Chapter 1Wounds from a Demon's Fang

Looking at her reflection in the water, she sighed. Walking a few times around the hot spring that they had chose to camp a little ways away from. It was very eaily in the morning, the others where sound asleep. She knealed down by the water and placed her finger in it. Hearing a twig snap behind her she turned around. Seeing it that it was one of her friends she turned her attention back to the waters surface. Standing up, she turned around.

"What is it Kagome? Something wrong?" He walked beside her and look in the water.

She shook her head, looking at him she said, "I thought I senced something here near the hot spring. Guess I must have imagined it."

"Oh? What was it?"

"A scared jewel sharde. But I must have imagined it." She wipped her hand off on her short skirt uniform. "Shall we go back to camp?"

"Hey, how many shardes do you have Kagome?"

"Um...Not to sure let me look." She reached her hand into the opening of her school shirt to fish out the small bottle that was tied around her neck. Counting them, "I have four, do you have any Miroku?"

"Um, yeah one. So together that makes five."

"Yeah. Come on lets go back to camp okay?"

"Sure. Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you love Inuyasha?"

"Wha-" She animed sweat dropped. I guess I do, but he still cares for Kikyo. I'm not sure if he has enough room in his heart for me . . . These past few weeks have been kinda hard on me. With all his taunts and insults. Sometimes I think he hates me . . . "Why do you what to know? Do you love Sango?"

"Hey you can't answer a question with another question."

"I just did. I don't what to talk 'bout it. Come on lets go back to camp." She turned her back to the monk and started back in the direction of the camp. Hearing a gasp from Miroku she turned around to see a black mist was hovering in front of him. "What is that thing?"

"It's a demon aura. I've never seen one like this." Miroku answered, he was in a defenceive stance. Kagome had left her bow and arrows at camp. So she was defenseless.

"Miroku...?" She said unsurely. The mist churned and grew bigger. It slowly surrounded them both. The mist around Miroku began to glow as it engulfed Miroku. "Miroku!" He yelled something but she couldn't understand him. Just as the mist appeared it vanished, as if it combined into his very core. He collasped, Kagome ran to him, and fell to her knees. Placeing his head in her lap, she looked into his mist covered eyes.

"Miroku. Miroku? Say something, Anything!" She started to gently slap his face. Miroku's eyes focus on her face, blinking a few times. He sat up and looked around.

"Where is it? Where did it go?" He looked at Kagome and noticed her worried expression.

"It vanished after it engulfed you. Do you feel any different at all?"

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. "No, I feel all right at the moment. Lets go back to camp and see if we can find out what happened to it."

"Yeah." She stood up and helped him to his feet. Takeing a few wobbly steps, he soon managed to walk on his own, without the help of her shoulder. Camp was at least fifty yards away. She looked at him when she noticed that his stride was more coorinated. "So your going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I hope so-" What the hell! W-why can't I control my body . . . He tried to stop walking but failed. He heard a voice in his head, it was ordering him to stop the girl and pin her down. He was alarmed.

"" She looked at him "What is it Miroku?" Run Kagome! Get away! I can't control my body . . . She shruged and was about to turn her head but saw his brow begin to sweat badly. She stepped in front of him, grabbing his shoulders, "Miroku, what's wrong with you?"

Without answering he folded her into his arms. Kagome gasped, "Miroku...? What are you doing?"

His mouth was close to her ear. With a great deal of struggle he managed to say, "" With that he felt something in his month growing. Fangs! Demon fangs! What the hell was that mist, it must have been a mist demon, not an aura. How could it have slipped my mind, theses demons are rare, but they are found only at hot springs and very warm waters. . .Run Kagome! Run! Before it's to late.

Kagoem tried to pull away from his enbrace, but the harder she pushed the tighter he held on to her. She was about to kick him (in the you know what area) But before she could raise her leg, she felt fangs peirce her throat. He bit down, hard. Kagome cried out in pain and kicked him as heard as she could between his legs. Pushing herself away from him, she saw the fangs were dripping with a green liquid, along with her blood. Her hand went to her throat

That's not Miroku! It must be that mist that engulfed him. Posion . . . He's posioned me! He must be under control of the mist. She held her throat tightly, trying to stop the flow of blood. Miroku was hunched over, he slowly rose up and leaped at her. She screamed and turned to flee from him.

Seeing a flash of red jump in front of her, she stoped herself from fleeing. Watching Inuyasha slug Miroku, sending him flying. She ran up behind him, "Inuyasha, don't hurt him. He's under the control of a demon."

"I know that. He's a fool to let him self be possessed by a demon. Let alone a mist demon." He sniffed the air, looking at her, "He bit you!"

" wasn't his fault Inuyasha! You can't hurt him."

"You think I was going to you're an idiot!"

"Humph." She looked at Miroku who was getting to his feet. "Ah! Here he comes!" Miroku made a mad dash at them. Inuyasha punched Miroku again sending him face first into the dirt.

He rose again and said in a strange voice, "So it seems the hanyou is stronger than I expected. And in this weak body no less. Very well, you have escaped me for only this time. Your time will soon come girl. Until than, good luck in trying to stop your inevitable death Inuyasha. Untill we meet again." Miroku stopped in standing up. The mist that engulfed him before slowly left his body and vanished into the breeze. Inuyasha walked up close to Miroku.

Miroku moaned and opened his eyes. Looking back and forth very fast, he anime sweat dropped. "Umm...What just happened to me?" He sat down and blinked a few times, a confused look crossed his face after the two's slience. "Hey whats wrong?"

"Can't you remember anything?" Kagome timidly asked him. Miroku looked at her and gave her a kind of what-are-you-talking-about look. "I take it as a no." She sighed and turned on her neel and left the two. Her neck was throbing in pain, and there was a sharp pain shooting down her arms and legs. As well as in her mouth. Shruging off the pain in her mouth, she went back to camp. The sun was shineing brightly and you could hear a rooster crowing in the distance.

"So you can't remember a thing can you Miroku?"

"No, like I said before the only thing I do remember is seeing Kagome leaving camp in a hurry." Miroku was annoyied that Inuyasha wouldn't drop it. "And why is my jaw and back of my head going numb. As well as my private area." He anime sweat dropped with Inuyasha at his last comment. Yes Inuyasha I do remember. . .but I'd rather act stupid for the time being. . .how could I have been such a fool to let this happen, I'm truely sorry Kagome. And I don't what to die at the hands of Sango! She can get scarey. . . He gulped.

"Don't look at me on the last thing. You was possessed by a mist demon. The domon made you. . ." Damnit! Why do I have to tell him this. And what the hell did he, i mean the demon, inject into Kagome's neck. It's best not to say anything about him biteing her.

"Inuyasha, tell me what was you going to say?" Miroku stood up, "Never mind. Lets go back to camp."

"Yeah." Inuyasha stood up and walked behinde Miroku, unsure if the deomn really left his body. Or if it was trying to trick them all. I best stay on my toes. There's no telling if the demon really left his body. What did he mean by 'your time will soon come'? Was it a threat to Kagome, or was it about whatever was injected into her neck . . .


The demon stopped in his tracks. Sniffing the air a few time he grined. "So she has finally made an apperance has she." The very small demon walking behind him walked into his leg. Jumping back,

"Please forgive me Lord Sesshomaru." He contuined to bow to him. A small human child stood a little ways back. Running up to them she asked Sesshomaru what he meant. Sesshomaru didn't answered her. After a lot more bowing from Jaken, and words of asking for forgiveness, Sesshomeru turned and began in the direction of where he could bairely smell the sent of the female demon lord. The others followed. Jaken wouldn't shut up and blabed and blabed so much that Sesshomaru ended up hitting him on the head. Rin followed close behind, leading Ahun along with her. Leaving Jaken behinde mubbleing to himself.

Meanwhile, in a far away land. . .

"Has the plan been set into motion?"

"Yes my lady. The girl will soon turn and will be ready for your highness."

"good. Make sure that she is not harmed in anyway. Have you captured the other living dead miko?"

"Yes M'lady. She has been placed in the container. You three, follow the girl and don't let her come of any harm." The three demons behinde him bowed and disappeared into the air.

"That is all." She said. He bowed to her before takeing his leave as well. The female demon lord walked into a scared area that only demons of her stature may enter. Walking up close to the large bubble like object, she looked into it. Sheing a dead miko in it she smiles, "Soon Kikyo, you and the other miko, Kagome will be under my command. Your pwers will come in handy in the battles yet to become." She laughed evily as she left the pristess in the prison of water.

Inuyasha and the others

"Kagome, what happened to your throat?" Sango asked leaning closer to her to look at her wounds.

"M-...a demon bite me near the hot spring." Best not tell her the truth. She'll kill the poor guy. My head fells like its about the explode. Kagome looked towards the noise of the rusle of leaves. Smileing at the two comeing back from the wooded area. "Hi, welcome back you two. Did you kill the demon?" She winked at Inuyasha.

"huh...? Oh! Yeah, we took care of it." Inuyasha said a little confused.

Sango stood up and walked over to them. "Good, now where's the corspe?"

"Corpse...?" Miroku asked.

"The body of the demon!" Grabbing the two she dragged them away from Kagome. When they were out of hearing Sango let lose on the two. "You idoits! You should have brought back the body so I could see if if was deadly? Her throat is a nasty shade of green. All we could know, is that she's dieing even as we speech!" She had an anime pulse on her head. She was mad.

"Look Sango, we couldn't get a corpse because it was a mist demon. It's mist" Inuyasha said angryly.

Sango's face went pale. "Oh no...those demons are highly toxic! Their posions depend on the humans or demons they bite, and the type of mist demon it is." She sluged Inuyasha. "You idiot! Wy did you let her walk off by herself!" She turned on Miroku, "And you! Why wheren't you with her to protect her!"

"Sango...I was with her when she was bitten..."

"What? You told me you couldn't remember!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Huh...So you let her get bitten!"

"No! I didn't let her get bitten, I was the one who bite least the demon possessed me and forced me to bite her. I tryed to stop myself but I couldn't prevent it."

"Miroku...?" Sango shook her head. "Come on, lets get breakfast started." She turned on her heel and left the two guys by themselfs. She looked at the slowly vanishing moon in the distance. Comeing to the clearing where they left Kagome and the others, Sango stopped dead in her tracks and screamed.