Hi guys ! I'm BACK ! Full of writing cells in my blood again after a considered long writing break. Know this isn't a month but who cares anyway ? YAY ! Well, I recommend if you read Confused Love first incase you want to understand things better. Since this is the first chap, let's have a disclaimer first. Kenny, you're up !

Kenny : PureBlackRaven does not ownBeyblade-

PureBlackRaven : Wish I had Looks dreamily into the sky

Kenny : and any of it's characters except her OC.

PBRaven : Good boy. Now here's a new laptop.And on with the story.

Chap. 1 : Reunion

It has been four years since the bladebreakers split up. Carol went back to Australia, Kai to Russia, Ray and Mariah to China and Max to America. One peculiar day …

" I'm SO bored !" yawned Tyson.

" Ah shut your mouth Tyson ! I can't concentrate !" yelled Hilary.

" Please you guys. Can't we have some quiet over here ?" pleaded Kenny.

" But I'm bored ! I wish Ray and the others were here. We'd be having a battle right now." Said Tyson hopefully.

" I wished that Carol, Mariam and Mariah were here." Said Hilary dreamily.

Suddenly, an idea struck Kenny. " Hey ! I got it ! Why don't we have a reunion ?"

" Hey ! I think it's a good idea !" exclaimed Tyson.

" Yeah ! And tell them to bring the girls along too ! In that case, I won't be bored to death !" said Hilary as Kenny started typing on Dizzi furiously.

" Hey watch the keyboards chief !" warned Dizzi.

" What about Carol ?" asked Tyson from behind that made poor Kenny frightened out of his wits.

" TYSON ! You scarred the soul out of me !" he exclaimed.

" Sorry. But what about Carol ?"

" Stupid ! Kai must have them !" said Hilary.

" There ! Sent." Smiled Kenny, admiring his handiwork.

" YAY !" cheered Tyson.


( Somewhere in China … )

A raven haired neko-jin was sitting in front of his computer, checking his mail.

Ray's POV

I was sitting in front of my computer, checking my mail when an email was sent to me and hey ! It was Kenny !


Tyson's having a reunion at the dojo. You wanna come ? And please bring Mariah along or else Hilary will beat the brains out of me. We'll be waiting at the airport next week. Kenny.

I laughed silently as I replied to agree. Of course I'll go. Haven't seen Tyson and the others for quite some time already.

" Oh Mariah !"


( Somewhere in America … )

A sugar high American was sitting in front of his computer, playing games.

Max's POV

I was about to celebrate my victory when an email was addressed to me.

' Weird. Must be Mariam.' I thought but, surprise, surprise. It was from Kenny !


Tyson's having a reunion at the dojo. You wanna come ? And please bring Mariam along or else Hilary will beat the brains out of me. We'll be waiting at the airport next week. Kenny.

I smiled. Having a reunion huh ? Of course I'll go ! I replied ASAP to tell him the news.


( Somewhere in Russia … )

A dual haired Russian was practicing his beyblading skills when he received an email.

Kai's POV

I was practicing my beyblading skills when I received an email. I called back Dranzer and checked my laptop. Hn. It was from Kenny.

Kai, it said

Tyson's having a reunion. Wanna come ? Hope you do because Tyson misses your trainings. We'll be waiting at the airport next week.

P.S : Please help me to email this to Carol. I haven't got her email address. Kenny.

I smirked as I logged on MSN and found the person I was looking for.

( Somewhere in Australia … )

An Australian was sitting in front of her laptop when she found a person she didn't expected to be online.

( Umm... excuse me if these pennames are lousy, I needed some randome ones and fast so I thought of some. :P)

Master of Fire : Hey ! Miss you !

Desperate for Freedom : Miss you too ! So what's up ? Why is the world famous Kai here on MSN ? Shouldn't you be practicing ?

Master of Fire : That doesn't concern you does it ? Anyway, let's get down to business. Tyson's having a reunion. Wanna come ? Its next week.

Desperate for Freedom : Hmm. You going ?

Master of Fire : What about you ?

Desperate for Freedom : I asked you question. It wasn't supposed to be the way round Hiwatari.

Master of Fire : Oh now you're talking. And why are you using my surname M. Blac ?

Desperate for freedom : Can't I ? Any way, I think I'll go.

Master of fire : If you're going then I'm going.

Desperate for freedom : Yeah right. Anyway, see you next week ! Can't wait !

Master of Fire : Okies. See you !


I logged of and lied on the bed.

' Didn't think that it would be Tyson who's having a reunion.'

Okay so this chap might be a bit of a crap since this chap was only for telling you all about the reunion. AND, please take note that some chaps are gonna be long and some aren't.

Kai : You sound like a nagger.


Kai : Hn.