Come and Get It
A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner, this might be short, but it's got a lot in it. D
"Earth to Justin, come in Justin." Val said his eyebrows raised as he watched Justin who was completely zoned out.
"Whoo-hoo….Justin…" Val waved his hand in front of Justin's face. Justin's eyes gained focus and he looked at Valentino.
"Huh?" He asked, still not all there. Val laughed and shook his head taking another bite of egg. Justin shrugged it off and finished eating. When they were both finished their breakfast, Justin started the dishes and Val went to shower.
As the day progressed the two were silent, they didn't have much to say but you could tell they were both thinking about last night. Justin couldn't get over how scared he got, just being alone, and Val couldn't believe how comforting it felt to have Justin sleeping by his side, warming him. They wouldn't watch TV because every time they turned it on there would be a newscaster talking about what He had done to Justin, or a cop show arresting some man that resembled Him. Justin was a mess, and Val knew it. As Val sat at the table thinking this Justin broke his thoughts.
"Where are the smokes?" He asked looking through a cupboard.
"In the bag on the table." Val replied turning his head to look at Justin.
"Oh." He took out a pack and then a cigarette, got his lighter from his pocket and struck the running pad that would ignite the flame. Nothing happened. He tried again, then once more. Now he shook it, no sloshing of the lighter fluid.
"Hey, Val, can I use your light?"
"Come and get it."
Jus rolled his eyes and came towards Val who held the lighter out to him. The younger accepted the lighter, and this time the flame lit the tip of the cigarette and he breathed in the deadly smoke, then plunked down onto the couch beside Val and handed him back the lighter. Valentino smiled at him and accepted the lighter, then tucked it back into his pocket. His arm was resting on the back of the couch, behind Justin and casually he slid it down so it rested across him. Justin also, ever so slightly, moved closer to Val, so they were almost touching. Their eyes met slowly, and they leaned closer stopping and hovering a few inches from touching. They watched each other for a moment before their lips lightly met; their first kiss. Now they broke apart, but not for long because soon they were at it again, Val aggressively kissing Justin, with one arm still around him and the other resting on the couch behind Justin pushing him back a bit. Justin pulled away, aware of his cigarette still glowing in his finger tips. He extinguished it in an ash tray on the coffee table and stared at Val, who stared back. Valentino was still leaned into Justin, pushing him back a bit. Now Justin grabbed Val's shirt collar and pulled him down until their lips met in another passionate kiss, their tongues fighting. The older partner moved so he was straddling the younger but not putting pressure onto him. Justin began to viciously pull at Val's shirt, trying to get it over his head but was stopped as Val sat back.
"No, Jus. I can't." He said pulling himself in a sitting position again and rubbing his temples.
"You…you don't want to?" Justin asked a bit of hurt in his voice.
"It's not that I don't want to…it's just not…the time to do it." He looked at Justin who stared at him in a shocked manner.
"Come here, Jus." Val said and pulled Justin into a tight hug. "Do you understand?"
Justin shrugged pulling away from the hug. "Guess so." Val smiled lightly and stood up. "Want a coke?" he asked opening the fridge.
"A'ight." Was his reply. A few seconds later Val handed him the cold pop and Justin opened the can taking a deep gulp. He turned on the TV and searched through the channels for something to watch. Val watched him affectionately for a few minutes before Justin turned to look at him.
"What?" Justin questioned.
"Nothin'." Val smiled at him and stood up walking to the bathroom.