Chapter one
I don't own anything regarding MM's Gone With The Wind
I know, I should stick to one story at the time, but I had to write this story, it's finished and I will post it over the next few days. Wade was never born in this story and Charles didn't die but was captured, and no one knew if he was alive or not.
can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace How can you just walk away from
I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only
one who really knew me at all
When all I can do is watch you leave
Cos we've shared the
laughter and the pain and even shared the tears
You're the only
one who really knew me at all
(Against All Odds by Phill Collins)
Scarlett stood in front of the city hall, once this building had been grand and proud as Atlanta herself, now it looked forlorn and unkept under the grey sky, just like Tara and the South. Observing the Yankee soldiers that seemed to be all around the place, her heart sank, this was enemy territory. Some of her courage deserted her, how could she go about finding Rhett here, in the enemy camp? And Rhett Butler of all people, it would in itself be a heavy task, he always had the ability to read her mind, and she just couldn't afford him to do so today of all days.
Taking a heavy breath she found the courage to step closer to the front door, she was not a goose and Tara was too important to loose, because of second thoughts, she couldn't let that happen. How could she ever give Tara up? Tara was all she had left. Steeling herself for what may come, she entered the former city hall and caught the attention of a soldier.
"Ma'm, can I help you?"
Battering her eyes Scarlett looked at the ground before she briefly turned her jade green eyes to the young soldier boy, dimpling she said, "Oh, I hope you can. I'm looking for Captain Butler"
The young soldier found it hard to take his eyes off this charming young woman before him; her eyes were sparkling with innocents and helplessness, when they meet his for tiny moments, before they were lowered properly to the ground.
"Hmm, I'm afraid Captain Butler isn't allow to have visitors. Are you a relative Miss?"
"Mrs. Hamilton. Ohm- I'm- I'm Captain Butler's sister"
Now she stared into his eyes with watery eyes, never had he seen a lady looking so much in need of help, he stood straighter and smiled reassuringly to her, Mrs. Hamilton made him feel more masculine and he wanted to help her and see more of her dimples again instead of her teary eyes. "Don't you worry! I will take you to the Captain, he will let you see him"
Beaming at him Scarlett took the arm offered; he seemed kind enough despite he was a Yankee.
Scarlett was taken to another building, her escort asked for the Captain and left Scarlett to the fat Captain in charge.
"How can I help you Ma'm?"
"Oh! I want to see Captain Rhett Butler" she dimpled prettily.
"Butler again! He's a popular man that Butler" the captain laughed, "You a relative?"
"Ohm, Yes- his -his sister. Mrs Hamilton"
Again the captain laughed, "He's got a lot of sisters, another one was here yesterday, he wouldn't see her."
Scarlett turned, this was humiliating, she flushed from insult and anger, she was compared to one of the creatures Rhett kept company with, most likely that Watling creature. She wouldn't endure that, not even for Tara.
"Mrs. Hamilton, please wait. Let me see what I can do."
After some time she heard the laughter of Rhett and he appeared before her, he was dirty and unshaven and his clothes a mess, but his eyes were joyfully looking into hers.
"Scarlett!" in one swift movement he bend and kissed her cheek, as always there was something hot and vital about him, something she couldn't understand but it spoke to a part of her she couldn't understand either.
"My dear little sister" he continued before she could slap him for his forwardness. Standing too close to her he laughed and she couldn't help but laugh with him.
Taking the time she looked around the place, they were surrounded by six Yankees.
Good God, was she to speak with Rhett surrounded by damn Yankees? She paled.
The fat captain noticed and ordered his men out "Rhett I warn you."
"Don't worry my darling little sister is harmless captain" Rhett laughed.
Alone with her he took her hands in his, she looked away and step away from his closeness.
"How good of you to come see me. When did you come to town?"
"Yesterday afternoon"
"And you came to see me so soon. I'm honoured. I was afraid you would never forgive me for my hasty departure the last time we encountered," he spoke softly.
Anger came to Scarlett eyes, "I haven't and never will. You low bastard! I could've been killed"
"But you wasn't."
"No thanks to you," she pouted, and then remembering her task she dimpled "I couldn't stay away when I heard you were kept here."
"You couldn't!" His voice sounded odd, gone was the scepticism and the jeering humour, glancing at him, she meet alert, searching eyes. This confused her and she lowered her eyes. "Of course I came"
Sit here with me Scarlett, again he took her hands in his "How are you, it's so good to see a beautiful lady in a nice frock for a change."
"Oh, just fine Rhett. A little bored, you know everything's so dull now so I came to Atlanta for a good time. When will you be out?"
Chuckling, he turned the palm of her hands, "You never change do you Scarlett?"
Abruptly, the smile left his face and he let go of her hands, "So everything is fine at Tara? Your hands say otherwise my dear Mrs. Hamilton.
"Oh!" Scarlett cried, everything had gone so well, Rhett had been friendly and almost gentle and now she could tell he was mad as a horn.
"Tell me the truth why did you come Scarlett. For money?"
"Oh Rhett, everything is so awful. There is no food at Tara, Mother died, Pa is not well and they will take Tara if I don't get 300 dollars to pay in taxes. I don't know anyone else but you who has that kind of money"
His face a smooth blank and his eyes cold, "So you came for money?"
"Don't be a rogue Rhett. Of course I didn't come for your money only"
His cold laughter filled the room "You little heartless liar. Here I was…Well, never mind".
He stayed quiet, observing her for a while. His silence made Scarlett tremble, she didn't know how to handle this sort of behaviour, all she knew was that he was a dangerous man to run afoul of.
"Why would you think I would give the money to you Scarlett. Don't you remember that I never give anything without expecting something in return? It isn't that you were so misguided as to think I would propose matrimony?"
Her face went crimson and she didn't answer.
When she didn't speak he said with violence:
"Have you forgotten Mrs. Hamilton?"
"No! I haven't" she looked away.
"And how was I to marry a already married woman?"
Finally she looked at him, her eyes shining almost emerald green with resentment,
"Well my husband it long gone Rhett" she cried "I'm hardly married anymore."
"As far as I remember Mr. Hamilton is considered captured and not death," his black eyes burned into hers.
"What's the different," she tiredly retorted, "He has been gone for ages, he might as well be death." Suddenly she looked defeated, she knew he was right, she couldn't remarry before silly Charlie was declared death, she had lost. Now she would loose Tara.
Rhett watched her with interest, he saw the emotions running over her face and saw she had given up hope. "Perhaps we can do business after all Scarlett."
Her eyes snapped back to his, narrowing in the movement, "What kind of business Rhett?" Suspicion was clear in her voice.
Stretching his legs out in front of him Rhett looked carelessly at her, "Why, I still want you more than any woman I ever have wanted, and I have waited longer for you than I have for any woman before you."
"What do you mean Rhett, can't you speak in a plain language?"
"I'm asking you to be my mistress my dear Mrs. Hamilton. In exchange I will pay the taxes for Tara and provide for you as long as we have a deal."
Scarlett paled and then flushed from the insult, but this time she didn't look away or took her leave. Her eyes narrowed and clouded, he could almost see her mind spinning.
Scarlett knew she should be offended and take her leave right away, no lady accepted such talk in her presence, her mother would turn in her grave if she knew. But that was not the worst part; Ellen would turn even more if she knew her oldest daughter even considered taking the deal. Scarlett blushed, how could she consider becoming Rhett's mistress? She was Scarlett O'Hara. Besides that, she too well remembered Charlie's awkward hands on her covered body, his flushed faced burning with desire, his silly words and the pains in his rushed movements, when he mounted her body like a lovesick goat. Fortunately it had only happened two times, but the pains and humiliating had been unbearable. Could she do it again? Her thoughts turned to those at Tara, they were so hungry and miserable and Tara was forlorn and unkept.
"I won't hurt you Scarlett, all you have know was a foolish boy not a young man knowing what he's doing?"
She couldn't lose Tara.
"I will do it Rhett!" There was fear in her eyes but she wouldn't back out of her word, she hadn't anything else to offer than her body.
Briefly, Rhett stopped awkwardly in a movement with confusion written all over his face, then his face was hidden behind his blank expression again and his eyes unreadable.
"I'm glad we agreed Mrs. Hamilton. I expect to be out in a few days. I will arrange a small house for you live in here in Atlanta. As soon as it's settle I will send for you."
"A house! Are you out of your mind Rhett Butler, I can't live in your house as a loose woman. What will people think?"
"Do you expect me to come to Tara every other day my dear Mrs. Hamilton?"
"No! But what excuses do I have to live here?"
I will find one Scarlett. Now, if you will excuse me. I will see you in a week's time."
Hours later Scarlett was on the train home, she couldn't remember much after leaving Rhett and the city hall. What had she done? She was becoming a kept woman, one man's mistress while married to another. If only she could find another solution before Rhett send for her, she almost hoped that Charles Hamilton would return, until she remembered his advancements to her and she felt sick. Never would she let that boy touch her again. It only meant pain. Oh! What should she do?
Back at Tara Scarlett couldn't look Ashley in the eyes or stand to be near him, he must never know she swore, he could never loved her again if he knew. Melanie, her sisters and the darkies were curious to know if she had gotten the money.
"I will have the money in a week's time, don't worry. Don't ask me any more questions, I'm tired." She escaped them and their questions by taking refuges in her bedroom. But she couldn't escape her thoughts. And they frightened her, on one hand she longed to be taken away from Tara and not to be hungry again, on the other hand she fear the touches of Rhett Butler and loosing her reputation. She remembered his brief kisses and touches and what they had done to her body, starting strange sensations in her, sensations she was ashamed of.
Over the next five days Scarlett buried herself in work, she kept working when they others stopped at night, only coming into the house when she was ready to sleep, her meals were hastily eaten but more often skipped.
On the sixth day after her return to Tara the telegram came:
Dear Mrs. Hamilton,
The arrangements are ready.
As we agreed, the store is in your ownership
now and the house is ready for you as well.
I will pick you up at the station tomorrow at
2pm. You ticket has been paid.
Kind regards,
Rhett Butler.
"Oh! The nerve of that man" Scarlett went red to the roots of her hair, what would they others think of her? She was about to throw the telegram into the fire when her eyes caught the word; store. What store? He hadn't mentioned anything about a store.
Oh! He had bought her a store to run, how exciting. Smiling she finally saw that this would be her excuse to stay in Atlanta on her own, how could she run a store from Tara. But she was to leave tomorrow. So soon! A store, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all to be with Rhett. If only she was to keep the money she made, then she could keep Tara and make it flower again.
With the telegram in hand she stepped into the parlour to Melanie, Ashley and her sisters. Clearing her voice she broke the silence:
"I will leave for Atlanta tomorrow. The tax money will be paid."
"Dearest, how nice. How long will you be gone," Melanie rushed to her and squeezed her arm.
"I will- I will- That is, I won't be coming back" now the words were spoken.
"What do you mean you won't be back dear?" Melanie sounded confused.
"I have a store to run now and that means- that means I will have to stay in Atlanta."
"A store? Have you lost your mind Scarlett?" Sue Ellen cried.
"Don't be a sissy Sue Ellen. I own a store now, it will pay the taxes and provide for you."
"God Lord, how did you get a store dear Scarlett" Melanie asked; only Ashley kept quiet, refusing to look at Scarlett.
"Captain Butler lent me the money so I could buy it, he believes it would be the best way for me to support my family."
"What a fine idea," Melanie beamed "And it will only be until Charlie is home again. Captain Butler is a nice gentleman"
Scarlett almost choke, "If only you knew how fine a gentleman he is Melly" she thought.
Will drove Scarlett to the train; Scarlett looked back at Tara and all she left behind; mammy, her innocent and all her dreams and hopes; now Ashley would never be hers. Will was quiet most of the way, just once did he speak;
"I hope you know what you are doing Scarlett?" She sensed he hadn't been fooled by her words of the store and the loan.
"Of course I do Will." Scarlett almost managed to fool herself into believing that she did knew what she was doing, but the closer the train came to Atlanta the more uncertain she became. When the train drove into the station in Atlanta she had almost lost her nerve, but meeting Rhett's mocking eyes, enlightened her fire again, she would not let him know of her insecurities.
"Hallo Scarlett, I wasn't sure you would be here," his eyes challenged her.
"I never break my words Rhett. A deal is a deal no matter how unpleasant it is."
Her words made him laugh, "Who said it would be unpleasant, I think you will find my company pleasant enough. I have never had any complaints so far my dear Mrs. Hamilton"
"Oh, do stop the Mrs. Hamilton thing, it seem trivial now doesn't it?"
"Your wish is my command Scarlett" He bowed insultingly at her. "Please allow me to escort you to your humble home."
Taking a deep breath to find her courage, she looked at him, "Yes that would be fine Rhett"
Inside Rhett's carriage Scarlett wondered how she would be able to hold her head up after tonight, Charlie's was well respected in Atlanta and so was Melanie. She would never know why people thought so highly of the colourless Melanie or shy, boyish Charles Hamilton, but they did and she would never be forgiven for her betrayal of her marriage. Pa must never know how I cast shame on the O'Hara name. She was grateful that Rhett's carriage was a closed one; her reputation was safe for a little while longer.
Having paid no attention to where Rhett was taking her she now focused on the surroundings, they were driving down Peachtree Street, just passing Charlie's and Melly's house.
"Where is the house Rhett? I don't remember ever having seen any houses after the Hamilton house." Some of the colour had returned to her face and she was breathtaking.
Rhett placed his hand possessively around her waist, he felt her stiffen and then relax as remembering their deal.
"Well, there is one house left, it's not easily seen and that's why I chose it. I will come around a few times a wee, I guess."
"Oh, that often!" she mumbled.
Chuckling, Rhett leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, "I won't hurt you, actually I think you will yearn for my visits." His warm mouth touched the soft skin underneath her ear, Scarlett felt suddenly weak, the contrast between the skin Rhett kissed and the rest of her body was amazing, how could his warm mouth leaves goose pimples on her entire body?
"Stop it Rhett. It not proper, we are in public."
"So it would be okay if we were not in public my dear?"
"How you do run on Rhett. Of course it wouldn't. Your are a skunk."
"Here I was thinking you enjoyed it. Besides that I don't see anyone running beside the carriage to steel glimpses of us."
The driver stopped the carriage in front of a little white house in two stores, the door and window frames had been painted in emeralds green.
"Ah, we are here I see." Rhett said. He turned and got out of the carriage and offered a hand to Scarlett.
"It's pretty Rhett!"
"Glad you like it Scarlett, let me take you inside."
The house was decorated tastefully in creamy colours and warm nougat, it was easily seen that no expenses had been spared. Downstairs were the dining room; an office, the kitchen and a parlour, stepping into the parlour Scarlett almost lost her breath. It was a warm, creaming white and with an emerald green settee and two armchairs, there was a fire burning in the fireplace. From the large windows Scarlett looked straight out into a beautiful rose garden with roses in all colours.
"This is the most beautiful room I ever have seen Rhett," she beamed.
"I thought the colours would do you favour," he smiled "Let me take you upstairs"
Rhett directed her into a large bedroom; this room was dominated by pale blue and green colours and the same creamy walls as in the parlour. There was a large four-poster bed that made Scarlett blush. She was a little taken aback, she had expected a feminine room like the one she had at Tara, this room was both feminine and masculine at the same time.
"I couldn't sleep in a girlish bedroom Scarlett" Rhett jeered at her.
"Sleep?" she blinked a few times before she calm downed, "Oh, I see."
"I will leave you to unpack and come back for a late supper. Will you be okay?"
"Why, yes of course."
"I will send Faith up, she will be your maid"
"Thank you."