A/N: Thanks for reviews! And sorry for the long wait. I've been doing other stuff. The story won't be exactly like the movie. I wanted to add some of my own drama. But it will still have elements of the movie. I just wanted Rachel and Gar to get closer since the dance competition is near.
Rated T for- Sensuality and Language and some Violence
Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans
Chapter 6. Closer
2 weeks Later-
Rachel was sitting in class once again, tapping her pencil on her desk as boredom filled her. She wanted so desperately to have the class end so she could talk to Gar. She couldn't help but let out a small smile at the thought of him, but when this registered her mind the smile left her face replaced by surprise.
"Rachel?" a voice called to her.
She looked up to see the professor looking down at her disappointedly. "Yes…"
"Have you been paying any attention?" he questioned. Rachel was silent for a moment before opening her mouth.
"What did I say then?" he asked her. Now all her classmates were staring at her as if waiting for her to screw up so they could have a good laugh.
Her mind went blank; actually she wasn't even paying attention to what he had said at all. She was more focused on meeting Gar tonight and completely forgot to take any notes. Great time for humiliation…
"I don't know…" the class then erupted with laughter. Rachel could only glare hatefully at them.
"Not much of a teachers pet anymore…" she heard someone whisper.
"Rachel, I need you to pay attention in class. I'm not going to waste my time here."
"Okay, I'm sorry," she apologized and then saw him nod and go back to teaching. This was going to be a long day.
"No! Why does this have to happen again!" she shouted angrily. Rachel had missed the bus again and now had no ride to take her home. "Great I have to walk about 5 miles now…"
With that she began to walk to the hotel. "The only thing that can save me now is if someone I knew magically appeared with a car."
Beep Beep!
Rachel looked to the side and saw no one other then Malchior in his expensive car.
"Rachel!" he said getting out of the car.
"Malchior…" she replied looking back at him.
"Seems like you need a ride," he offered with a smile. Rachel looked at him like he was crazy.
"You think I would get in a car with you after what you—"
"Don't!" he looked around with fear. He didn't want his reputation ruined. "Look, I told you I was drunk… and I'm really sorry, really I am. Let me make it up to you."
Rachel eyed him suspiciously. She didn't forget what happened last time she was alone with him. He had forcefully kissed her, who knew what else he would of done if Gar hadn't come.
"Please… Rachel…" he said with sorrow filled eyes.
She looked into his icy blue eyes and saw honesty. Maybe…she could trust him this one time…
She sighed. "All right…" she needed a ride anyway.
Malchior's eyes lit up at this, he opened the door for her and helped her in. "Where to?"
She stared straight ahead "The hotel."
Silence filled the car as he drove; she held some fear in her heart. She then felt eyes on her when they stopped at the hotel entrance.
"Rachel," he began causing her to look at him quietly. "I really am sorry for what I did, it wasn't a gentleman thing to do. I was drunk that night, well… because you were with Gar, and I couldn't help but feel jealousy."
Rachel's eyes widened. "Wait, you were jealous?"
"…I admit it I was. Rachel you're a beautiful girl and I really like you. But to see a boy like him take your attention got me angry. I couldn't help but drink…"
"Malchior, drinking isn't a way to help your problems…"
"It just worsens them…" he looked into her violet eyes while she looked back into his blue ones. "Please Rachel, I want you to forgive me. I swear I won't do that again, please forgive me."
Rachel bit her bottom lip as she saw him practically beg for her forgiveness. She couldn't help but remember how hurt she felt. Her first kiss was a forced one, and that would stay in her memory forever. But here he was willing to change and saying sorry. She let out a small sigh.
"I… forgive you…" part of her regretted this but the other part didn't.
"Thank you," Malchior gave her a small smile then slowly held her hand making her feel a little uncomfortable.
"I have to go…" Rachel said then opened the car door leaving a disappointed Malchior who let out a sigh.
"Bye Rachel," she nodded at him then made her way to the front doors. As soon as she left Malchior let a malicious grin spread on his face. "You're easy to fool Rachel… you're easy to fool…"
Rachel was now in her room reading a book when suddenly the door sprung open. She looked up with surprise to see Valerie fuming with anger. She stomped up to Rachel fist balled and a scowl on her features.
"You always get everything I want!" she shouted staring furiously at her.
Rachel looked at her with confusion. "What?"
"How can you, miss bookworm, get Malchior?"
"…I'm not with him anymore so leave me alone!" she got up from her bed and walked across to where her dresser was and sat down on the chair. Valerie followed her and now Rachel could see her sister in the mirror.
"Not with him anymore? Are you insane!"
"I have my reasons, now leave, I need to work on my homework."
That's when Valerie realized that Rachel didn't know… a smirk crossed her lips. This she could use to her advantage. "You know what Rachel, I'm sorry, my mistake, bye," and with that she left the room leaving a confused Rachel.
Rachel was rummaging through her closet to find some fitting clothes for her next practice with Gar. She couldn't help but admit that she was excited and anticipating the next lesson. At the end she ended up picking a dark blue shirt and a pair of tight black pants that reached a little over her knees. She looked in the mirror.
She never really looked at her figure; she had to admit she had the right curves. But they were always hidden behind those dresses her mother made her wear.
She let her hair down instead of tying it in a bun, watching it fall mid back, for the first time she actually wanted to look a least acceptable. She put on heels and then stepped out onto the balcony. For a moment she stayed quiet and took in the night sky. It was so beautiful, the full moon was out and a few stars shown brightly in the sky.
"Not even the moon can match your incredible beauty," a voice said out of the blue. She was almost scared to death by the sudden voice. She looked to her left and saw none other then Malchior.
"What are you doing here?" she demanded, not caring if he complimented her.
"Can't I pass by for a visit?"
"No, how did you get here? Does my mother know? Because if she doesn't then I'll—"
"She knows, but I want to talk about us…" he saw her raise an eyebrow at this statement.
"What do you mean us? There is no us."
"Rachel don't you know?"
Malchior grinned then came close to her and whispered in her ear. "You're soon to be… Mrs. Montgomery…" he left a kiss on her cheek and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"What! No I will not marry you!"
"That's too bad, you're parents and my parents arranged it all themselves."
"What, no they didn't! And let go of me!" she shouted at him. Rachel tried to push him away but he was too strong for her. She struggled against him but couldn't escape he had her pinned to the wall and she could do nothing to stop it.
Her heart was beating a mile a minute, she feared of what was to come. She saw his face come closer to hers and her eyes widened. "No, please Malchior, let me go," she pleaded knowing that shouting wouldn't help her.
"Rachel, I've tried doing this the easy way, and you didn't want it. Now you're going to get it the hard way," his lips crashed onto hers. His hands still had her arms pinned onto the wall. Rachel was trying with all her might to pull away from him. But every time she tried Malchior would tighten his fingers on her wrist, bruising them and causing her pain and weakness.
She thought of Gar… tears began to roll down her cheeks. He wasn't going to save her again… her night in shining armor was waiting for her somewhere else. What would he think if he saw her like this with Malchior? Would he save her?
She didn't want to be tainted by Malchior; she hoped he wouldn't hurt her anymore. She thought of Gar… the only person that made her smile and laugh, maybe if she thought of him she wouldn't feel anything.
Rachel felt Malchior pull away and stare at her with a grinning face. "Expect more when we're married," he stole one more kiss from her lips before letting her go. She fumed with anger and was about to slap him when he caught her wrist. Her eyes widened.
"You will respect me Rachel, I'm your fiancé," he stated.
"How can I have respect for you if you don't respect me!" she shouted.
"Be careful Rachel…" he warned. "Because now you're mine, and I can do whatever I want with you… whether you like it… or not," he grinned malicious then turned away from her. "If you tell anyone about this, you'll be sure that poor boy is dead."
Rachel froze in spot when she heard him say those last words. She didn't want any harm done to Gar. He was a boy so full of life and always looking forward to the future. He was her friend, her only true friend.
She heard his footsteps as he left her room, the door slammed shut. She walked to her bed and dropped her body onto it hiding her face into the pillows not wanting to show anyone her tears.
She should have never accepted the date. She should have never talked to him, smiled at him, or given him a reason to like her. He was a conniving man, a lair; he only cared about him and his selfish reasons. Damn the day she meet him…
Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder causing her jump and shout. "Don't touch me!" her eyes widened when she looked up to see green eyes instead if icy blue.
"Rachel?" when he had seen her face full of tears he knew something was wrong.
"Oh, it's you Gar, how did you get here?"
"Through the balcony," he answered. She looked away but then felt his fingers wipe away her tears.
"Rachel what happened?" he asked her his tone serious. "Why didn't you come to practice?"
"Something came up."
"What? What could possibly be more important then our lessons?"
She looked away. "… I'm getting married… to Malchior…"
She felt his fingers immediately pull away. When she looked up she saw that he had his back to her. He was quiet and all he did was stare at the floor.
"Is that why you didn't come to practice…" his voice was low and distant. She nodded.
"Look, I'm sorry—"
"I don't want your apology, after all it wasn't your fault. You want to get married to him and obviously I was mistaken when I thought our time, together, meant something."
"What? No, what are talking about? It did mean something, and it still does."
"I don't think you understand what I mean Rachel," he finally looked up at her. "It's not only friendship."
Rachel was quiet as she processed these words. What was he trying to say?
"I was stupid to think I had a chance…" he saw her stay silent. "But of course, your type always goes for his type," his voice had gone icy at the last words.
"What the hell do you mean your type?" her voice had risen in volume now.
"You know, I always thought you were different Rachel… I guess I was wrong; you're just like each and every other girl. Money, looks, power, that's what you want don't you?"
"Gar, you have no idea what you're talking about!"
"Then tell me Rachel! What do you want! What the hell do you want me to do to get you to notice me!"
"I do notice you!"
"Obviously you don't! you're getting married for crying out loud!"
"Do you think I made this choice myself? It's an arranged marriage, Gar!"
"You heard me! I don't want to marry Malchior. It's forced, everything's forced!" she tried to hold in her tears. "What you said isn't true. I'm still different, I'm not like the rest…" she stood up and heading for the balcony. She saw him follow her.
"I'm sorry, for all that I said…"
She was silent.
"And you are different."
A small smile crossed her lips. "I've learned to accept being different… I mean violet hair and eyes?"
Gar chuckled. "Yeah, well my ears are more pointed then usual," she laughed at this.
"But I'm not just different on the outside, I'm different on the inside as well."
Gar smiled. "And that's what I like about you," Rachel felt her cheeks heat up. "You're not like the rest, you have your own views, your own personality, you stand by what you believe in." he got close to her and slowly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He grinned, "And I find violet hair very sexy," Rachel laughed at this.
"And I find pointed ears very attractive," he laughed as well.
"I have an idea."
"Why don't we practice here? I mean you missed the last one, why don't we make it up here?"
"Well… I guess it's all right."
Rachel walked to her record player and set it to start. The music that played wasn't fast or Latin flavored; on the contrary, it was soft and slow set for ballroom dancing. She saw him reach out his hand and she took it.
The curtains blew apart from the cool ocean breeze as Gar led her to the balcony. The moonlight lit up her features and Gar couldn't help but think of how beautiful she looked. He felt her hand on his shoulder while his hand rested on her waist. Her other hand was held in his and together they moved slowly almost as if not wanting to break the moment.
She stared into his green eyes so full of life. She couldn't believe that at first she found him rather annoying, but when he got her to smile she knew that he was the real deal. He was her friend, a close friend. They learned about each other and grew closer by each passing day. Slowly her fear of physical touch had begun to fade away with his help. It was he who had changed her; it was he who taught her to open up…
She smiled up at him and slowly her hand that rested on his shoulder began to inch up to his neck. He brought her closer to him as he looked into her violet eyes that seemed to reflect the moon in stars.
Slowly he leaned in and rested his cheek against hers. He very much wanted to kiss her and hold her tightly in his arms. But she was engaged; she was off limits. The music had ended, and they stood still in that same position. He could hear her breathing and her heartbeat against his chest.
He was starting to harbor feelings for Rachel, but will he ever have a chance with her?
A/N: Malchior isn't that messed up. He only kissed her. Anyway, Gar and Rachel are finally getting closer and with this arranged marriage there will be more moments between them. Thanks to everyone who waited for the next chapter. I hope you like it; lately I've been disappointing a lot of people…
Much Love. Peace. Review!