back and darts out his tongue to lick it.

Lindsay struggles to free her wrist, wanting to run her hands down his solid chest, to wrap around his penis. Danny will have none of it as he tightens his hold and reaches down to her clit which jolts her hips up in pleasure and surprise. He watches as her eyes opens wide and her mouth takes on the shape of an 'oh' but no sound comes out. She grippes the pillow under her hands, arching repeatedly, needing to feel him deeper, closer and causes him to groan. The Lindsay Monroe moaning wildly under him was entirely different from the woman he was use to at work. Suddenly her orgasm hit her, spinning her high above them and shattering her into a thousand shards of pleasure. She calls his name over and over again as if it were a mantra of her ecstasy and Danny knows for a fact, that he's never heard anything as magnificent before.

He's close, can feel himself losing control but he holds off, wanting to make sure Lindsay is completely taken care of before he finds his release. Her muscles squeezes and gripped him as she milks him, her body writhing violently beneath him before she finally begins to settle down; she looks up at him and nods.

"Cum for me Danny; please." She hisses, arching so that he can feel her again and his cock twitches inside her. He lets go of her wrists, moving slowly inside her like before, hoping to bring her to orgasm again with him. Lindsay reaches between them circling her small hands around his shaft and pumps her hands up every time he sinks into her. She wants to flip him over and ride him but he keeps her down with a hand on her hip.

He picks up speed, as their bodies slap together, until he pulls her leg from around him onto his shoulder and manages to go even deeper inside her. Lindsay's breathe hitches; she can't believe that she's about to cum for the fourth time and Danny hasn't even cum for the first. She tenses up and he can feel himself on the edge. He leans down to kiss her and it happens. Danny groans into her mouth, pulling away as he orgasms and brings her with him.

He collapses on top of her, breathing deep as he hides his face in her neck and mutters her name again and again; Lindsay smoothes down his hair and lets him catch his breathe. Beneath his lips he can feel her heart beating madly and he can't describe how it feels to know that he's the reason for it. He rolls them over so that he is still inside her and Lindsay is lying on top of him; he pulls the covers up. His room smells of Lindsay and sex, and as he brushes hair out of her face she signed and he kisses her forehead. Gently running a finger over the hickey he'd left on her neck, he smiled; she may not know it yet but she belongs to him- he has no intension of letting her go. Lindsay in turn draws random patterns on his chest- oddly quiet which worries him greatly; he doesn't know what he'll do if she regrets what they just did.

"You okay Montana?" he holds his breathe, hands fingering her hair as it lay spread out across his chest.

"Truth or Dare?" She says the first thing that pops into her mind; he gives her an odd look.

"Truth," finally comes his answer, his voice rough in the calm darkness- waiting for the let down.

"Was this about more then just sex or was I just another woman?" the nervousness is clear in her voice, underlined with worry and a bit of hurt and when he remains silent she panics and goes on. "Because it was really good sex, and we don't have to mention this again if you don't want. We can go back to the way everything was and forget about all this and you can jump in here at any timeā€¦" He growls as she trails off and worriedly knits at the corner of the blanket on his bed but she won't look up at him; he can't believe they're having this conversation while he's still inside her- can't really believe she needs to ask.

"Damn it Lindsay, look at me." He's voice is low and controlled as he coaxes her chin back in his direction with one hand and bring her face up to look at him; it kills him to see the glisten of tears in her brown eyes.

"Don't worry Danny, I get it." It's a feeling of lose for both of them as she moves off of him to gather the sheets around herself to go; he grabs her gently and rolls her underneath him catching her mouth with his, eating up her yelp.

"This is about much more then just sex, I want you if you'll have me," and then as a side note he adds with a smirk, "Though the sex is great. Does that answer your question?" A smile breaks out across her face; blush follows. She begins peppering kissing along his neck and chest as they continue to bask in the afterglow when his quiet voice stops her.

"Truth or Dare?" she questions him with a look like he had done her before. "Come on what have you got to lose?" she shrugs her shoulder.

"Dare," she tells him being bold and shocking him; her last dare landed them in the position they were currently in; he grins and lovingly brushes wild curly hair out of her face. He trails his fingers down the junction where her jaw and ear meet after tucking the hair behind said ear and finally dances it across her collar before stopping to feel her heartbeat under his fingertips.

"I dare you to fall in love with me like I have with you." He dips his head to whispers into her ear mumbling it against her skin almost and her breathe catches before she laces their fingers together and kissing the inside of his wrist.

"It's too late for a dare like that Danny; I already did." She tells him honestly, glancing up to find him smiling down at her with stunning blue eyes that almost illuminant the rest of the room. He presses her against him, as close as possible to feel every part of them touching. She fits him perfectly as if she'd been made with him in mind; or had it been the other way around? He can't believe that this all started with his brother, with complete and utter devastation that she saw him though. He doesn't know, nor care and he sure as hell isn't about to questions God's plans but he is thankful for said plans; they brought Lindsay to him.

Somewhere in time the city boy from New York and the country girl from Montana were destine to meet, their paths suppose to cross and he marvels at her as she drifts off to sleep next to him; perfect he thinks- absolutely perfect.



I'm kind of sad and more then happy that I've finished this story- it's the first story I've stuck with and gotten better at as I went. All your reviews were so helpful and beyond appreciated. Please review this chapter as well, for this is the end.