OK, I planned for this story to go on for a lot longer, but I started writing and It just finished itself. I'm not 100 percent happy with it, but I never am. I have a habit of starting knowing exactly what to do, but I never think of how it's going to finish in advance so I get a bit stuck.
It was another week before House found a case that interested him. Many times during that week he considered taking one that didn't, just so that Cameron would have to grace the conference room with her presence.
She hovered near the door; she wanted to leave the minute that the differential diagnosis was over. She wasn't sure if he was ready yet.
"Foreman, I want an angiogram and blood cultures, Chase an MRI and a Rueben, dry, no pickles. And last but most certainly not least, DR. Cameron." He paused, she swallowed. "A talk in my office."
Foreman and Chase looked puzzled, but went to do their assigned tasks. Cameron took a deep breath and followed her boss into his office.
She stood awkwardly in front of him as he rifled through his draws, piling her 'notes' onto his desk. Once he appeared to have found them all, he sat down and leant his cane against the wall.
"I've had some interesting mail recently." He began.
Her palms were sweating uncontrollably; it was the moment she had been waiting for. The time of truth.
"About you."
"Care to read?" He held a letter up to her but snatched it away before she could take it.
"Why bother? I'm assuming you've already read them, since it was you who sent them."
He studies her face she was obviously nervous. She didn't look at him; instead she stared intently at a spot over his shoulder.
"May I ask why you've been sending me these and then avoiding me?" She blinked. "As interesting as I find the inner-thoughts of a ten-age you, I must admit I'm confused."
It was time; she had to speak now, before the moment was lost.
"You treat me like a puzzle. A hard one. One you won't stop inspecting until you figure it out. Well I'm fed up of being the specimen under your metaphorical microscope, I decided to give you a hint."
She raised her head and looked straight into his icy blue eyes.
"So you chose to give me the secret diaries of Alison Cameron aged 13 ¾?"
"Two years after my husband dies, my parents got divorced. A year later my sister did too. They both had everything I'd wanted when I turned 13. Everything I'd been so close to having. The only difference was that I had a job, a job I loved. Then I realized I could only be happy with exactly the opposite of what I'd had before, of what they'd had."
House stared at the woman ranting in front of him, for once he wasn't sure what to say. She took a breath and continued.
"You once said I didn't love, I needed. Not up to your usual standard, only half right. I do need. But I love too. I need the exact opposite of what I'd looked for all those years. I needed you. And it just so happens I think you need me too."
It wasn't exactly what she'd wanted to say, but even in the heat of the moment she wasn't going to make herself so vulnerable as to say, "I love you". She contemplated what she had said, it wasn't the whole story, but it was all he needed to know. For now. The sudden burst of passion she'd felt as she spoke was wearing off. Why hadn't he spoken yet? She looked at his face; she could almost see the cogs working. Almost a minute had passed before he ran a hand through his course hair and opened his mouth to speak.
"But that's not the whole story is it?" He asked, she knew she shouldn't be so shocked, after all it was House, he knew things. "There's more to it, I can tell. Nothing is that simple."
She didn't know what to say, she'd already said so much, she didn't want him to know anymore than was strictly necessary. She chose not to speak at all, it seemed the easiest solution.
"You said that you were so close to having it all. But I go by what you've just told me, then you're lying. You live in New Jersey still, not Florida. I know you've never been to Europe. And you don't have any kids. If you ask me, you were still along way from this so called 'dream-life."
She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled, the tables had turned; now it was her reply that hung in the balance.
"I can't even mourn properly. I can't mourn for someone who died angry with me. I can't mourn for someone I killed."
House's eyes flicked up, this was getting interesting.
"I was pregnant, only a month gone. There have been studies into it; people can live longer when they are waiting for something. He kept himself alive to see our child."
At this point House interrupted.
"You've never been pregnant, I pulled your file."
"I erased it, erased any proof of it ever existing, erased it so I could forget, erase it so nosey bastards like you couldn't force me to remember."
Her eyes were red and puffy. She was going to cry.
"You lost it?" He asked.
"I terminated it" She replied. "I couldn't bear the thought that 8 months on, my child would be born, my husband would die, and I would be left the widowed mother of a semi-orphaned child. I told you once that I couldn't abort a child for someone I love, shows how selfish I am. That I could do it for myself, but not for someone else. A few months on, Brian asked me why I hadn't grown. He was so ill, but I had to tell him. We argued and I left angry. That night I got a phone call, he'd died. I'd taken away the hope, and so he died. I killed our baby and then I killed him!" She dissolved into unstoppable tears.
"So you do need me because I'm damaged." House stated. "But I guess I need you for exactly the same reason."
Limping around his desk he pulled her to him and she sobbed into his chest.
Hope you liked it! R and R please!