OK. I hope everyone enjoys this. This character isn't really OC. Well, he is but I based him off of a character from Juvenile Orion. He has the same name and his attitude is only a little different. Anyway I hope you like it.

Yuki sat in class with a bored expression on his face. He sat in the back away from the teacher so he could fall asleep without him noticing. Usually Yuki was a good student who never fell asleep in his classes, but this class was an exception. It was so boring! The teacher had no idea how to keep a class awake. He droned on about whatever it was he was teaching. Yuki was surprised at himself for forgetting. Then he laughed. He knew he would fail this upcoming test. It didn't bother him though. He had a good enough grade that a bad test grade wouldn't affect him that much. He sighed and felt sleep fall over him. Then the classroom door opened. He looked up with mild interest and watched the principle walk in with a young boy. He stared curiously at the newcomer. The principle spoke with the teacher then left.

"Everyone, we have a new student. Please, introduce yourself." The teacher said to the boy.

"Hello. My name is Tsukasa Kisaragi. It's nice to meet all of you." He bowed.

"Tsukasa, you can sit back there next to Yuki. Yuki, please raise your hand." Said the teacher.

Yuki raised his hand slowly. Tsukasa nodded and made his way to the back of the class. He sat next to Yuki and said hello.

"Hi. My name is Yuki Sohma." Yuki said in a low voice because the teacher had begun to teach again.

Yuki examined the new boy closely. He had light brown hair, almost blonde. He had soft, brown eyes and pale skin. He was very thin and kind of short. He had a very feminine face. Yuki smiled as he thought about how he could relate to having a feminine face. Yuki noticed that Tsukasa didn't look very strong. But the new boy smiled and Yuki felt very happy. It was almost like a positive aura followed this boy wherever he went.

"Lunch is next period. Why don't you eat with me? We can sit out in the courtyard and eat. It'll be fun." Yuki offered. He was surprised at himself. Yuki was never the type to be forward. He usually tried to stay away from people but this boy was attracting him in a way he couldn't describe. He just seemed so nice. Yuki wanted to see if it was just an act.

"Thank you. I would love to eat with you." Tsukasa said. He had a light and cheery voice.

Yuki smiled at him. He looked at the clock and willed the period to be over. He didn't know why he wanted to spend time with this young boy. Yuki pondered on it a while. Maybe, he just wanted a friend.

Finally, lunch occurred. Yuki showed Tsukasa to the courtyard. They sat on a porch and realized that neither of them brought a lunch. Tsukasa asked Yuki why he didn't have one.

"I just forgot mine. I usually don't do that." Yuki said scratching his head. "Tohru makes one for me, but today I guess I just left it. What about you?"

Tsukasa blushed slightly. It was obvious he was a very shy person. "I can't wake up early enough to make one. My father offers to make me one every morning but I'm so used to not eating a lunch that I don't get hungry. I would buy a lunch but I don't bring money to school."

Yuki nodded. He knew what it was like to wake up. He hated it. Having to get up so early just to get to some place like school was the most annoying thing in the world. "I have a lot of difficulty waking up too. It's hard for me. That's why Tohru has to make a lunch for me. She doesn't mind though."

"Who is Tohru?" Tsukasa asked.

"Tohru is a girl I live with." Yuki said. He hesitated though, unsure of whether or not it was smart to tell anyone. "I also live with two of my family members."

"All I have is my father. You're so lucky to have so many people around you. I would love to live in that kind of company." Tsukasa said sadly.

Yuki shook his head. "It's not all it's cut out to be. The house I live in is hectic. It really is. And then when my brother decides to visit…I just hide in my room hoping he doesn't come up to see me. That usually doesn't happen though."

A huge smile appeared on Tsukasa's face. He looked at Yuki with glowing eyes. "You have a brother? Oh, you're so lucky! I would do anything for a brother! I bet you two get along really well, don't you? Like brothers should get along."

Yuki gave Tsukasa a sad smile. He shook his head and spoke. "No…my brother and I aren't close. He's 27 years old. We're 10 years apart and that doesn't help with our relationship. We're complete opposites. I just don't see how it's possible for us to get along."

Yuki looked away and stared at the ground. He was flat out shocked with himself. Why was he telling all this stuff to a complete stranger? His brother, the people he lived with…that was his business. It wasn't this boy's problem.

"That's so sad."

Yuki looked back at Tsukasa hearing him say this. Sad? What did he mean sad? Yuki never once thought of him and his brother not getting along as sad.

"I would do anything to have a brother. Either a younger one so I could take care of him or, an older one so I would someone to take care of me. Actually, I think I would prefer an older one. Someone I could go to when I was sad or if something spectacular happened to me…just someone that would be there for me. I guess your brother wasn't always there for you, was he? I'm sorry." Tsukasa said.

Tears started to fall out of Tsukasa's eyes. Yuki stared in wonder as this boy cried. Was he crying for him? Crying because he and his brother didn't get along well? Yuki put his arm around him and tried to get him to stop his tears.

"It's ok! Really, it's fine! We're trying to get along. It's just a little difficult. We haven't spent a lot of time with each other. I know we can get along if we try though!"

Yuki listened to himself and almost laughed out loud. He was actually talking about getting along with his brother. He wondered if that was humanly possible. Tsukasa wiped his eyes and looked at Yuki, embarrassed over the fact he had burst out in tears. "It seems like you want to get along with him though. Your eyes were very sad while you told me about you two." Tsukasa said. Yuki looked away for a minute then looked back. He didn't want to go into how he felt about his brother.

"You read me like a book." Yuki said laughing. "No, my brother wasn't really there for me when I was little. He's trying hard now though. It's hard for me to trust him. I don't know if once I truly accept as him my older brother that he'll just walk away again. I don't want that to happen." Yuki wondered how come every time he thought something, he did the same thing which he said he wouldn't. This boy was very different then the rest.

"You have to try." Tsukasa said. "Try your hardest. I know you two can get along if you try. It's such a sad thought to think of two people with the same flesh and blood to hate each other. Promise me you'll try to get along with him."

Yuki stared at this young man. Who did he think he was? Asking him to make a promise like that when they barely knew each other! Yuki didn't have to listen to word this kid was saying. He could get up right now and walk away, forgetting this conversation ever happened.

"I promise…." Yuki said. He cursed Tsukasa for being so cute.

"Thanks. I know you won't regret it." Tsukasa said. The bell rang announcing that lunch was over. The two boys stood and left the courtyard. Yuki took Tsukasa to his next class which, to his surprise and happiness, was the same class as his.

On the way home from school, Yuki felt as light as a bird. He was so happy. It was because of Tsukasa. They had spent the rest of the school day together, mostly because they had many of the same classes. Tohru and Kyo looked at the rat with interest.

"Why are you so happy?" Kyo said harshly.

"Not sure…." Yuki lied.

"That reminds me! Who was that boy you were sitting with at lunch? I wanted to come over but I figured I would leave you two alone. You two looked like you were having a serious conversation." Tohru said.

"His name is Tsukasa. He's new here. We have the same classes so I stayed with him and showed him around." Yuki said.

"Really? How nice!" Tohru said.

"Yea, Yuki made a friend. Amazing." Kyo said.

"He's just a boy." Yuki said in a low voice. "Just a boy…."

That wasn't very well written. Please, review anyway! Further chapters will be better. I hope everyone likes it! And I hope there are not that many typos!