Chapter 1: The Letter
"C'mon Prongs." A 19 year old Sirius Black shouted to his dueling partner. "You'll never defeat Voldemort THAT way."
After a few more minutes of dueling, James Potter said a few more curses before defeating his friend
As Sirius fell back stunned, Alastor Moody came up to the two Aurors in training.
"Not bad Potter. You to Black. That's enough for today. I'll see you two tomorrow. And remember, CONSTANT VILIGANCE!"
"Yes Moody." The two friends stated before leaving the training center.
As they walked back to James' house that hot August evening,
"So, what did Wormtail say was wrong with his mother this time?" James asked.
"Something about double pneumonia and the flu. I swear that woman needs to have a permanent ward at St. Mungos she's so sick all the time". Sirius said before asking teasingly, "Anyways, how's Mrs. Potter?"
James Potter had "finally" married the girl of his dreams just last month, Lily Evans now Potter
"She's fine. Worried of course."
"Any Prongslets coming soon?"
"No." James answered while giving him a death glare. "You might be my best friend, but I'm not going to tell you anything about my private life with my wife."
"Then I won't tell you anything about me and your sister."
"There better NOT be anything TO tell."
When the boys got to Godric Hollow (Sirius was going to stay for dinner), they not only saw Ms. Jennifer Potter, Mrs. Lily Potter (who already have had their Auror training), but to their surprise,
"Professor Dumbledore?"
"Ah. James and Sirius. Just the two men I wanted to see. And please, call me Albus. I am not your Professor anymore."
"Yes Pro- I mean Albus." The boys said.
"What brings you to my home?" James asked his old Headmaster.
"I just received a most intriguing letter." Albus Dumbledore handed the two boys a letter.
Dear Albus Dumbledore,
I have discovered that phoenixes can take letters back and forth between times. So, I would like to ask a favor. If the time stream is changed, then it could only be for the better. Lord Voldemort had been weak for the past 13 years. Now he has returned to full power. There is only one person who can defeat him. That person has only a godfather, who is a convict on the run, and a non biological uncle who is a werewolf. We are in need of a defense teacher, preferably an Auror, so this child could take on Tom Riddle. There is a spell book in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library that should show how to take people forward through time.
Sincerely yours,
Albus Dumbledore-1998
"Uh. Albus? How could you have written the letter?" Sirius asked
"Sirius. The letter is from 1998. It's 1982." Lily pointed out. "I feel so sorry for the child."
"What happened to the child's parents?" Jennifer asked Professor Dumbledore.
"I'm not sure. Possibly were killed."
James, Sirius, Jennifer, and Lily looked at each other.
"May we take the job?" James, Sirius, and Lily aske
"I only asked for one." Dumbledore pointed out with his eyes never losing their twinkle.
"But Albus." Sirius complained, "You can't separate the newlyweds. And Prongs NEEDS me."
"Since when?" Lily asked
"Since he has the opportunity to check out the future. I'll stay here and look after the house and tell Alastor that Dumbledore put you three on an assignment for the Order." Jennifer answered.
"Very well. I had already looked up the spell to send you forward in time. I will expect to see you three in my office, September 1st, 5:00 sharp." Dumbledore said.
"Yes sir."