A/N Are you tired of me yet? Wait don't answer that. Heh. Poor Kish, I'm so mean to him! Any-nya, this will probably be one of the more serious chapters, save the Pudding Tar-Tar fluff. Please review, or I'll have to sell my socks for a living! Well, maybe not, but review anyways.

"Damn…damn it. What can I do to make you love me?" he gasped. He kissed Ichigo again, but Ichigo made no attempt to pull away. Kish sighed as he replayed the moment over and over in his head. He buried his head under the covers once again and groaned. He was so awful! No wonder Ichigo wanted to leave. Kish sniffled and blinked back some threatening tears.

"I bet that Aoyama guy is much nicer, smarter, and more handsome than I am." he mumbled, flicking one of his pointy ears in disappointment. There was a creak as his door opened.

"Kish, it's time to be a big boy and go make up with Ichigo." A voice that sounded suspiciously like Pie's said.

"That's what I was trying to do. Now go away, Pie." Kish murmured. Suddenly, the covers were yanked from his head. Kish blinked wearily at his advisor.

"You are acting like a small child. Taruto is acting more mature than you." Pie said sternly, staring at Kish intently. Finally, Kish kicked his legs out from under the covers and hopped off of his bed. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I'll work on it." He said in a fake bored tone. Pie raised his eyebrows, but Kish left before he could say anything in return.

Ichigo felt terrible. The recent fight with Kish had left her shaken and distressed. Even worse, Kish was avoiding her like she was the plague. She had no idea that she was in a similar position to Kish's. Curled up in bed with a heavy heart. As she thought back on the fight, she kept coming back to Kish's kiss.

"He seemed so upset. I didn't enjoy it though. His kiss, that is. I-" Ichigo sighed. "Oh who am I kidding? I loved his kiss. Damn it, he's growing on me." The instant the words left her lips, she clamped a hand on her mouth. She'd never sworn before. Another of Kish's qualities that had rubbed off on her.

"Oh gosh, I'm not in love with him, am I?" Ichigo asked. She shook her head defiantly. "Of course not! Any feelings for Kish are strictly sibling-related. My true love is-" before Ichigo could mutter Masaya's name, she heard a knock on her door.

"This is Pie. May I enter?" Pie's voice said from the opposite side of the door. Ichigo grunted in reply. Pie opened the door and stood in the doorway.

"May I ask why you're in here?" Ichigo asked, rubbing her eyes and tilting her head in a way that would have made Kish faint for kawaii overload.

"Kish is in a state of shock and distress. I need you to get him out of it." Pie said.

"Where is he now?" Ichigo inquired. She kicked her legs over the side of her bed and tucked a few unruly strands of hair behind her ears.

"He was coming to apologize, but I think he chickened out. I saw him standing here for nearly a half of an hour, but he said he'd see you in a few moments. Last time I checked, he was in a similar state as yours, curled up like a cat in his bed sulking." Pie said.

"Hey!" Ichigo yelled. "I am not sulking." She retorted. She tossed a pillow at the surprised alien. Pie grabbed in out of the air and tore it in half.

"Kish?" a timid voice asked. Kish, who had snuck back into his room after listening to his precious koneko-chan snoring, raised his eyes and blinked.

"Ichigo? Wuzzugoinon? What did Taruto blow up?" Kish asked. Ichigo stepped fully into the room and picked her way around the garbage that littered Kish's floor.

"Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Ichigo said. She turned over an unused hamper and sat down next to Kish.

"Ichigo!" Kish suddenly yelled. He grabbed her wrist. Ichigo yelped in pain. Kish began to squirm. "Ichi-go!" he cried out again. He roughly pulled her close.

"Kish, what's wrong?" Ichigo asked. Kish pulled Ichigo's face next to his. His eyes were rolling madly and he looked to be in a great deal of pain.

"You're mine, koneko-chan! I want you!" he managed to gasp out. Ichigo tried to pull away, but Kish only held her tighter. "I want you to stay with me. Forever."

"Kish, pull yourself together!" Ichigo yelled. She gave him a sharp slap on the face. Kish blinked twice, then shook his head.

"Huh? Ichigo, did you hear anyone?" Kish asked, releasing Ichigo. Ichigo examined the bloody nail marks imbedded in her wrist.

"Nobody but you. What was that all about? Do you have a history of breaking out into tantrums?" she asked, standing up from the hamper and moving towards the door.

"It was Deep Blue again. He said that he wanted you, but I wouldn't let him take you, Ichigo." Kish mumbled. Ichigo froze in place. Slowly, she turned around.

"Kish, nobody said that. Are you sure you're not imagining things?" she asked. She walked back over to the prince and knelt beside him.

"I'll never let him take you away Ichigo." Kish said. Ichigo felt Kish's head. It was burning. She quickly pulled her hand away pulled the covers up to his chin. Soon enough, Kish had fallen asleep

"I don't know what happened to him. All of the sudden he started twitching, then he grabbed me and yelled that he wanted me forever." Ichigo explained to Pie. They were back in Ichigo's room. Pie nodded, a concerned look playing on his face.

"Ichigo, there is something very important about Kishu that I have to tell you." Pie said sternly. He led her over to her bed and sat her down. He sat down next to her and took a deep breath. Ichigo could tell that it would be a long story.

"When Prince Kish was born, a mysterious man named Deep Blue had been visiting all newborn royal children. He would storm into the room, ask a few strange questions, and place a hand on the baby's forehead. However, exactly a week after he left, the baby would begin to act very strangely, not letting anybody touch it. Then, three nights later, the baby would disappear. Of course, Kish being the king's son, Deep Blue made an arrival. He preformed his routine, then left. I was only nine, but I knew that something was going to happen to Kish. Being his designated advisor, I felt that I had to do something. So, exactly a week after Deep Blue had come, I carried baby Kish to my family's home. We stayed there for three days. The night of the third day, I stayed up and watched Kish all night. Nothing happened to him."

"That very night, a break-in at the castle had occurred. Nothing had been stolen. However, a letter demanding the baby prince was tacked to the castle doors. Though it was anonymous we all knew that it was Deep Blue. And when Kish was five, we knew why Deep Blue wanted him. Deep Blue was sending mental waves out to Kish. On his fifth birthday, Kish began to twitch, then began screaming about someone coming to get him. He yelled out the name Deep Blue and promptly passed out. He was running a fever for days on end, and when he recovered, he was still shaken. A few weeks after that, the king learned that Deep Blue had implanted some sort of magic inside all of the children, then kidnapped them to make them do his bidding. Though Deep Blue was caught and killed, we can never rid Kish of his spirit."

A/N This chapter was written long ago. I know it's been one-hundred years since I updated, but I need to wrap this up. This story died on me. I don't like the way it was written, it was tedious, and I have a completely different writing style now. Thus, I'm abandoning the story.

However, I'm going to rewrite this. Not now, but in the near future, I'm changing the plot slightly and doing a rewrite. In the meantime, read other stories and wait. I'll get to it. But this will no longer be updated, which is why I cut the chapter short here.

The plot of the new story, which I will call Unweaving, will be a lot like this. Kisshu is still a prince, Ichigo is still a peasant, and Masaya is still the animal researcher in love with Ichigo. However, the pace will slow down, and it won't be so randomly dramatic and angsty. Kisshu's love for Ichigo will come more slowly, and Ichigo's fondness for Kisshu will be much slower. The random numbers and references will be gone. It will be a clean slate. 'Fairy Tale' will remain on the site to direct people to the new story.

On a lighter note, as a present to my readers, I'm doing a little freebie. I will be writing a one shot or drawing a chibi (on my devArt account, Kat-nya) of your choice for free. You may request until a week after chapter eight of 'The Followings' is up. Check my profile for dates and progress.

Consider it an 'I'm Sorry' present.

Thus ends 'Fairy Tale'. Sorry I never finished it, and keep your eyes out for 'Unweaving'. It will come sooner than you think.

And I'll definitely finish it.