Envy and Ed: (Do the It's-The-Last-Chapter-Break-Dance)

Zana: Please don't hate me. (Bows and then hides in a corner)

Drive Me Crazy

Chapter 9: You Can Only Keep Moving On

Edward Elric sat up a shiver crawled down his spine causing him to shudder. He examined the room he was in, the white room with scratchy bed sheets, a hard pillow. He was alive. He wasn't having strange dreams. This was real. Reality. Not the past but now.

Ed shuffled out of bed, feeling the cool air hit his skin and open back of his hospital nightgown. He walked over to the door and touched the knob, slowly opening it. It was then where he was faced with Roy, Al, Wrath, and…


Envy's arms circled around him, pulling him back into warmth that h had been longing for. He embraced this, sighing softly as he allowed his body to just sag. He could feel his brother join in on this as well, but blinked curiously as he looked onward, seeing teachers and students. "…You guys…why are they all here…?"

"That's not important right now. What's important is you. I'm sor…" Ed shook his head, placing a finger on Envy's lips, "No, I'm sorry. Your right, I shouldn't been hiding things from you. I shouldn't have been pretending and I sure shouldn't have practically killed myself by jumping off a damned school roof. I made everyone worry about me…and I've hurt people I care about in the process. Turns out I was diagnosed for extreme manic-depressive episodes, go figure."

He reached out a hand to ruffle Al's hair. "But when I was asleep or unconscious or whatever…I saw things…and I remembered things…I don't even know what it was all about, but it helped me get over myself. I'm ready to get whatever medication I need to keep me in check…and Envy, the whole Scar thing's in my past…"

He took Envy's hand and intertwined their fingers together, "But I want you to be apart of my future, that's if you don't mind having a crazy boyfriend who cross-dresses and has freaky visions, fake limbs along with voices inside of his head." Envy smirked, "I wouldn't want to have you any other way. From now on, if you're going to have one of your angst episodes, we'll have them together, agreed?"

Ed smiled softly, "Agreed." He closed his eyes and stood on his tippy-toes (not that he was SHORT or anything) feeling Envy's warm lips brush against his own in a kiss. Ed could hear loud clapping in the background and pulled away as a yellow daisy flew in the air and he caught it, blushing slightly, "Um…thanks…? Oh, and I have an announcement to make; I don't want to be your school president, so if you were planning on voting for me…please don't…vote for Tringham."

"Off to bed you go now, I don't think the doctor wants you up," Envy said, lifting the blonde and carrying him to his room like a night as Ed's 'posse' followed after. Russell sighed, "Aw damn…now it's hard to dislike Elric…I give up…" He joined the bonfire tribute made for Ed.


Four Days Later


Al held a white teddy bear that he had purchased for his mother as he walked alongside Wrath. He had already given his brother a stuffed cow ("Not that evil producer of MILK!").

"I have a good feeling, I think mom's going to wake up from her coma very soon," the blonde of the two said. Wrath smiled, he had been smiling so much lately he felt as if his face was going to fall off, but Al said that he liked it when he smiled, and so, he kept on doing it. He held onto Al's hand, "What do you think she'll say about you and me…?"

"…I think she won't have a problem, mom's always been very open-minded about things like this. Besides, we're going to get married some day." A light flush came to Wrath's face, "Mah-mah married? Are you serious?" Al giggled, "…Half yes…I love you Wrath, I really do. You always make me happy…"

As they walked into the room, Al stopped, seeing someone by his mother's side, holding onto her hand as a doctor said, "…We've lost her…"

The white bear fell to the ground, as Al opened his lips to utter the words, "…D…Da…Dad…?"

"Alphonse…" replied back the elder man with small square glasses, of great height and body mostly hidden by a mere brown coat. He looked back solemnly into the brown silver eyes of his son, "…I'm too late, aren't I…?"


Snicker. "Stoppit Envy…!" Squeal. Grope. Tickle.

Edward exhaled softly, once again trying to get his lover's hands off of him but Envy was persistent. The dark haired teenager, however, didn't expect for his boyfriend to growl and gain strength from somewhere as he sat on top of him, pinning his wrists above his head on the tiny hospital bed. Ed stared him down with determination set in his eyes, his cheeks slightly puffed out. Envy had the urge to go, 'Aww!' but kept the small comment to himself.

"…Do you think I'm sexy?" Edward inquired.

"…I think you're very sexy," was the automatic response, "do you even need to seriously ask? I think you're so sexy in fact, I want to have your children."

"I would accept that if only you were a female and therefore capable of producing children and if we were both older with a nice home and stable jobs." Envy snorted, "So practical you are, takes away all of the fun."

"Yeah, yeah…" Edward made his way off of Envy and stretched, arching his back and curling his bare toes on the cool ground beneath his feet. He turned his head and eyed Envy, "…Do you love me?"

Envy sat up for this one, looking Edward straight in the eyes, "…I can't say yet. And before you go off into a fit or something, I have a very good, cheesy sounding explanation." Edward crossed his arms as Envy cleared his throat, "…I have issues when it comes to that word. The kind of issues that make me twitch, grimace, and scowl whenever it's heard. And I want to tell you those three words when I'm over those issues. Preferably when we get married and have our children…why are you looking at me like that? It's a murderous intent glare that I'm not liking so much shorty…"

"It's not a murderous intent glare. I've just made a decision based on proper morals," Edward stated rather proudly, "I'm not going to sleep with you until you do state that you love me!"

"…Mmm, now I'm regretting this, can I take back my statement?"

"…No, no you cannot. Sorry Envy."


"…I always told brother that you had a reason. A really good reason for just waltzing out of our lives…I told brother that you'd come back someday with a reason for everything…then mom would get better and things would go back to the way they once were." Observing Al, Wrath was wary. He had cried over things like cats and romantic movies, yet he seemed so unemotional about his own mother's death. The return of his estranged father.

"…I was wrong. Really wrong. I know mom had no control over this, but this was the wrong time for her to die...brother will be devastated when he finds out…and when he sees dad I'm afraid that he might get heated enough to kill…dad insists that we don't tell brother…half of me knows it's the wrong thing to do, but half of me wants to keep this a secret…just until he gets back on his feet." Al laughed softly, "I have to be the strong one once again. Sometimes I wonder why I wasn't the first born."

Wrath lifted his skinny pale arms and then gently wrapped them around Al in a comforting gesture, "…I think you look just like your mother. In that way she's not really dead, you see?" The dark haired boy could feel the dark blonde's fingers dig deeply into his back as Alphonse's face disappeared into the depths of his shirt as they remained in front of her lifeless form.


Hohenheim looked away from the slightly jarred door, hearing the happy sounds of Edward's voice. Happy.

He's all grown up now, making his own choices…learning from his own mistakes…how I wish I was there to see him through it all…now I want to be here…I want to make up for my mistakes…

The older man shook his head, touching his chin in deep thought. Trisha, what would you do?

"I would be a parent. The best parent I could be, my Hohenheim."

His eyes snapped open as he looked around wildly, he swore that he had heard Trisha…yet there was no sign of her. He calmed down and took a deep breath, a small smile gracing his lips, "You always knew what was best…Trisha…"

Footsteps trailed light from behind him, "…Eh…? Rose he looks really familiar…"

Hohenheim looked over, "…Sara-Winry…?"


Edward's Point of View


Envy was just really pushing it, wasn't he…?

But I couldn't help but blush when he kept on rubbing his fingers on my stomach like that. It made me that much more aware of how paper thin the hospital gown was, a simple tear away from exposing me. I had told Envy I wasn't going to have sex with him, but that didn't stop him from still being all touchy-feely. He even said that oral could be in since the dictionary definition of sex was penile to vaginal intercourse. Or in this case, it would be dick to asshole romping. Yay.

But in all actuality, I don't think I'll be ready for all that lovely stuff anytime soon. Number one, Envy needs to tell me that he loves me so that the girly part of me is sated and number two…I've never had normal sex before. That alone raises guards and creates barriers, but I'm sure that with some time, I'll be ready.

"Do you think that there's an extra nurse costume just lying around somewhere…maybe one that's just your size perhaps, mmm?" I slap Envy's wandering hand away from the nice little spot in between my legs, getting a hard on was the last thing I wanted at this point. Envy made a pouty face and just kept me wrapped up tightly, kissing everywhere that I allowed him to, occasionally whispering cute little one-liners into my ear, telling me how beautiful I was and so on. Despite all of this, I feel irritable, and I'm not sure if it's due to the weird aura I'm getting in the air or if that's just my meds kicking in.


Only one girl that I know screams like that. "…Winry?" Envy glares at the door and hops away from me, raising his fist in a threatening motion, "No guests for today, Edward and I are having happy time together so why don't you just fuc…!" Envy's voice cuts off as my father walks into the room, Winry and Rose dwindling in comparison to his height behind him. He smiled at me, "…I'm glad that you've found someone that cares for you…Edward."

My left eye twitched as I picked up the object closest to me, and I was focused on throwing it toward that fucking disappearing bastard of all time (that I hate even more than Roy) but the look in his eyes made me stop.

His eyes gave it all away.


Zana: That's what we call a cliff hanger for a sequel ladies and gentlemen…I know it's a bad ending anyway, I most likely will end up rewriting it sometime soon. I've been having horrible cases of writer's block and also I've been busy with tests, school sports, and the usual life drama. So. Um…please forgive me! (Begs for forgiveness) I promise that when the sequel comes around it will be happy and wonderful and not crappy.

I'd like to thank of the reviewers who enjoyed this and I'd like to give every single one a bouquet of roses. THANK YOU ALL! YOU'RE WONERFUL! I have a few other EdoxEnvy works in the process, such as Rewrite (which I'm co-writing with Miss Tool 2) and Crazy/Beautiful, so it would be muchly appreciated if you could kindly check those out as well! Until next time,

Ja ne!