Moonbeam: I finally updated something! Yay! And it's long! 22 pages! Plus Sakura kinda meets the princes, but the real confrontations are about to began! Sakura vs Naruto! Who shall win! Will Sakura prove herself to Naruto or will Sakura loose her memories and be discovered? And what's this, Naruto's Secret Weapon?! And Sakura finnaly meets the Princes! What shall happen?! Will sparks fly! And a secret memory from SAKURA'S PAST!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Blackbelt's OC, AijjinMegami's OC.

Note: Characters might be a OOC. I aone my plot line and story.

Chapter 10: The Fight

(Sakura's P.O.V)

I stared at the huge arena doors in apprehension, and with an odd anticipation that caused my chakra to well up as it never had before.Yet again my self-preservation instincts were blown out of the window in the prospect of a good fight. Sometimes I really scared myself. But shook my head out of such things. I needed all the mind-power and concentration to win this battle. While I had made up with Naruto the night before, I still held onto the threat to my memories clearly in my mind. I had a right to worry about this fight, so much was riding on it. But part of me couldn't help being excited, if not a bit bemused about the whole thing. I had to admit, even my sane side loved to fight. I couldn't help it really.

I loved how my blood pumped hurriedly through my throbbing veins, the chakra souring from my spirit and out. I loved the rushed breath and aching muscles. Just the thought of a good opponent could cause me to become light-headed with glee. Perhaps this came from my parentage... It would make sense...

I huffed and chided myself mentally, making it very clear to myself that I had a very important appointment to go to as of this minute. I looked solemnly at the huge doors again, the noise within indicating almost all of Konoha had turned up for some amusing entertainment. They probably thought that this little fight would be over in under 1 minute. They may have been right, it Naruto's opponent was a regular human. But what they didn't know is that he was going against a more threatening opponent, if not involved in a more interesting battle, then they had ever seen before. This was one fight that they would never forget in all their immortal lives!

I rolled my shoulders and felt my shoulder blades crack. I then played with my wrists a bit, and they cracked too. I didn't know what it was, but cracking my knuckles or wrists always got me pumped for a battle. I really didn't know why, but then again I didn't really care. With new zeal, I went to push the arena's doors open with complete confidence, if not a little wariness.But just as I applied some pressure to open the blasted heavy doors, strong presences came flooding into my senses and caught me off guard for a second.

However, the feeling of a bone crushing lock around my middle and the familiar feeling of a head thrust into my stomach was enough to assure me.

"SAKURA-CHAN, DON'T GO IN THERE AND BEAT UP THAT BASTARD. I WANT YOU TO PLAY WITH ME AND WE CAN PUL PRANKS AND TORTURE MY HUSBAND AND HIS FRIENDS! COME ON IT WILL FUN! I PROMISE! REALLY!" shouted an oh so familiar voice with an immense high-pitch that opera singer would be jealous. I sighed in exasperation as I looked down on Callie's sad face and puppy-dog eyes and knew there was going to be a confrontation about whether or not I was going in there or not. My eye twitched as she smiled her usual smile up at me.

This was not going to be easy.

And to make matters worse, Callie seemed to have decided that she would rally every single supernatural friend I had made within the castle these past few weeks and bring them to me before the fight to probably to ask me to back out of the fight. I seemed to be a regular human to them after all.

"Why are you all here?" I asked warily, suddenly losing my nerve from moments ago. If I was to go and meet my fate, I needed to get away soon. Everyone smiled sheepishly.

"We're here to cheer you on of course!" That remarked surprised me in two different ways. One that they really were here to wish me good luck, that they had faith in me to win, and that to them I may not have a snow balls chance against the Kyuubi. The second surprise was from who it came from.

Tsuki stepped out of the small crowd, her sapphire hair swaying, and a new light in her cerulean eyes. She wore her usual outfit, with her ever present long bladed spear strapped from her left hip to her right shoulder. I had always wondered what the weapon really looked like since she kept it careful rapped in a black cloth whenever I saw her. It didn't once leave her side. Must have meant something to her.

" Sakura." I broke out of my thoughts at the sound of my name, to come as see a gently smiling Tsuki. I blinked at her expectantly, still slightly awed that they had actually come to cheer me on.

"Yes, Tsuki?" Her almost strained smile flew into an uncharacteristic grin while my eyes widened in shock. Call about surprising. Tsuki never smiled, let alone grinned. This was an occasion indeed.

"Do your best! And try not to hurt that Kitsune to much, ok?" She said pleasantly. I felt a true smile spread on my face, and that seemed to be the signal that the many silent others that had gathered to shout out their support.

"Give that fox a good beating, Sakura! Just make sure Hinata has a husband after words, ok? " shouted Hana.

"You can do! I know you can!" Came from Kiba.

"Give him hell, Saku-chan!" that response came from ever hyper Callie.

"Damn straight she can do this!" Added Anko, the woman from the party that had been conversing with Tsuki. I had only just met her, and yet she agreed with the rest of them. I felt my throat tighten, and my heart lift a little. The mere support of these people, their smile of encouragement, made my spirit lift. Perhaps I could finally concentrate with their support.

"Hey Saku-chan, we met some people on the way here. They said they were friends of yours, you know them?" drawled Callie as she pointed to people I hadn't seen behind the rest.

Wide-eyes I stared at them, their familiar faces bringing uncontrollably joy and comfort to me. I gave a screech of delight, and leapt toward them with open arms, enveloping Ino in a hug that rivaled her own. She stiffened before she laughed in happiness and hugged me just as tight back. TenTen and the others immediately took the chance and latched onto me, making it a tight group hug. I gave an almost relived laugh to see my precious ones safe and here with me.

I looked into their smiling faces and almost thought were back in New York. But when those faces turned serious, if not worried even more than then they had been before, I would have given into the thought. But reality wasn't fair, and it came crashing back to me in bitter waves. I sighed and shivered, gathering my composure back.

I smiled softly at my family and friends cast a glance at the others. I turned fully to them, and quite frankly, it was very comical. They all stood their stunned, their jaws almost hitting the ground. Their eyes had, from what it appeared, popped out of their skulls, and could only point shaking fingers at me and my family back and forth. I bit my thumb lightly to keep from laughing too out right, but a few chuckles escaped. That seemed to brake them from their stupors because they blinked confusedly at my enthusiastic greeting. I had to admit I had never showed such strong emotion in front of them next to when I had pledged my vow three days ago. I was usually very cool and almost distant most of the time. So I suppose this was a bit unsettling.

" Who are these people, Sakura?" Tsuki spoke up in a curious tone. I smiled apologetically to them.

"These insane bitches are my family." I chirped out happily as I watched the other's faces change to many different emotions.

Callie's insane smile returned to her face, most likely thinking that she now had other poor souls to taint with her insaneness. Tsuki cocked an eyebrow and had an amused grin on. Hana and Anko smiled in greeting, happy to meet my family. Kiba's eyes twitched and he looked almost nervous. Perhaps he had found new tormenters besides me. Shizune's face looked embarrassed at my language while Ino looked like she was ready to kill me. While TenTen and Tsunade-sensei smiled back at Anko and Hana. I smiled softly again as my gaze traveled back and forth between the people I treasured most. Perhaps they would get along.

"Hey forehead, what's the idea of going against this demon king?! You already know your going to kick his ass!" shouted Ino behind me, and I winced slightly at her tone. She sounded rather angry and I felt a hint of...worry?

I stared concerned at Ino for a moment before I threw myself at her again, hugging her even tighter then even she or Callie could to me. My embrace was filled with an apology and love for her. I hadn't meant to make her worry so much. She gripped onto me again with more zeal then she had before, and we stayed that way for awhile until I felt I could release her.

I saw stray tears escape her determined eyes, their clear paths glistening in the early morning sun. I gently brushed them away from her pale cheeks with a careful hand. She gave me a watery smile at my comforting gesture, and I smiled back before I started to turn to the shocked immortals behind me.

"Wait Sakura! What about this-" She started to protest, and it seemed the others wanted to as well.

"Ino, this is something I have to do. I need to defend my honor, that is all." I replayed calmly, even though my voice cracked for a moment. I would rather spend time with my new and old friends, and let them get to know each other instead of going to fight. But sadly, I no longer had a choice. They had already put their confidence in me, and besides... I smirked slightly.. This would be fun.

"Hey forehead." I felt my eyes twitch at the nerve to call me by my childhood nickname after that entire scene. Ready to yell my head off I turned to see my smiling family, love and encouragement in all their eyes clearly. I stared in surprise. Ino smiled more naturally this time, and her smile held the warmth these strange people I had surrounded myself with. I felt a pang at my heart. I was truly fortunate to meet such people...

"Do your best!" Came from Shizune.

"You better win this forehead, or I'll never forgive you Sakura!" That came from Ino.

"Beat him into the ground and show them all what your made of!" Called TenTen.

"Remember to go for his vitals, just don't be to hard on him. After all he'll be begging for mercy once he sees what you can do!" Tsunade-sensei said all of this with a light-hearted, humorous, but professional. A very odd combination, even for her. I laughed and smiled almost as ease, but I knew this happiness at seeing on another and getting support would not last long.

This was merely the calm before the storm.

I felt my face harden and my eyes narrow as I gazed at the doorway to the arena. More then 500,00 vampires were in there, held safe by sun-proof glass and material to make sure they didn't turn to ash. While Tsunade-sensei and the rest acted happy they were still very nervous and worried about me and the outcome of this fight. I had told them to follow the last order I gave them strictly, even if they would want to help me in anyway. But I would not have that, not at all. I glanced at them as they chatted with my new friends, and my brows furrowed. I just hope they would follow my orders for their own sakes. I had gathered a cloak to ware into the stadium and a half butterfly mask over my face to that I would be less recognizable. I didn't know if some here would recognize me, but I feared...

I feared the princes would recognize me.

I had a right to fear this claim too. For one their kin had escaped me in my first battle with the Uchiha. He may have told them of the female-slayer with pink hair and green eyes. Yes, he saw me. And it was the only time I had ever been unmasked though-out my entire career.

Two, they were INSIDE, RIGHT now, waiting to see the fight.

I had been stunned myself and had gaped as a fish once I overheard some maids from the manner talking. Seems the rumor of Naruto being friends with the younger prince was true. And not only had the younger one come, but his older brother had decided to follow out of boredom. From what I heard the younger of the princes had a very short temper, and must have found it annoying if not intriguing, to hear his sunny colored friend talk of a fight himself between a human servant. I stifled a growl.

Just what I needed!

I sighed again and turned toward my amusing companions and had to smile one more time before I let my blood lust and my mind become centered on only fighting. They all had seemed to like one another now, and had turned towards my direction to what seemed like to get seats in the arena. I felt my stomach drop and my heart sink with it. I felt the prickling again in my eyes sockets, and wished for only a moment that I could cry, right now as I watched them come toward me and give me hugs and smiles. I didn't want to let go of them, I wanted to be surrounded by their warmth. I wanted to no feel alone again, and a harsh icy realization over took me suddenly.

This may actually be the last time I see them.

I felt my throat constrict and my lungs tighten. I wanted to much to pull them all back then, as I watched them walk away and wave good byes to me. I wanted to cling to them suddenly, their naive love for me so fragile I just wanted to hold it. I felt my whole body shake, and the distance between me and them grow with every step they took. I wanted to cry out, reach out my hand to them. Anything to make them see me... To just... Be here with me...

I didn't want to be alone again.

A bitter smile crossed my lips. Who was I fooling? I would always be alone, truly always alone. That's what I had to endure for such a sin that was me...

I shook my head of such thoughts and glared hard and determined at the arena doors again. I would finish this quickly so that I could return to them.

With new strength inside me, I finally pushed the door open and welcomed the noise of the crowd.

(Normal P.O.V)

Two men gazed down on the stadium floor, both sets of gazes bored stiff. The younger prince sighed, running a hand through his raven locks. His dark gaze fell on the blond haired kitsune in the stadium ring, who was talking to what seemed to be Shikamaru. He rolled his coal eyes at his best friend, of all the things to do before your ripped a human apart. Socialize.

The taller figure watched his little brother emotionlessly. His sharingan eyes, piercing rubies with twirls of black, seemed to glow in the shadows. He watched his brother tiredly as he went on a rant.

"Of all the things to do! That idiot just had to make a big deal about some fluke that some crummy-ass servant pulled and then challenged him to this stupid-ass fight! Gods that dobe really is an idiot." The younger prince huffed and brooded as he glared at his best friend again. The older prince reclined more into his chair.

"I hear Naruto's opponent is a woman." He drawled out coldly. His younger brother cast a surprised and what seemed an even more pissed-off look at his brother.

"A woman?! Then this will be over even sooner then I thought. I wonder if she'll start crying or begging for mercy. Poor thing though, really. She's going to be torn up and fed to those dogs down there." He smiled cruelly revealing sharpened fangs, their white glint shining in whatever light spilled into the private box seats. The older brother watched his little brother's reaction and shook his head. Was blood and death all he thought about? He shrugged his shoulders, but who was he to say? He was the same way at times.

"But what had me curious is why Naruto would challenge this person to a fight." Sasuke looked at his older brother skeptically.

"True, that dead-last never challenges someone to a fight unless their really strong, for the most part anyway." The younger prince rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Perhaps this will be interesting." He said finally. Itachi cocked an eyebrow slightly. His brother, interested in something? This was new. But he was interested as well. What was so special about this woman that Naruto would challenge her outright, and then be willing to fight her in front of so many people? Who exactly was this girl, that was what he wanted to know

"Yes, interesting indeed." Both smirked darkly at one another before they returned their gazes to the arena as the doors as the opposite side doors swung open and a figure appeared.

(Sakura's P.O.V)

The crowd of seated vampires went dead silent as I walked in with my cloak shrouding my form from them. They all started right as mt as I slowly made my way to face Naruto from my side of the ring. I ignored their stares and dared search for someone I had wanted to see badly. My trained eyes scanned every face and body, searching for the one. And I saw her...

Hinata sat stiffly in her chair on one of the many podiums only reserved for nobility. She looked very tired and pale, her womb now growing and bulging through her kimonos. She had dark rings around her eyes, and it seemed her usually vibrant purple hair had lost it sheen all together. Her pale skin was flushed, and I could make out an erratic breathing pattern underneath my hood and I felt concern for her and her babe well up. She was stressing her self to much, she had to think about her baby. I turned to see a confident Naruto ready and pumped for battle, however, I was not.

I walked towards Naruto steadily, and he looked eager to get the fight started. He thought I was coming for him, but I was far from such notion at the moment. My medic sensors were going on red alert as I gazed at Hinata with growing panic, perhaps. If she had come to see the fight, then she could stress herself out with watching all the fighting her husband and I were going to do. And she still was to early into her pregnancy, so major stress could cause some real problems for her and her babe.

"Yah, ready to go Sakura? Hey, are you listening to me?! Stop ignoring me! Hey, are you even... Where are you going?!" Shouted Naruto as I met and past him, and yet I kept walking till I was at the arena's wall. Hinata looked down on me with surprise and happiness, and I smiled right back. It was so good to see her again. Seems I had agonized just being three days away from her. Much like I had been till I met my family this morning.

"Hinata!" She blinked in surprise.

"Yes Sakura?" I almost gigled at her cute expression.

"It's good to see you." She smiled again.

"It's good to see you again too, my friend."

"But Hinata there's something I need to ask you before I kick your husband's ass!" I shouted that line so that everyone could hear it. I almost lost my self control and laughed outright. Everyone that didn't know me gasped, I heard Callie snicker, the others stifled their laughter, and Naruto could only gape like a fish. I blinked in surprise at Hinata gave a soft giggle, lighting up her frail appearance for only a few seconds. Once she was done chuckling, she answered me.

"What is it Sakura?" I frowned up at her.

"Have you been sleeping or eating at all since I left you?" She looked suddenly awkward and shook her head.

"I thought so. You need to take better care of yourself, and of your baby Hina-chan. I can't always be there yo look after you. And if you haven't done either by worrying about me, then forget about me. You need to concentrate on just you and your baby right now. And if you haven't been worrying about then me, well then, just forget about everything ok? You got that Hinata?" She nodded and smiled softly.

I nodded back before I walked past a still gaping, silent Naruto and faced him finally. He seemed to have pulled his jaw back up, and stared at me through still eyes as he slowly smirked. I felt my chakra rise with that smirk, the smirk he had worn when we had shaken hands the other night. He was ready to live up to his challenge, and I was ready to rise and meet it. He started to release his chakra and battle aura, the sheer intensity causing the ground to quake slightly and rocks to start lifting up into the air.

I started to pant and shake with sheer anticipation, my blood soaring and all rational thoughts gone. Now that I had no distractions, that my loved one's were supporting me, that I was against an opponent I respected and perhaps cared for a little bit, released me from the chains that held me back.

"You ready now, Sakura!" Challenged Naruto his eyes ablaze with respect and wanting to fight me as well. I felt power well up inside me. My battle aura, not to be undone, soured and screeched to Naruto's own boasting power. My power crackled around me and charged the air. My chakra flew around me as the wind gathered together around me.

"Oh, I'm ready," I tore my cloak away to reveal my form as it flew through the air,

"You just better bring it!" We started forming hand-seals.

Tajūu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Multiple Shadow clone technique!)

And so he made the first move...

Bunshin Taiatari! (Clone Body Blow!)

And so it begins...

(Naruto's P.O.V)

I sped toward her at the speed of sound while my clones surrounded her and tried to confuse her. I wanted to test her skill, to see how far she could move and detect my fighting capabilities. There had been something different about her, something I had noticed the very moment I met her. A kind of terrible but almost untainted power slept in her, and I think she knew it. Those Sound idiots had been mere child's play. But now I would force her potential and skill out, even if it meant hurting her a little. After all it wasn't everyday I found a worthy enough opponent to spar with. There was Sasuke, but that bastard of a friend didn't count. This fight would be sung about for centuries to come, I knew it in my gut.

Her stance was braced and skillful, proving she had fought at a high caliber before. She wore black pants that ended at her shins, and a maroon tube top with fishnets on her forearms and ankles. She wore black fingerless gloves, her sturdy ankle boots showing off her small feet. Her shoulders and arms were tight, but thinly muscled. A sure sign of intense training. Her weapons pouches hung on her belt's hip while a few scrolls were attached. Even though she was small in stature, I had to be cautious, who knows what she had planned behind those green eyes of hers. I smirked slightly, this was going to be very interesting... She finished forming hand seals.

Doton: Doroku Gaeshi! (Earth Release: Earth Shore Return!)

I took a sharp intake of air before I rebounded against the strong earth wall she had created. I landed on my side of the arena, trying not to look surprised. I hadn't thought she knew such strong defense jutsu. The wall of earth crumbled, leaving a smiling Sakura in view.

"You ready to really start this?" And with that she charged forward, her speed almost a fast as mine. I gritted my teeth as I went to meet her challenge, my shadow clones following.

And so the battle had begun.

(Sakura's P.O.V)

Shihohappo Shuriken! (Shuriken from all Directions!)

Shiriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!)

I grunted as I dodged his shurikens and shadow clones, while he too, struggled with my own shuriken assault. But this confrontation wasn't about who would win. It was about testing each other's strengths and weaknesses. His first attack had been to test my quickness of pulling up a defense jutsu. This shuriken battle now was to test my ability to use weapons in battle. I growled softly. I did not like to be tested, but if he wanted to test me, he could go right ahead. Now was the time to learn the other's body language and range of techniques. No serious fighting just yet. And that was fine with me.

The next test would be...

Katon:Gokakyu no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball technique!)

Ninjustu, so I would counter with...

Suiton: Suiryuden no Jutsu! (Water Release: Water Dragon Blast Technique!)

His fire and my water hissed and steamed as our blasts shook the earth and a thick steam filled the arena. Doors were opened to let out the steam into the mid-morning air. The cheers and booing that filled the arena was merely a soft thrum that hardly reached my ears. My gaze was smack dab in front of me, as I felt the mere air crackle and sheath with our power. My breath hitched slight as he came throttling through the steamy fog. I jumped back, as I blocked his first punch. His went to deliver another to my abdomen, but I blocked that one as well. I rotated my hips as I sent off one of my round house kicks. He blocked my own assault, growling competitively. I then shot back from him again with a few back flips, my body ridged. My eyes pierced into his own as I saw red start to form in them.

So a taijutsu test, next? And almost smirked as his changing eye color and red chakra that swirled around him.

Time to get serious too, ne? So be it!

We never broke eye contact as we gathered our chakra into our arms and legs, both of our bodies screaming and straining to meet one another and clash their blows in a mere pursuit of who was stronger. Everything seem to suddenly go in slow motion, the eyes and cheers of the crowd were long forgotten. Even the shouts of my friends and family did not reach my deaf ears though their voices seemed chopped and muffled over the cry of wind. I only seemed to possesses tunnel-vision as my eyes stayed locked with my blond opponent.

His eyes, a strange mixture of red and blue, glared at me with determination and respect. His face was flushed with excitement and enthusiasm of our fight. And this time, I saw a true smile on his face. Not a small smile, not a half-smile, not even a smirk. But a true smile, a happy grin that spoke more words that could be said, and held such more magnitude. I gazed fascinated at him, not quite believing I had met an opponent I could very well connect with. Suddenly something clicked in my head with a definite snap. I gave a choked gasp as a forlorn memory suddenly flooded my vision...

I was surrounded by it... This blackness, that was my soul and heart. It slithered and knotted inside me, mocking me through the murky void that was me. It pressed against me with sharp spikes, making my flesh give and dark blood spilled from my every pore. There was so much black, that I wanted to tare my useless eyes out, and at times thought I had finally gone blind. Such taunting and torture made me twist in agony and caused the undeniable urge to scream seem to rip my throat out. The screams, however, would not come and I was met with sheer silence in my dark cell. I spiraled though a silent hell, barely conscious though numbness and pain that followed. It was a eternal cycle, leering its ugly head from the forgotten caesiums in the back on mind.

When my spirit had been broken... When I had finally learned that the mix of blood inside me was my heavy sin to bare alone... When I had completely forgotten my identity, emotions, and pain... When I had merely become a mere thing that had no purpose in a world of black oblivion and had merely existed in gray... Did that first stray ray of light pierce the inky hollowness, and shined on me.

It blinded me at first, unsure of what to make of such beauty and salvation, when figures appeared before me. They were my first colors to see, the man with blood hair, and the other man I would fight later on in my life. The kitsune had nine-tails that streamed behind him, like blazing wild fire that would engulf any who dared threaten it. His eyes were shining color, that would later find out as red, though I thought it was pretty color. His hair was a sparked like amber, and that fell into a pony tail at his shoulders. He was dressed in splendor and bright things that made my head spin, and my eyes engulf him whole it seemed. His face was stern and cold, but as I stared up at him open-mouthed and wide-eyed I saw that cold mask melt away to reveal a fanged smile and a welcomed warmth. I could only gape like a fish up at him when a movement came out of the corner of my eye, I turned slowly from the man to his left at his knee level. A child, grasping his father's pant-leg tightly, as he hid behind it, afraid. I turned my attention to study this new person, my head buzzing with excitement and awe.

He was small, with bright hair and deep eyes. I leaned closer to see him and study him, fascinated by the mere colors he wore. He cringed more into his father before he risked a glance at me. He blinked curiously at me as I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Suddenly his eyes locked with mine for only a moment before he decided I was no threat. He stepped forward from his father's leg and stood in front of me with wobbly legs and a scrawny body. His eyes became welcoming and brighter then his hair some how. His expression changed suddenly, as he did odd thing with his mouth and made his eyes seem squished. I would later learn that this was a smile.

I felt involuntarily creating the same expression, and the child only smiled harder. The other man that had come with the fire-haired one, took a step toward me. I immediately spun in his direction, my body suddenly losing its relaxed feeling. I blinked curiously up at the towering man, his dark gray eyes startling me. For a minute I almost took him for one of my shadow tormentors. But he was as ridged as I was, his dark brown hair in a pony tail, with dark robes, though more pleasant in color then this realm of darkness that surrounded us. I felt the odd expression come to my face again, and that seemed to assure him he was welcome. He stepped toward me slowly, as if not knowing what to make of me, as I was with him, but he came to stand next to the fiery one and his brood. The little one was still close to me, smiling in gentleness at me still.

Suddenly two small figure stepped out from behind the dark man, and hesitantly came to gaze on me. I felt choked gasp come from my mouth, but not one of fright. Of complete fascination and awe. They were his sons it seemed, though their coloring was more sensual and darker then their father's. The taller one had to be older, since he put a protective hand on his brother's shoulder. The younger one looked nervously up at his brother and father, and then at the bright child next to me. Both actually seemed more cautious then their father had been, well that was before, their father pushed them toward me.

They stumbled a bit as they came toward me, but the thought they might fall on me never reached my mind. The older one regained his composure first, though he suddenly went rigid for some odd reason and stared down on me. The younger one, not much older then the sunny child that still was standing next to me, almost fell on his bottom, and I heard a delightful yet alien sound come from the blond's throat. I gazed back at him in fascination, what was that sound? It sounded nice to make. However, I turned back to the two brothers and found both now openly staring at me, but the younger one seemed more open in his curiosity.

I drank in their appearances, noting the similarities and differences. The younger one had black eyes while the older brother had red and black ones. Their different personalities shone through, and their dimensions and colors amazed me beyond all I had seen. They were as different as they were the same. They were a paradox the first time I laid eyes on them, making me wonder and gape more to them then the others. I felt an odd sensation in the pit of my stomach, I felt suddenly light-headed, and my chest felt tight. I felt an odd almost painful feeling from behind my eyes, and something warm dribble down my cheeks. They all looked stunned, and I reached hand up to feel the foreign substance.

On my finger tips I looked on in confusion as the wet, translucent material slid down into my palm. I would learn these were tears, expressions of different things. Sadness, mourning, regret, relief, happiness, stress, anger, fear, hate, love... They seemed to blend and go with every type of emotion and situation. I had never cried before, so it was just as shocking to me as it was to them. Their eyes had shone with an emotion I hadn't ever seen before though, and that would later become known as concern. The tightness in my chest tightened, but not in a bad way.

It was then I had my first feeling...

It lingered their in my empty shell of a body, bringing light and knowledge into me. It wasn't made by pain or numbness, for I had only known them all to well, nothing else. It was at that moment I wanted to tell them something... Something I had never told anyone... I looked up at all of them in their light, and shakily reached out a hand to touch them. They all seemed to smile now, their caution forgotten. And for that one moment I thought I would finally be free, be whole, be something more then the greatest sin, be able to stand in that heavenly light, to be excepted...

But it was not to be.

It was when I had started to reach out that my midnight steel chains gripped and dug into my wrists and made them bleed again. A sudden nerve-shocking pain filled me, and I fell onto my side in shock and pain. My body withered and twitched violently as I threw my head back and tried to scream once more. A jolt came from beneath me, and suddenly like window glass the floor on which I had fallen shattered and fell into the dark abyss.

This time I cried out, I screamed, yelled, bellowed in my numbness and pain. In my regret and wanting as I watched their images and shocked faces fade away. I wanted to call out, scream to them. Just one thing before I fell into my memories of what and who I was... Of what I had caused to happen... Of what had happened...

Thank you...That's all I wanted to say...

For giving me just that small feeling... that had been smote like a flickering candle flame...

For giving me hope once in my life...

After I had fallen from my dark prison, I had awoken freezing and dizzy on a beach's shore, the cerulean ocean rocking me back and forthwith it's cold waves The things that had happened before that dark prison chased away whatever sleepy peace I had left, and it tore my insides apart as those hateful memories had rushed into my mind. I had numbly locked myself in a tight ball as I tried to cry. But the tears would not come. They would never come again. I had finally gotten out of my little ball and I had made it to civilization by dawn on wobbly legs. I was in my eight year-old body again, and my old self was back inside me. The truth of what I was bit into me like a steaming brand...

I had called Ino's parents and they had shockingly come to get me. I heard there explanation of what had happened with almost deaf ears. It seemed I had disappeared for a year, and they had been worried. After a few months I disappeared again, this time on my own accord. I had needed to get away from everyone, so that I could train and learn all I could so I could enact my new purpose.


I looked back at Naruto, the reason why I had always felt something about him I just had to like. His coloring, his mannerisms... He was that boy... The one who had smiled at me gently... I had finally found one of them. My hope hadn't been in vain. I had never admitted it to anyone one, but I had had another purpose...


Hope in finding those people again, for I had realized only later that they were supernatural beings, and yes I had hoped.. Strongly so... That I would find them and be able to smile up at them again. And I had found a piece of my hope, with all my precious one's, with the blonde child who had smiled gently at me. Who I had wanted to know, and had wanted to laugh with. I felt the tearing sensation gather in my eyes sockets again, and I smiled at him like I had many years ago.

I had some how traveled back in time to find my prison, and he had found me when he was just a whelp with his father. When the ground around me broke, I must have had traveled back into my reality, the future that I had been living. But one last thought startled me, what had happened to the brother's, the sons of that man? I had met the man later on in my mortal life, and we had fought.. But did that mean?! Was it that the princes were...?!

The crackle of Naruto's energy awakened me from my stupor, and I smiled weakly. I couldn't worry about the past right now, just the present. With that I summoned up some of my strength and my body responded with zeal.

I smiled again and with dazed eyes I struck with him.

(Hinata's P.O.V)

Konoha Shofu!( Leaf Rising Wind!) Yelled my husband's voice. And the Sakura answered with...

Tsutenkyaku!(Painful Sky kick!)

And then...

The very earth seemed to be ready to split and crumble to its metallic core as their blows collided, and their power exploded outward and all around them, sending their shock waves of pure, almost insanely power sent a rush of fierce wind and the mere sense of their powers out on the audience. Their power was so great the very arena seemed to shake to its foundation. The wind blew though the crowd, making many fall to the ground of grip on for dear life just not be blown away with the rushing winds.The crowd's screams were drowned out by the crackle of power, and finally the fog that had obscured everyone's vision cleared as the hurricane type wind died down. I watched in deaf horror and a an odd fascination at the sight that was revealed to me.

Sakura and Naruto stood within a deep crater, its width, the entire arena floor. Concrete, rock and metal lay in piles of debris. The crater made by their mere physical blows had to at least 100 feet deep, the very air around them crackled with their power, energizing the very molecules. Everyone could only stare down on them, sheer fear and muting shock all reflected in their faces. At least of the one's who had not been present at the party only a few days ago. They had all known Naruto possessed such power, but they had not known a human, a mortal human, a female mortal human could possesses such strength, and there seemed much more pent up in her petite form.

I watched there struggling forms, their indifference to what was all around them, their concentration on themselves. Their legs were locked high in the air, their muscle rippling in strain as the pushed against one another. Seems Sakura had meant to deliver a kick from above, while my husband had meant to deal a blow to her side with his own kick Now they were pushing against one another, throwing their limitations away. But I had a very sinking feeling about their battle, the fire that burned in their eyes. Naruto was giving it his all, only holding back his full demon form. Perhaps he would even release it... But Sakura, she was holding something back, something was wrong. It was almost as if she was confused or afraid...? Afraid of something that might happen if she unleashed herself. But that look in her eyes said other wise. The were focused and clear, almost happy it seemed. My brows furrowed, it was almost as if she knew she was holding herself back, and was glad for it. I put a hand over my mouth, my throat suddenly dry. If she had to hold herself back...

What exactly was she...?!

I flew out of my seat as they suddenly untangled their legs and disappeared all together it seemed. But that wasn't true, they were just moving at a speed so fast that to the naked eye they could not be seen. They reappeared again and again as they kept nailing blows on one another on the ground and in mid-air. Their power burst from their collisions for kicks and punches like explosions. I bit my lip slightly. I hoped they wouldn't kill each other in the process of proving their points to one another. I felt my body thrum with an anxious excitement. I had never seen such a fight, only when Naruto had taken on Sasuke-san, or when he had fought Garra-san. I leaned closer to the scene. Finding my own chakra surging, just teasing me to go and find a good opponent to fight. I would have done just that, bit the babe stirring in my womb reminded me that I would have to wait for this little one to be born. I put a hand on my womb, and smiled upon their panting forms.

My child, you have such strong people that will help and guard you while you grow. I thought as my gaze traveled to the either excited or horrified gazes of my friends as they cheered both Sakura and Naruto on. I looked at Naruto, my love shining through my tender gaze. A stubborn, over-protective, loving father. My gaze traveled to my friends and family. Caring, courageous, funny, a bit insane at times, but non-the less great family and friends. I smiled down on my bulging womb. A mother who will be proud of you and love you for all time. My gaze traveled to the form of a familiar pink-haired human who was dealing blows greater then her opponents. I smiled gently.

And perhaps, even a pink-haired wearisome, loving, understanding, loyal, crazy, strong, warm aunt who will spoil you rotten if she sticks around long enough.

But a massive explosion rocked me out of my thoughts, and I could only slightly stifle the scream that came bursting from my throat. I could only gape in mute horror as Naruto's nine-tailed kitsune form towered over the arena, his four energy tails twisting threateningly and baring its teeth upon Sakura. I felt tears well in my eyes, as I gazed on those distant red eyes. Naruto was no longer there, his conscious in the darkness of his mind. I mentally cursed, he had lost himself again. How could he have been so careless?! He knew his demon form was dangerous to all those around him, and to only use it when there were no other options. I could only be thankful that his demon form contained only four tails. I stifled another gasp as a small fact suddenly popped into my head. What if Naruto's inner demon had taken over his body during his struggle with Sakura, and now wanted to finish Sakura off?! I glared at the roaring fox with malice, Naruto's Kyubbi form was always looking for a way out of his other half's control and to have a good slaughter.

But my heated gazed broke, and a true scream of terror finally made its way out of me as the large kitsune sprang from its haunches and started charging Sakura, ready to devour her.

(Sakura's P.O.V)

I panted heavily as my muscles screamed in strain and yearning for more. I felt my eyes twitch. Why couldn't my friggen body make up it's own mind?! First it wants to fight, then its tired, now it's both! I mean come on! I narrowed my eyes as I gazed in front of me at the immense figure in front of me, its energy crackling as it bared its demonic energy fangs at me through a ripe, orange red mouth. Naruto's kitsune form stood above me like a skyscraper, it's entire body of pure demonic energy tense with power. I gulped as my throat tightened. I had never faced against a full demon form before, but I almost sighed in relief at seeing only four tails swaying threateningly. I could only be greatfull that Naruto was trying to hold back his Kyubbi side, even if it was a little bit.

But I didn't have time to dwell on how to wake Naruto up, since the kitsune had suddenly leaped forward and was charging at me full speed on clawed feet, his jaws open to rip me to pieces. I cursed as I realized I had to start getting serious if I wanted to defeat this beast. I mentally apologized to Hinata and Naruto for the damage I was about to cause.

So I have to do that technique... I have to open the eight gates...

(Sasuke's P.O.V)

I glared angrily down on the charging kitsune, my body ridged with frustration and action. That damn dobe, what the fuck was he thinking?! Wait ... He never thinks. My brother had also stood up and was ready to step in at any moment. We both knew what Naruto's demon form could do, even without all nine-tails. We both nodded seriously to one another before we sprang for the door, but.. A huge chakra burst into our senses. I tried to keep my expression emotionless, but the shock of the weight and surge of such power must have shown on my face. Itachi was also frozen, his sharingan eyes twirling and shifting curiously at the arena.

The human girl had been a shocking surprise to say the least. I had been thinking she was a meek, weakling who had won by a fluke. But the heavenly being that had revealed herself to us all, with tanned skin and ample curves, had shocked my very system with her boldness, intellect and beauty. And this was just by she had presented herself before the fight and during the fight. She had matched my best friend in speed, stamina, ninjutsu and strength. And even from our high view point in the rows, we could make out that she had a sensual body with vibrant, platinum pink hair. She had also thought htrough strategies around Naruto's attacks, and had shown a great intellect in battle. And she had also matched the idiot in his language and backed up her dares.

She had proven him wrong, and had pasted each test with flying colors. Plus she had made quite a few influential and helpful allies among our ranks. I had not been so stupid as to not see the small, but powerful cheering squid that had assembled. I would never admit it, but there was a familiarity about her, and also... That I was completely, and utterly attracted to her. The minute that cloak had been removed, once I saw what a hot body she had, I had felt lust come on me in hot waves. And I wasn't the only one who's curiosity and lust was aroused. My brother had felt the same thing.

But if whatever going to happen, we both hadn't been expected this... The human girl my thoughts had consumed of all through out the fight, the way her voice rang or how her supple body seemed to move, was releasing this great power. I stared down on her in shock. Sure she had proven herself strong, but this was insane. With this power she had to be stronger then Naruto! I cast a wary glance at my brother, even his usual emotionless face showed the mild expression of amazement. I smirked slightly. You had to be pretty strong to phase my older brother and make him show if any emotion. And this girl had done just that.

But her fierce voiced called over the screams and ruckus of the crowds and froze us all in our tracts.

Omote Renge!(Front Lotus!)

I watched in mute fascination and amazement as she charged towards the rampaging kitsune, her massive chakra soaring and filming around her like blue mist. She then punched, yes punched and lifted Naruto's demon form up into the air, pinpointed where Naruto's body was in the bright orange haze of demonic energy, and performed a complete and perfected Front Lotus taijutsu technique like that of a pro, dispersed Naruto demonic chakra all together, and brought him flying to the ground. Her technique had been exacuted with such perfection that it riveled even Rock Lee's own.

I watched with wide eyes was she stood over the fox's unconscious form panting, hugging her strained arms, hissing at one claw like gash on her upper left arm and gazing down on him. The crowd remained stock still and silent, but then cheers and claps rang though the arena. Her full curved chest heaved almost erotically, drawing my eyes down to take in her sweat covered form and lick my lips. She cracked he neck and stretched, and my gaze fastened onto her seemingly fragile, pale soft neck, and I wondered what the blood pumping in her veins tasted like. I felt my fangs extend and sharpen with the thought, and I felt my brother's do the same. Seems there would be a competition for this delectable, strong little treat.

But seemed she paid no mind to the yelling crowd, or to her own body's needs, and amazingly, shockingly gathered healing chakra into her hands, and started repairing Naruto's fallen body. I could not believe it... This girl had enough chakra left over and then some, to heal Naruto?! My brother tensed by my side, and I knew our thoughts were the same again.

Who exactly was this girl?!

(Sakura's P.O.V)

I gently placed my hands on Naruto's body, my green healing chakra flowing into his exhausted body, and my medical-nin instincts and tunnel-vision took over as I searched and prodded his muscles and organs. I grimaced slightly had done a number on each other. His entire upper ribcage was broken, some internal bleeding in his lungs, and his muscles were either torn of cut all together. I hissed in sympathy for him, having muscle tares was not fun. I was just thankful I hadn't hit any of his vitals or any organ or brain damage had been done. My own body was speedily healing itself, and in a few minutes my own screaming, torn muscles would heal. Though the one scratch Naruto nailed on me in his kitsune form still stung and burned with a passion. It would be a bit of time before it healed.

I knitted his ribs back together, his muscle fibers I had reattached, and finally I had found the puncture in his bronchioles tubes so the bleeding would stop. I pressed against his pressure points and felt out his chakra system. I sighed in relief, it was fine. The only things he would feel when he woke up was big of tenderness or soreness from his ribs, one hell of a headache, and major insomnia. I sat down next to him and called some water from the earth and splashed in onto his face. He shot wide awake, since I had made sure the water was ice cold, and spluttered dramatically at the water clogged his mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck happened?!" He screamed, but then he tensed remembering the fogy memories of the fight.

He opened his eyes wide, and looked around almost frightened. He probably thought his demon form had cause major damage. I rolled my eyes, but I smiled. At least he was alright.

"Don't worry Naruto, I took care of it." I said in a strained voice, my energy suddenly gone as I leaned against the stadium wall. He suddenly loked onto my injured upper arm and cast me a guilty look. I merely shrugged, and dismissed his worry.

"Hey you guys ok?!"

"What the fuck was that!"

"Are you two dead?!"

"That was awesome you guys!"

"CAN YOU DO IT AGAIN?!" Came the all to familiar voice of Callie.

The others had finally decided to join us from their seats, and came rushing to our sides. They kept asking questions or had stunned looks on their faces, or kept trying to see if we were alright. I felt my eye twitch in annoyance, my tolerance running suddenly thin.

"Will you idiots shut up! I'm trying to rest over here!" I growled out deeply, frightening them like flies for a minute.

I sighed as they swarmed around me again, their minds finally comprehending that I was hurt as well and kept prodding me or asking questions while my entire family latched onto my neck and Callie to my stomach again. I would have beat them all to a bloody pulp, but I was just to exhausted. Everyone grew quiet, though, once Hinata appeared in our little crowd. She stopped in front of us, glared down on us and then stated.

"Now you know why I worry so much! What were you two imbeciles thinking?!"

She then she hugged us, scolded us again , hit us upside the head , though I think she hit Narut harder, and then cried in relief that we were alright. Narrate looked at his wife in disbelief, and I had added in my two cents jokingly that this is what he had to looked to toward to the next few months. Evil, female, mood-changing, hormones.

He didn't seemed to like this very much, and tried to stand up. He winced at the sourness of his newly healed ribs, and I chided he tiredly to not move so quickly so he could let his ribs heal faster.

I then added I hadn't healed him just to let him hurt himself again. He looked at me in disbelief, asking if I had healed him. I felt my eye twitch again.

"How the fuck do you think you healed so fast?!" I screeched, ready to pummel him.

But a sudden dark, ominous power in the shadows stirred, and the crowd now went completely silent once more. My family and friends went rigid and still, not knowing what to do. Even Callie looked serious, and some of my friends stood in front of me, protecting or guarding me. But more importantly shielding me from the eyes of the two most powerful beings in this stadium, the princes had been watching and had decided to investigate about the two participants of their entertainment.

Everyone looked worried about revealing me to their prying eyes, but the panic, anger or whatever else I had thought I would feel at this moment was not there. There was only a silent calm, and a peace or aloofness that filled me. And I was glad for it. Finding my new indifferent courage useful, I leaned against the stone wall behind me and finally got my balance back. Though my body only screamed for rest, I would meet these princes with my pride and dignity. My precious ones shot me worried glances or tried to shoo me back to my hiding place. But I would not budge. I finally made my way to the front and with dispassionate eyes I gazed upon them...

The last princes of the Uchiha vampire line were...

Very fucking, damn, sexy.

That was all I could think. They were both dark in color, they had a shadowy refined air around them, and anyone could tell they had six-packed abbs that would make any female, perhaps even males, insane or not, drool all over them.

The shorter brother, who I guessed was the youngest and went by the name Sasuke, was all dark in his appearance. Unlike Orichimaru who had paper white skin that looked utterly sickening, his skin was ivory and seemed to glow even in the dim lights of the stadium. His silky looking hair was cut short and had a ruffled appearance to it. His tresses were a raven wing black, with a midnight blue of cobalt shimmer to it. He had a frail appearance to him, but his rippling muscles said other wise. His lips were full, and his cheek bones were high. But his eyes are what fascinated me the most, they were endless pools of midnight black, abysses that could swallow you whole and would never let you go, but in a very good way. They could strike and imprison whoever looked into them, and slowly drive them mad with their dark promise. They were so intoxicating. He wore leather pants with a black muscle shirt that extenuated his rippling chest. He had a devilish smirk, one which sent shivers down my spine, though not in a bad way.

His older brother had a more feminine appearance, but there was a proud masculinity feeling around him. He was taller then his sibling almost at 6 ft or above. His hair was luxuriously long with a sensual flow with its sheer long length to his waist and done up in a tight low pony tail. His hair was shadowy like his brothers, but was pitch black with no sheen, more like a pitch blackness that made up the night. Like his species, he's skin was pale, but very different from his brother's. While Sasuke's had looked like shining marble, his was like dusky moonlight that seemed to shimmer with its own light. His appearance wasn't as fragile as his brother's was, mostly because his broad shoulders showed off he was indeed healthy. Like his brother, he had full lips and high cheek bones, but seemed to have two scars at the corners of his eyes that enhanced and made his eyes the focal point of his face. His eyes were a stunning mixture of red and black, them being his family's famous blood line limit, the Sharigan. They were like kaleidoscopes almost, hypnotizing swirls that could catch and draw you into their seas of crimson and shadow. They promised a slow agonizing death that transcended hell itself or sensation that would turn you inside out with ecstasy and pleasure that would transcend paradise. He also wore leather pants, but wore a sophisticated red silk shirt that made upper part seem supple, but defined his hard abbs also. He wore smirk much like his brother's, but his over all face was reserved. While his brother's was more expressive.

I hesitantly tried to moisten my dry throat and to stop gaping like a fish at their sheer beauty and over all power of appearance. It was taking all my control not to try and jump them both right now, and do things that would wipe those sexy smirks right off their faces in a very pleasant way. I felt my heart beat increase, and my eyes linger on their forms. Every once of woman in me was screaming in obvious attraction and lust. I mentally cursed myself for my hormones. I hadn't had a physical attraction so strong since.. Actually I had never had an attraction this strong. I gazed almost longingly on them, it would be such a shame to destroy such nice specimens of the male anatomy. Hell, would I even have the will power to kill them?

I wanted so much to hate them right now, anger and annoyance suddenly over-riding my lust. I glared at them haughtily. These bastards probably knew they were fine pieces of ass, and would be total arrogant about it. I wouldn't be surprised if these two were womanizers. I held a deep loathing for such men, but it was so hard not to stare. I wouldn't be surprised if they were play boys, but what woman wouldn't want them...

I licked my lips in frustration and uncertainly. There penetrating gazes that could pierce through anyone's souls flew down to my lips. How the fuck was I going to get through this?! Wait... Why are they staring at me?! Do I have something on my face?! Their staring at me?! What the fuck is wrong here?! I don't like where this is going?!

They stepped toward me, their gazes heavy with something that made me become warm and locked on me. I felt my body shiver and tense. I gulped as I eyed their smexy forms warily.

This was not going to be good.