Authors Note: Seriously thank you so much to those who reviewed. I know these chapters are kind of short, but like I said, it's my first story, I hope to get better!
Disclaimer: Well as of 5/10/06 Mark Cohen and Roger Davis are mine. Not. Song is Jimmy Eat World's "Hear You Me" great song. Really Sad.
And as for the reviews: I'm not going to break them up individually, I appreciate every one! But SportsGirl (or something like that, I got emailed your review, but it's not showing up..) to answer your question- Yes, it's because a lot of them are HIV positive. If you listen to "goodbye love", or watch the part of it they cut out in the movie (deleted scenes) or see the show: Mark and Roger get into a fight during which Roger accuses Mark of detaching from life, and Mark say's its because he's the one who is going to survive. Check it out.
Chapter 5: May Angels Lead You In
"There's no one in town I know
You gave us someplace to go
I never said thank you for that
Thought I might get one more chance"
Everything moved in slow motion ant it was as though someone had hit the mute button in Roger's life. He couldn't hear anything. The doctors and nurses swarmed in almost as soon as the beeping began. He knew they were franticly talking to each other, he could tell by there motions, but he couldn't hear a word. All he could do was stare at the figure on the bed.
Roger was pushed to the corner of the room. The doctors and nurses ignored his presence and were solely focusing on Mark. Mark who was dying. That much Roger knew; that much he could feel. It paralyzed him and made him feel cold all over.
He vaguely knew he was crying. He could feel the tears streaming down his face; he could feel his body shaking violently. He watched the scene unfold in horror.
"Mark please" he begged "Don't leave me"
"And if you were with me tonight
I'd sing to you, just one more time
A song for a heart so big,
God wouldn't let live"
Mark had no idea what was going on. He had no idea where exactly he was, but he knew was in some kind of tunnel. He was cold, shaking, hungry, and in a lot of pain. The pain got worse and worse, it was like someone was stabbing him all over. Mark knew for sure he had never felt like this before. Not when he had been mugged and beaten-up pretty badly, this was new. And this was worse then he could imagine.
Just when the pain got unbearable, it started to lighten. He was still in the tunnel, but a warm white light from one end embraced him. The closer he got to the end of the tunnel, where the light was, the less the pain hurt him.
He looked over his shoulder; the other end of the tunnel was black and dark. He knew just by looking at it, that if he went that way, the intense pain would return.
So he kept moving towards the light.
"Stop Mark" a voice told him. He stopped dead in his track. He knew that voice. He heard it when he was playing his footage back, he heard sometimes at night when he was sleeping
"Angel's voice is in my ear"
He squinted and saw two figures at the warm, light end of the tunnel.
Angel and Mimi were walking toward him.
Mark was so happy, he could barely keep from running at the two. But there was something in Angel's words and a gut feeling that kept him where he was standing. He didn't move at all, and waited for them to meet him where he stood. A huge grin broke on his face, but then faltered slightly. If Angel and Mimi were there, he was dead. There was no doubting that.
The two friends got closer to him. He could see the glow radiating from both of them. They looked so happy, so healthy, that it brought Mark to tears. The last time he saw them, they were emaciated in a hospital bed.
Angel finally was next to him and gave him a hug. When they hugged Mark could feel how much they loved him. He began openly sobbing. "I missed you guys so much" He cried.
The two smiled, but Mark noticed their smiles were not that happy.
Angel pointed back towards the black end of the tunnel.
"Look Mark"
Mark looked and he could see figures at the end of the once pitch black opening. He could see himself, dying on a hospital bed; he could see the doctors working vehemently to save him.
"Look at Roger" Mimi whispered.
Like a camera, the end of the tunnel zoomed in on Roger's face. It broke Mark's heart the moment he saw it.
Roger was crying, that much was expected. But the look in his eyes went beyond sadness. His eyes showed desperation and despair. His eyes showed of a man who was going to give up on life because he had nothing left. They showed the look of a man who lost everything to him. A man who lost his best friend in the world. It was the kind of raw emotion that Mark always tried to capture on his camera but never had. It floored him.
"Please Mark. Don't leave me" Roger whispered the words, but they vibrated 100 times their amplitude throughout the tunnel.
Mark couldn't tear his gaze from his friends face. He took a step towards him, towards the darkness, and the pain came back to him with vengeance. He screamed in pain and stopped again.
Angel and Mimi surrounded him, Angel was on his left and Mimi was on his right. "Honey, you need to make a decision. It's going to hurt if you go back that way. The pains going to be unbearable, I'm not going to make you go back to that if you don't want to." Angel said looking at him, compassion and love shining in her face.
"You can come with us if you want, we'd love to have you with us" Mimi said indicating towards the light end of the tunnel.
"Mark.. Mark Please" Roger's voice once again filled the tunnel.
Mark's face turned from despair to determination. Angel saw it at once. "You can do it, we love you, and we'll see you one day again" she whispered.
With that Mark took a deep breath and sprinted back towards the dark end.
A thousand knives stabbed him all over. His lungs had trouble taking a breath. His body felt weak and defeated. His head felt like it was going to crack into two.
The panicked beeping evened out. "Pulse is back. BP's up too 100/60" a nurse said happily.
"Welcome back Mark" the doctor said to the still unconscious boy in the bed.
Roger grabbed his hand, tears still streaming down his face. "Thank you Mark. Thank you, Thank you" He said unable to get out any other words.
Mark stirred slightly. "Roger?" the broken voice asked him.
"Hey Mark" Roger said, his green eyes filling with a new wave of tears
"I'm tired" Mark said lightly, it was clear he was already falling asleep.
"Sleep Mark, I'll be here when you wake up. I'm always going to be here" Roger whispered.
A smile spread on Mark's face. "They are so happy… but I couldn't leave you" he whispered and fell back asleep.
Roger stared at his sleeping friend for a few minutes processing what he said. They could only mean two people. A fresh wave of tears came to Roger. He was really that close to losing Mark.
"Thanks guys" he whispered to the air.
Angel and Mimi smiled.
Hope you guys enjoyed it. I really enjoyed writing it! I hope to write more. Maybe a sequel? Please let me know what you thought!