Magic Kisses

Roxas stomped down the hallway of The Castle that Never Was, muttering under his breath. He was too wrapped up in his thoughts to see how his fellow Organization members were dodging out of his way—the screams from Roxas' room were heard throughout the entire castle, and everyone knew that quiet Roxas was lethal when he was in a bad mood.

"Stupid Axel," Roxas fumed, adding a slight growl after number VIII's name. "Stupid Keyblades, stupid Nobodies…"

Roxas looked up to see that he was standing in front of Naminé's room, and that the young blonde girl was looking at him with concern. She grasped Roxas' sleeve and pulled him into her room.

"Axel doesn't want you to leave, does he?" she asked him quietly as they made their way toward her drawing table.

"How'd you know?" Roxas asked bitterly. "Were we that loud?"

Naminé didn't respond; she simply wrapped her arms around Roxas' waist and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. The warmth of her body seemed to drain away all his power, leaving him without the energy to even be mad at Axel. When she pulled away, he sat down in the chair behind him and looked at her with a wry grin. "How is it that you can always make me feel better with just a kiss?"

Naminé grinned and winked. "Magic."

(facepalm) Gah, that was sooo lame. XD I had no inspiration, when I started writing, and it shows. The title really doesn't have much to do with the story, except at the very end. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go prepare my funeral pyre so that I'll be ready for all the flames.

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