Chapter 5: Together

At the cafe Tony and Michelle both sat down comfortably opposite each other. They both looked at the menu and decided on a fatty burger and fries!

"Woah, i expected you to get something girly like a salad." Tony commented

"No, if im hungry I'll eat what I want, I like my food" She giggled

"I like it, girls who are constantly moaning about there weight, and what they eat are irritating!"

Michelle just smiled at him, "So I dont know very much about you, apart from what it says on your file, so tell me something I dont know"

"Well did you know that black isnt even a colour, nor white for that matter, that..." He joked lamely

"Funny Almeida, now tell me something about yourself"

"I dunno what you wanna know!"

"Okay, lets play 20 questions, but it wont actually be 20 questions cuz we cxan ask as many as we want!"

"So were playing 'as many as you want questions?'" He joked again

Michelle decided she like out of work Tony better than in work Tony, he was so much more playful, and fun, but sexy at the same time!

"So whats your favourite colour?" she asked

"Red, I dunno why, Ive always just liked red! um same to you?"

"Um, purple, pets?" Michelle said

"No, actually I dont have any, you?"

"Okay, you have to stop copying my questions!" She fake whined, and a giggle following shortly after. At this moment the waitress came over with their food, so they both tucked in eagerly, carrying on the game at the same time.

"Okay no i dont have any pets, now you can ask the next one" She said playfully

"Shoe size?"

Michelle burst out laughing and sprayed found everywhere, "Shoe size?" she said in between spurts of laughter, "What sort of a question is that?" she said followed by more laughter.

"Its a question, You said ask the next one so I did!" He smirked

"Ok, well im size 4, I have quite small feet, Happy now that I've answered you obsoured question?" She grinned

"Yeah actually, size 4, i'll remmeber that" He joked, they sat in silence for a bit then Tony spoke up, "Go on then"

"Go on what, its your turn" She said

"No I asked shoe size last, so now its you"

She giggled, "Yeah but then I asked if you were happy because i answered your obsoured question and you said yeah, so technically its your go!" She said cheekily

"Thats cheating!"

They carried on eating there lunch until there plates were totally cleared, well Tony's was Michelle left a quarter of her burger and half her fries. Tony being a man, started pinching her fries when he had finished. "You can finish them off if you like, I'm stuffed, I ate like a pig!" She said leaning back on her chair, touching her belly. "Well you certainly dont look like one" He said, flirting and giving her his famous Almeida smile, he then leant over and took her plate, finishing it all off.

"Ok, back to our game, I have thought of a proper question now" Tony said

"Thank goodness, you took your time!"

"Ok, past boyfriends?"

Michelle went quiet for a second, she realised that she hadn't said anything so she quickly began her answer, hoping Tony didnt notice her delay.

"Well my high school boyfriend was James, the guy who was at my house, we went out through most of high school and then broke up because we were going to go to different colleges, then I went out with Brad, he was sweet but we were more like friends there wasnt like an attraction at all so I broke it off. Next I went out with Gary, he was lovely but went to work for the Marines and I wasnt going to be seeing him much so we both decided it was best to end things" Michelle took a big breath and carried on with her big speech, "I met up with James again after college and we ended up seeing each other again and we broke up after a few years" Michelle was quiet and looked a little nervous, so Tony was very feeling uncomfortable like she wasn't telling him something. So he decided he would chance pushing a little...

"So, how come you broke up, it seems like you went out a while?" He pushed

"Yeah, we did, I dunno I guess we just grew apart" She answered avoiding eye contact.

Tony decided to leave it at that, if she wanted to tell him he hoped she would come to him with it, if not he would bring it up another time. Tony just smiled and leant over to hold her hand, she smiled back.

"My turn?" Tony asked, trying to steer away from the situation, Michelle smiled and nodded, she was very quiet now, something was definately up.

AN: Thanks for the reviews they really help to get this wrote faster! They are really appreciated so thank you!