Charlie leaned heavily on his cane, clutching the files. He replaced his cell phone in his coat pocket and watched the glass doors until they opened to reveal Megan.

"Charlie!" She smiled. "Wow. A cane and everything. Very professor-like."

He waited for her to come closer. "I'm sorry. I thought it would be all right. I thought I could do this."

"It's okay." She looked at him, concerned. "Do you want to walk?" She looked again at his cane. "At least as far as that bench over there?"

He nodded and they crossed the short distance. He sat stiffly, handed her the files. "I don't even know if you need these, anymore. They've been in my office a few weeks. I found them when I went back to work, today. I thought I'd just bring them back on my way home."

She opened the files, studied them for a moment. "I'll pull the case, stick this with all the other paperwork. We probably could have lived without them, but thanks for bringing them back."

He looked again at the building. "Does Don know I'm here?"

She shook her head. "No, he wasn't even in the office when you called. Somewhere else in the building." They sat in silence. "It looks different," she finally said.

He took a deep breath. "I don't know how you could go back in there."

"It's my house," she said, simply. "They don't get to kick me out of my own house." She glanced at him. "I'm not saying that you should do something you're not ready for."

More silence. "Did Merrick ask you to see the department's medical staff? We all had to, but I don't think he can make a consultant do anything."

"It was a strong recommendation. From Merrick. And Don. Dad. Larry. Dr. Kildaire." He looked at her. "At least I can say his name, now."

She smiled. "And?"

"And what?" He was purposefully pretending not to know what she was asking.

"And, have you seen someone?"

He shrugged. "I had an appointment. I sat there for 55 minutes, paid my bill, left."

"I guess you're not ready to talk about this yet."

"Maybe not."

"When you want, I don't mean today, but when you want, I'll go in with you. Just say when."

He turned to her, looked a little startled. "Your eyes," he said.

"What about them?"

"They seem a darker green, today."

"Actually, they're hazel. Change according to my clothes, like a chameleon…are you okay?"

He looked away from her, and she heard a small sigh. "First day back. I'm tired."

She nodded. "I'm sure. Thanks again for bringing the files. Do you want me to walk to your car with you?"

He shook his head, and they both stood.

"Call me anytime, Charlie, I mean that."

He smiled, although it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I know. Thank you. Really. I'll let you get back to work…"

She reached over the cane to give him a quick hug. "Take care, Charlie. Get some rest." She turned and returned the way she'd come. He watched the building swallow her, looked at the sidewalk for a moment, finally turned and started for his car.

On the fourth floor, Don stood at the window in one of the conference rooms, and watched his brother limp away.



A/N: Come on, quit growling. You know I have to leave myself room for a sequel…