Sorry everyone. I'm going to be late updating ... 'again'!


The thing is that I have broken more teeth ... 'again' (Damn I hate my teeth sometimes!) and have been having to help deal with a problem at work.

The problem that I am having at work does not involve the facillity, residents or the main/older staff. It involves one of our trainee's.

This silly girl seems to think that she is the one who knows everything. Even to the point of telling the RN's (Registered Nurses), EN's (Enrolled Nurses) and the Carers who have gained their certificates in that area of expertise. (Of which I am one of them.)

The first day that I met her was not long after I joined the nursing home as one of the main members of the care staff. She seemed nice enough, but after she asked how old I was I suddenly got treated like an ignorant child.

I know I like a good joke, plus I am considered one of the jokers and I am the youngest member of staff that is rostered on at the moment; (I turned 31 in March.) But she just seems to think that I must be around 10 or some other age at that time as she actually treats me as such.

I did ask her as to why she does not respect my position enough to abuse me so, all she said was that she didn't want to hear this convesation and then proceeded to tell me (Take note that I am the senior staff member and that we are supposed to work as a team.) to do someone (Who is a two person job.) on my own until I calmed down. (As you could imagine I was really ticked off and as such I had to go to the RN on duty and ask to be excused for a little while, until I could calm down enough as I did not want to upset the rest of the residents.) To say I was angry at that time was an understatement.

This person I must confess has done nothing more than abuse the residents as well. Even to the point of showing them their soiled undergarments, demand them to 'view' what they have done and then proceed to tell them that they are disgusting for even doing such a thing, totally unaware that they are unable to control that type of accident and are already embarrassed. (This type of behaivour that this stupid bint has shown is considered as elder abuse and is a very serious type of abuse that has no place in any nursing home regardless of a certain someone's view. It is also a criminal offence for someone in my type of industry.)

I have been spending my days complaining (Like the other members of staff.) about her version of being a good Carer. My D.O.N. (aka... Director Of Nursing.) has been starting a paper trail to make sure that this person is dealt with both fairly and efficiently! (And also in case this person decides that it should be taken to court over unfair dissmissal.)

Everyone there (I must add) are the most caring group of Care staff that I have ever had the pleasure to meet and work with. This person has really thrown the older staff into a loop with her accusations of some of the older Care staff abusing her and the newer staff (Of which I am a part of.) being the better one's to work with. (Unaware that the newer staff and trainee's are also upset with her attitude towards others.)

The only thing that got me laughing about her new version of complaints is that she demanded that 'I' tell the D.O.N. that I made a mistake and if I didn't she was going to tell the D.O.N. that I did some really awful things.

I have never been 'really' angry (Or upset) at a trainee before until now. (I've also gotten the reputation of being a good person to train others into how to be a good Carer.) I just really couldn't stand her bull-headed attitude anymore. (Hey mistakes are one thing but to do things over and over again is beyond a joke.)

And after she tried to get a resident from a 'low' lying bed (All of the beds are electric to make it easier on our backs and the residents getting up out of bed by being able to lift to certain heights suitible to the needs required to the tasks at hand.) This person had 'grabbed' this poor lady (Who is 98, bruises easily and being that age is capable of having a shoulder wrenched out of her socket.) on an upper arm and then proceeded to drag her out of bed!

This poor Woman is very lucky that all she gained was one VERY nasty bruising mark around her right arm. The EN was forced to wrap the bruise in a bandage and then cover with a piece of tubie-grip to help cushion and protect the arm as it is now prone to getting skin tears in that area! (It looks like one very nasty blood blister gone wrong!)

Hence the reason that I have not written lately. I couldn't write, because I have been sooo charged up and upset at this trainee. (I would hate it if my Nana lived in a nursing home to be abused in that manner to which this girl is doing!)

Sorry! I know you probably didn't want to know, but I have been really upset at this lately. (And the only conforting thing is that the other workers at the facility -Including the D.O.N.- are trying to fix the problem peacefully and quickly.)

So I am sorry that I have not written much of my chapter, but I am just so fired up and down right furious at this person. Hey I still smile when others (Like my friends and family) are around, but I find that when I have a quiet moment I just tend to remember as to what this person has done to abuse not only the residents, the other members of staff and myself.

It's just that I am trying to write a bit of fun into it and all I can get at the moment is just how upset I am with this person.

Sorry everyone as I know how much people want to read the next chapter! (Just as an apology hint there is going to be a Winry Vs Kakashi's Wit moment complete with a just a hint of WRENCH... sounds like a cooking anology.)

Hopefully the next time I submit a chapter I can do this with a smile on my face.

Sorry again:-(

Inui's bastard love-child.