Author's Notes: Hello! This is my first Bionicle fanfic, and I really hope you guys enjoy it. Erm… in my past stories, I had trouble separating the characters' thoughts from their dialogue so from now on, the things that go on in the dude's mind will be in Italic, k? So far, all of my stories suck, and I haven't finished any of them. Hopefully, this one will be a lot better.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bionicle or any related content.
A month had passed since Takanuva (formerly known as Takua) and the other Toa Nuva defeated Makuta. The Toa had all went back to their proper villages, but had promised to help each other in need.
Tahu Nuva watched Takanuva talk with Turaga Vakama and joke with the Ta-Matoran. Tahu frowned and creased his brow. Ah, ever since the Chronicler found the mask of light, the Ta-Matoran all look up to him. It's as if he suddenly became the Toa of fire.
"Well, he isn't." Tahu Nuva muttered under his breath. This is my turf, Chronicler. You are the Toa of light, so go play somewhere else. Ta-Koro is still my domain. Tahu grumbled and strolled into the quarters of Jaller, the leader of Ta-Koro's guard.
"Oh, hey, Tahu," Jaller said absentmindedly. "Watcher up to?"
"Hum. Jaller, what do you think of Takua?" Tahu asked.
"Takua? Eh, you mean Takanuva." the guard replied, emphasizing on the last word. "He's a totally different person now. Funny thing this mask of light story. It made me lose a friend, but gave Ta-Koro a hero."
Tahu's heart sank. Gave Ta-Koro a hero? But I'm Ta-Koro's hero! That Chronicler is just a Matoran, an imposter! And yet everyone…
The Toa of fire gave the Ta-Matoran a curt nod and grabbed a lava surfboard. He needed to think. Tahu Nuva exited the gates of Ta-Koro. The guards stationed at the gate let him pass, but he noticed that they didn't really care. Apparently, they have eyes only for that Chronicler.
Tahu casually threw the surfboard into the lava, and embarked with ease. He lazily dodged a rock floating in the lava, but kept his mind on Takanuva. Jeez, what is up with that guy? Walks into Ta-Koro, gets received like a hero… Hen, and I get ignored. Why is that? I'm the one who saved Mata Nui the first time, and I was the one who stopped the Bohrok. Grr… I bet the other Toa Nuva are still being treated like heroes. I mean, they don't have an overconfident Matoran stealing the spotlight.
While Tahu fumed and cursed Takanuva, he was unaware that he was being watched by a much more powerful entity, one that felt only pleasure from Tahu Nuva's jealousy. This entity observed Tahu with delight, and finally decided to talk to Tahu, telepathically.
Hello, Toa of fire. it said.
What the- asked Tahu, startled. Who are you? Are you in my head? Tahu disembarked from the surfboard and sat on a rock.
In a way… I am nothing, after all, yet everything at the same time. I am the void. the entityreplied, obviously amused.
What? said Tahu, more confused than before the entity replied. Then the Toa visibly paled as realization dawned upon him. Makuta…
Yes, little Toa. I am the Makuta.
What? asked Tahu, panicking. No, what do you want with me?
Right now, I have nothing against you, Toa. Your jealously is delightful. No, I want nothing from you, but I have something to offer, if you are interested, Toa.
Offer? What kind of offer? asked Tahu Nuva cautiously.
I know what is in your mind. You do not trust the Makuta. You detest, no, hate the Makuta. I feed on your hate. But you have nothing to fear, nothing to hate. Well, nothing to hate, except for Takanuva. replied the Makuta
The Chronicler? But, wha-?
I despise him as well. It seems we have a common enemy, Toa. This Takanuva has stopped me from replenishing Mata Nui, and-
Replenishing? You are the symbol of destruction, Makuta! You had no intention of replenishing Mata Nui, but of destroying it! reproached Tahu.
Ah, Toa, you cannot possibly comprehend me. I am the void. But Toa, let us put aside our differences, and work together. Your fellow Toa Nuva have been plotting against you, talking behind your back, weakening you…
"THAT'S A LIE!" hollered Tahu Nuva, out loud this time. But even as he pronounced these words, he felt doubt, and his confidence in his friends diminished greatly.
Is it? Come with me, Toa. I shall uncover the truth and together, we shall make Mata Nui a better place. Your friends have been lying to you, Toa of fire.
No… no… protested Tahu feebly. Yet he himself wasn't sure.
The Makuta would have smiled if he could. Toa, it is time you learned the truth about the spirit Mata Nui. With those words, he sent illusions and lies into the already suffering head of Tahu. The Makuta felt Tahu's pain, his sorrow, despair, anger, hate, and… a lust for revenge. He had won the battle against Tahu's consciousness.
Author's Notes: Okay, that about wraps up the first chapter of my saga. I'll try to update as soon as possible and even sooner if I get a lot of reviews! Alright, later!