WARNING: Although this story has been greatly modified to include an OC, spoilers are inevitable. At least up through chapter 301 of the manga. Beyond that, nothing's been released, so unless I think the exact same way Kishimoto thinks, I'm not going to be spoiling anything.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Well, unless Kishimoto finds this writing and likes it enough to add as an official side story. I don't own Ch'ae-Rim either. (See, I took the kanji from actress Pak Ch'ae-Rim's name and found the Japanese pronunciation. Since those words were uncommon, there were only a few pronunciations, and came out as "Sairin". Very unusual.

Note: I view Naruto as a time period of mixed modern and old Japanese. I will give all noble girls the title "princess" even if they are not royalty. It's much the same with how Jiraiya referred to Tsunade as "princess" because her grandfather was Hokage. I will include stuff that you would expect from traditional Japan as well as modern stuff from foreign nations outside Japan.

Pairing: Itachi/OC, one-sided Sasuke/OC

Sairin smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. This must be a dream… Then, the flowing river was the last thing she saw before blackness. Itachi? Itachi… Why… dearest friend…everything was going to be fine…

"Sairin…" the young boy watched her lose consciousness. His arms were still around her, so she did not fall. "I'm sorry. I won't have you take part in this."

Sighing, he put a bag of provisions and medications inside her robes. Gazing at his friend, he lightly allowed his lips to touch her cheek. He then proceeded to leave her on the grass by the river.

An hour later, he returned, carrying pieces of wood and other pieces of buildings. He carefully laid each piece on top of Sairin.

"Please let this detain you. I hope someday, if I am not dead, that you can forgive me. Forgive me for being so weak. I can't live like this anymore."

The girl awoke in pain. She had some scrapes here and there on her fair skin. Most of the damage, however, came from her chest. Ah… I think I may have some broken ribs… Sairin thought. Due to the fact that most of the rubble that had been on top of her body had moved, Sairin could push the remnants off. She used her remaining strength to rest by several trees. Itachi…

"Is she dead?"

"Enemy ninja attack? You think we should warn the Hokage?"

Sairin stirred. She had lost just a bit of sense to say, "Where am I?"

All the conversation stopped, but none answered. Finally, one woman spoke, "You are in the Hidden Village of Konoha of the Fire Country. You were found an hour ag o by some children. Do you… do you know what happened to you?" she asked carefully.

Sairin thought. And thought. "What! I… I cannot remember… but I… I have the feeling I knew everything just a bit earlier…" Tears of frustration reached the young girl's eyes, but she fought them back and prevailed.

Several adults glanced at teach other. The same woman stepped forward once more, "Do you know… well, is there anything amnesia hasn't touched?"

"I…" Sairin started, cut short by pain. Sairin just had the feeling it would be wise not to trust these strangers so easily. "I am called… Satomi… I have a meaningful family name, but I cannot remember it. I am adept at Nature jutsu…"

As it turns out, Sairin lost all memory of human interactions, but basic skills such as reading, writing, and speaking were all intact.

"Well it wouldn't do for you to run around alone," the first woman said. "Satomi, was it? My name is Masumi. I am a Medical-nin. Oh! I should treat your injuries right away." Masumi got to work splintering Sairin's partially crushed body.

"Thank you for the treatment," Sairin said softly with gratitude as she got to her feet. "I'll be on my way now." Before anyone could protest, Sairin had walked off without looking back."

"Kids these days!" an old man muttered exasperatedly.

Masumi nodded. "We have another one all battered up in the village. Some Uchiha Sasuke… he's so cold, arrogant, and independent!"

"Eh? What's this? A girl was found injured along the river?"

"Sir! Isn't that near the Uchiha property?"

"Yes… but… that prodigy Itachi would never be so merciful. He left his younger brother Sasuke alive but in a terrible mental state. This girl had only minor injuries and amnesia. Didn't you say there seemed to be no sign of a struggle?"

"Yes, but, there is a possibility…"

"Enough. This matter is dismissed. There is no one in the Uchiha clan with the name of Satomi, anyway."

Sairin came across a magnificent property… or rather, was magnificent. Some of the smaller buildings looked as though someone had forcibly broken it down. The dead bodies of the residents were everywhere.

"Wh… What is this?"

Could they be my family? Then… it was a good idea to use the name Satomi. I don't know anything about the killer. What if the killer returns if he learns I live?

Sairin's hand automatically came up to her neck and stroked a beautiful pendant. "Hm? What's this?"

"So you're looking for people of the Hyuuga clan who might be your family?" the secretary checked with the eight year old girl in front of her. Sairin nodded so she proceeded. "No, the Hyuuga records have nothing of a lost daughter."

"I see," Sairin said resignedly.

The woman took pity on the little girl, "Well, as you know, Hyuuga irises are a clearer colour than your sparkling blue ones. Would you like me to check the records of other families?"

"No thank you," Sairin replied. "It would be too tragic. I don't want to know about all the families who lost children in other years. I shall only inquire if I get a specific name, and it is reasonable for me to be their child."

As Sairin left, the slim woman thought, A wise and interesting girl…

A young boy of almost fourteen years stared into his mirror. He performed a few hand seals, and suddenly transformed into a smaller girl. Though he did not get much thinner, he got shorter, his black hair was tainted blue, and his dark eyes turned the colour of the ocean in tropical areas.

"Itachi? Ita...chi…" As suddenly as he had turned into the girl, he resumed his usual appearance, and slammed his fists onto the floor. The floor broke from his strength, but he paid no attention. "I am beyond jounin level, but I cannot imitate a girl just to talk to myself? Why am I even talking to myself? Why can't I remember how she speaks?"

Calming down, he whispered more evenly, "Sairin… Sasuke… I can't go back."

Elsewhere, a boy with a face equally beautiful faced his home. His face wasn't tired, but it was lined with suffering. Sitting in a large estate all alone, the emptiness in his heart overwhelmed him. Tears of pain and sorrow slid down his exquisite face. "Itachi, why did you… have to do this? I have everything: money, potential… but I don't have my friends and family! Sairin… Sairin is gone too… Itachi…"

Four years passed. Sairin had traveled the world, unbound by duties to any one place. Sairin still kept her precious pendant and chain in perfect condition. It was the only connection to her past, but she never once used the name engraved there: "To our dearest friend Sairin." After all, Sairin had reasoned, there had to have been a reason for the slaughter of a clan near where she was found. I don't want to disrespect them if I was one of them, but I can't reveal myself as a survivor. To the world, I am Satomi. Shadow Princess Satomi. I am satisfied to be Satomi, but I do wish Sairin would awaken and teach me of all my lost memories.

Sairin breathed the fresh scent of the village of Konoha she w as entering. This was her rightful home, but she had spent most of her last four years traveling. Sairin perfected old skills in different conditions and learned new skills, making her a diverse shinobi-to-be.

She wandered cautiously to the academy. By now, she had memorized almost every single location, and traveled with ease. Sairin made her way to the staff room. She entered and indiscriminately tapped the shoulder of the first person she saw.

"Yes?" came the slow careless response of the tall silver-haired man.

Sairin wasted no time. "Please let me try out for the chuunin exams!"

The man was taken aback. "What?"

"Do you not understand?" Sairin asked impatiently. "Or do you find me unqualified to undergo an examination to become a chuunin? I assure you, I am as qualified as any genin!" Sairin stated firmly.

The man sighed, "Very well, if you insist." This girl wasn't going to back down. Something about her seemed familiar… even promising. Besides, what's the harm? Give her a mandatory pretest. Then if she fails, she fails. Four genin nominated this year… what a surprise. And this one doesn't even seem like a genin. "Well, I'll need your name, then. I'll also need your age and registration ID and birthday."

"If you don't mind, your name first," Sairin's instilled distrust compelled her to say. She hadn't meant to sound so insolent and hostile. By now, she couldn't help it.

He was taken aback once more, but agreed with Sairin's thinking. "I am Hatake Kakashi. You?"

"Sai…" she paused. "Satomi. Shadow Princess Satomi." As she left, she said, "Please remember."

Hatake blinked. "What does she take me for? Oh well, back to Icha Icha Paradaisu!" He returned to his book without a care.

He did not notice that he forgot to get Sairin's other personal information.

Sairin had bypassed the pretest easily. Not enough was known about her to use emotions against her. After all, every time she made a new friend in a particular place, she would say fare well too soon. However, Sairin made up for it by undergoing a rigorous physical test. She had to face a jounin in combat. Sairin was supposed to stay out of the reach of the jounin's attacks for ten minutes. Instead, she attacked the jounin with a variety of foreign techniques. The examiners allowed the fight to continue longer than intended until Sairin knocked the jounin out at fifteen minutes. The jounin did not suffer any serious injuries, but had to be taken away for treatment. The examiners were stunned.

"Quite a catch you found there, Hatake," one examiner commented dazedly.

"Eh? Sounds like conflict up ahead," Sairin mused outside the door to the first chuunin exam.

Kakashi was waiting right outside. "Satomi. The test you will be taking is no different from what anyone else is taking. But your situation is different, and thus you will face the test differently."

"Yes, Hatake," Sairin took his words to heart. Before entering, she paused. "Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to take this test."

Inside, there was indeed a disagreement. Such open hostility, she thought.

"Break it up," Sairin commanded. She took a moment to glance at the others. At the center of the hostility were the three genin of Oto, nine newbie genin of Konoha, and an experienced genin of Konoha – wait. That man seems so powerful. Is he really too dull to pass the test? The Oto genin… there's not much to note. They seem to be the average genin ready to take a chuunin exam. As for the Konoha newbies…There's a timid Hyuuga. I see she has a relative also taking the chuunin exams. Ha, I would know them anywhere. I can't believe I once thought I might have been a missing Hyuuga. There's a boy with a dog on his head. Could he be an Inuzuka? There's a boy who can manipulate bugs. I definitely don't want to mess with him unless I want to choke on ants. That boy over there… he keeps eating, but he can transform into a form much bigger, and with great power. It's in his chakra. That other boy… the one with the dark clothes… I passed him earlier. He's brilliant, but lazy. Nara Shikamaru. The blonde can enter people's minds. I over heard about her family at their flower shop. Apparently, she's a refined young lady skilled in ikebana. Hm? That boy dressed in orange… I can feel enormous chakra, but it doesn't seem like he can use it well yet. He doesn't seem too bright, either. The girl with pink hair is good at theory. She doesn't seem strong-willed enough to carry out the theory, though. She has good potential. I wonder what will become of her. The last one… that boy seems very intelligent and capable. He looks so lonely, though. It's such a tragedy. He's a very good-looking boy.

At that moment, the striking boy looked directly into Sairin's eyes. Sairin was quite surprised, but held her gaze. The boy did not look away, even after a few minutes had passed, causing Sairin to feel a bit unsettled.

"Hey you!" an angry voice called. "Who do you think you are, stepping in? Where's your squad?" It was one of the Oto genin.

Can they not sense, this Konoha genin seems to be jounin level?

"God, Abumi, calm down. She doesn't even have a protector. She's probably just a messenger," his teammate Tsuchi Kin dismissed Sairin.

"How flattering. I am Satomi, the Shadow Princess," Sairin coolly answered.

At the same time, the pretty boy said, "Uchiha Sairin!"

Sairin looked around at him. "I think you are mistaken. My name is Satomi." Actually, he could be right. I can wield Sharingan. But how could I be born to such a prestigious family? The Uchiha were decimated. Why would I be a survivor? I'm nothing special. But he knew my name… "You are?"

"U-Uchiha Sasuke," he stammered.

That settles it. He's too pretty to be in the same clan as me.

"You haven't answered all my questions!" the impatient Zaku Abumi demanded.

"Well… I don't have a squad. And I think I have a bit of priority, as I am the only one who had to face a jounin to be here."

"What!" the boy was taken aback. "No way. Genin can't survive against jounin."

"Then take your weak genin image and shove it up your ass!" the volume of Sairin's voice rose as she began to lose her composure. "I was supposed to avoid the attacks of the jounin for ten minutes. Instead, the fight drawled on until I knocked him out after fifteen minutes!"

"Liar!" He charged at her. Sairin, in the span of a second, summoned Hyousen. The powerful chakra hail immediately knocked him out.

"Liar?" Sairin scornfully repeated. "Oh, I can see every single liar in this room, but not a single mirror." She allowed her eyes to meet those of the silver haired, jounin-level Konoha genin. From his expression, he did not miss her point.

In a blast of smoke, the examiners arrived. The test was on.

The genin were each assigned a seat. To Sairin's surprise, she was seated next to Uchiha Sasuke. Knowing that he would be a good ally, she tried to make conversation.

"Um. You seem really sad all the time and it's such a waste because you have such a beautiful face!" Sairin blurted. Ack! That was so stupid! "I mean, you look as if life wasn't quite fair to you."

Sasuke said nothing but nodded.

"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it, either."

"But… are you Sairin? Or not?"

"I might be Sairin. I woke up one day by a river with no recollection of anything. I had only a pendant," Sairin stopped, turning to Sasuke.

"'To our dearest friend Sairin'," Sasuke recited. "It was a gift for her 8th birthday. December 1st. My brother and I bought it together. It was… the last gift. Not long after that, my brother decimated our clan."

"I'm sorry… I don't remember our clan at all… I've lived as Satomi," Sairin whispered, eyes still wide open. This was the first time that Sairin was given hope of a family who knew her, who would accept her. "I saw nearby, a clan of dead shinobi. I did not see any emblem. The eight year old I fled too quickly. My family was killed. I didn't know why, but I knew that maintaining the name Sairin might attract an assassin to finish the job. I've traveled the world, perfecting techniques that felt natural to me. I suppose those are the ones Sairin practiced. I also learned many foreign techniques."

After a brief silence, Sasuke spoke, "Satomi. You may not remember Sairin now, but…" Sasuke trailed off momentarily. "Thank you for living."

Sairin thought for a fleeting time that Sasuke's face was lit with happiness. "Many times, I wondered who I was. I should be the one thanking you for living."

Turning to her paper, she found new troubles. What in all seven hells! These aren't questions normal genin would know… and… not even some chuunin. There must be something I'm missing. Two points are deducted for cheating… and getting caught? So we are supposed to cheat but avoid the eyes of the examiners? But who to cheat off of… ah, I see now. Not all the test-takers are genin. That silver haired man earlier must have been one of the jounin hidden as a genin. He must be here to test if the genin can figure out who is the correct person to cheat off of. But really, he must be among the oldest genin! How is that a disguise?

Sharingan! Sairin's eyes flashed red for an instant and returned to the usual turquoise. Hm… in front of me, there are a lot of people who seem to be doing fine… but which are the ones with the absolute correct answers? I sensed some people whose heartbeats seem to be unusual, and weeded them out as liars. If only I had looked then for the faces… For now, I'll just do the ones I know.

Sairin began filling out all the questions involving formulae.

"How do you know all the answers?" Sasuke whispered, noticing how quickly her pencil moved out of the corner of his Sharingan eye.

"I had no memories. I lived every day just to grow stronger. That being my only purpose, I learned the formulae through every day practical life."

"You can't hold onto Sharingan for the ones you don't know?"

"I could. But it's much more obvious when I use it. Your eyes are black, so a dark red isn't a big contrast. My eyes are aqua blue. It would be too obvious. If I use it to copy every stroke, someone will be sure to catch me. If I only copy fragments… well I can't see how helpful that would be," Sairin reasoned softly.

"…" Sasuke wondered if he could do anything. The Sharingan which filled in anything he didn't know could not directly help her. But perhaps indirectly… Why? Why do I still love Sairin? Even before, she didn't love me. "Make a diversion."

Sairin understood. Perfectly. Even after all these years, their hearts functioned as one. What should I do? How about a red herring?

Without movement of any kind, Sairin conjured a Sand Funeral in the back of the room. And without fail, everyone looked back. Sairin turned to her left and Sasuke to his right. Both sets of Sharingan caught each other's tests momentarily before returning to normal. Both Uchiha had turned with such great speed, turning Sharingan on and off so fleetingly it was a wonder they had captured any information. They were both wise enough to stare wide-eyed at the disruption, as if they did not expect it.

The room filled with murmurs. The individuals each gasped to themselves, as most did not care for the strangers they were seated with.

"Those three from the Sunagakure no Sato must really be confident! Setting off such a technique during a test!"

"You're missing the point. They're showing their power!"

The much annoyed examiners finally quieted the room and the test continued after they gave the Sand siblings death-glares.

"That was… a Sand Funeral… how?"

"I lived only to get stronger, and with no real home," Sairin reminded. "I was at the Sunagakure two years ago. Then, not only did I receive some training from a respected woman named Chiyo, I had my Sharingan with which to watch Gaara."

"Stay at the main Uchiha estate. You are entitled to," Sasuke added, pinkness tainting his white skin.

"Thank you," Sairin's heart fluttered a bit. A place to belong to…

They continued to fill in the answers they had just captured from each other.

"Oh… no…" Sairin scolded herself mentally. "I forgot number 5."

Sasuke looked at his sheet. Eight. But the security was tight. He couldn't simply say the answer. "Satomi. How old were you when you received your necklace?"

Sairin stared into space for a moment. "I was… that's right." As she filled in random drawings onto her paper to throw off the eyes of the examiners, she answered, "I was four."

Sasuke inwardly smiled. Thank the gods for this fateful day.

On the other hand, Sairin was having a rough time erasing her random doodles. I pressed too hard, goddammit! In the end, she just drew more pictures to make the partially erased ones more natural, and then put "8" in the box.

The time after that passed rapidly. Soon, it was time for the last question.

The head examiner, Morino Ibiki, wasted no time giving the genin the details, "If you get this last question wrong, you will automatically be failed, with your squad mates. Also, you will be forbidden from taking the chuunin exams ever again. Anyone who wishes to wait another may leave now."

Some of the genin panicked and asked to leave, apologizing to squad mates. So many left in the end that Sairin thought there was few enough people so that she could memorize all of their names.

"Anyone else?" Morino checked.

Sairin thought she heard Sasuke say, "Naruto."

At that moment, the blond haired boy with the orange clothes stood up. "I just want to say that I won't back down! Even if I get this question wrong, I don't need to become chuunin to become Hokage!"

With renewed courage to stand up to authority, Sairin summoned up her own voice. "I agree with that boy. 'Chuunin' is just a title. Being barred from claiming official titles does not keep one from getting stronger. I defeated a jounin and I was never even an academy student! I chose this path, and I will walk firmly down it to the very end!"

The other test-takers' confidence soared. They talked to the ones beside them and agreed that they must be resolute.

"Well then, you all have passed!"

The room returned to silence.

"What about the tenth question?" the blonde boy asked again.

"There is none. It was a test of whether or not you would take a big risk, even though, judging by the other questions, it would be an impossible question. It was a test of whether or not you would take a big risk, losing everything if you failed."

Sairin left the examination room with something of a company. She was escorted by Sasuke. Sasuke was followed by his teammates of Uzumaki Naruto, the outspoken blond haired boy, and Haruno Sakura, the girl with pink hair. Sasuke was also chased by other admiring girls who were determined to keep Sasuke from getting along too well with the "new girl". Squad mates of these fan girls tagged along to attempt to remove their partners from Sasuke.

Before heading out to the second stage, the reduced group was greeted by Kakashi. He forced the remaining fan girls to leave, much to the relief of the girls' squad mates.

"So… all of you passed…" Hatake eyed the squad.

"What do you mean, all of us passed!" Sakura demanded. "I mean, we did, but Satomi isn't… well she isn't in Team 7," she finished meekly.

"That's true, but Satomi is taking the chuunin exam with special permission from me," he explained. "I'll admit, I didn't think anything of you until I saw your pretest. You completely outdid yourself," Kakashi remarked to Sairin.

"Thank you, Mr. Hatake," Sairin bowed, "If you did not give me the chance, there would have been no jounin to knock out."

"The next stage of your exam will once again seem different from what other squads face, even though the task is the same. I have spoken to the examiner, and I don't know if she has come up with a special test for you."

"I know you have had to bend the rules to enter me into the chuunin exams. I will not let your work go to waste," Sairin declared.

"Best of luck to you, Shadow Princess," he turned to leave, but then paused. "And good luck to you three also."

The second examiner, Mitarashi Anko, was one true to her duties. She immediately led all the genin to the Forest of Death without a break. She explained that each group would start from a gate and reach the tower in the center in five days' time. Each squad would begin with a scroll and have to defeat another squad with the complementary scroll. Any squad which fails to do this is disqualified, with or without their lives.

Mitarashi Anko called groups up individually so that no other squad could see which groups had the complementary 'heaven' or 'earth' scroll. She also gave them strict instructions to not open either scroll until they reached their destination.

Sairin was unnerved about the task. But what bothered her was that her presence ruined the balance of twenty six squads. With her, either a squad will get extra help, or somehow Mitarashi would have to throw in two extra scrolls for one extra ninja.

"Shadow Princess Satomi!"

"Your turn…" Sasuke turned to his returned childhood friend. "Best of luck to you…"

Sairin nodded. "Same to you. I expect to see you! Promise?"

"I swear it upon our Sharingan," Sasuke declared, smiling.

Sairin smiled back, noticing that Sakura had caught the word 'our'. Sakura dismissed it, though, because she understood some things are meant to be secret. Sairin lightheartedly floated to the table in the tent where Anko awaited. Her worry returned.

"No need to be so worried!" Anko spoke with both an easy and badass attitude, as if reading her mind. "Kakashi explained your exact situation after we all watched your qualifying match." Since Sairin said nothing, Mitarashi continued. "He asked me to take your situation into consideration. When we last spoke, I told him my best plan was to give you a squad. However, I think I have a better idea! Since your abilities definitely surpass jounin, you should watch over the squads!"

"Hm! What do you mean?"

"The chuunin exams aren't just a test. It's a show of power. Some nations send in jounin disguised as genin to make their country look good. Report everything to me!"

As soon as the exam began, Sairin set off looking for the nearest squad. She quickly found Asuma's team. Nope, I know for sure they are true genin. The next team she met was Hyuuga Neji and his two friends, and boy and a girl. They're genin, too, even though Neji-kun might just be of chuunin level.

"Eh?" Sairin whirled around. Ewwww! Leeches! Sairin had to react quickly, "Hisame! Soubi!" A downpour drenched everything while the leeches were frozen into ice by Sairin's Soubi.

"Disgusting," Sairin muttered. This can't be the worst of it. I hope Sasuke-kun is all right. He's intelligent, so I shouldn't be worrying like this. I wonder if I might meet him on the way. I refuse to let my only clansman die! Still, this is a special job I'm doing. I can't let my own selfish desires keep me from doing my job well.

Sairin wandered around, running into only beasts of varying difficulty. It was a long while, before she came across a squad of ninja from the Kusagakure no Sato. They were dead and faceless.

"What?" Sairin hated talking to herself, but this scene was so horrifying. "Who, or rather what, did this?

Footsteps approached. A familiar voice called out, "Satomi!' Mitarashi Anko was being led by two examiners. As she got nearer, her eyes widened as well. Mitarashi turned to the examiners, "Do you have pictures of how the faces of these ninja were supposed to look like?"

The examiners found the photos. Sairin saw from Mitarashi's reaction that she recognized the ninja. "Orochi – this is bad. Shadow Princess! Your new orders are to find this man," she pointed to one of the photos. "He is a dangerous man. From what I've seen, you should at least be able to hold your own. Don't try to defeat him. Send a signal to get my aid. You two! Report to Hokage-sama and prepare many Anbu!"

In a less hurried tone, she asked, "Shadow Princess. Have you ever heard of a man named Orochimaru?"

Sairin nodded. "He is a member of the Sannin. He is exceptionally powerful but is twisted enough to use humans for his experiments. He is an S class criminal."

"Yes," Mitarashi affirmed that Sairin knew of her opponent. She made to leave.

"One more thing." Mitarashi was stopped. Sairin continued, "Throughout the years, I have been to the Otogakure no Sato. I have collected rumors that Orochimaru was the one who founded that village."

Mitarashi Anko felt secure about letting Sairin go alone. Sairin soon came across a heated battle. No, it wasn't a battle. On one side was the still alive Sasuke. On the other side was the very shinobi Sairin had been told to find. That shinobi wasn't fighting Sasuke. He was merely toying with him.

"Sasuke!" Sairin flew down, her heart feeling a bit of relief.

"Stay back!" he yelled. "This guy is beyond any level you can compare -"

"No way! You think I will sit back and let you die?" Sairin inquired with silent rage. "I happen to be able to hold my own and even knock out jounin. This man… he is an S-ranked criminal and Missing-nin! He is Orochimaru of the Sannin!" Sairin shouted to put emphasis on the cold facts.

Sasuke registered everything. "Sa… Sannin… we don't have a chance! Run!" he commanded Naruto, Sakura, and Sairin.

"I don't think so," Orochimaru stated. He forced Sasuke to remain with his elemental attacks.

Sakura and Naruto refused to leave without Sasuke. Sairin knew her duty. In short, none of them ran.

"Hey, python-crap!" Sairin called. "I am your target. Leave the others alone."

Orochimaru eyed Sairin carefully. He smiled, which sent shivers down her spine. "And I thought Sasuke was the only Uchiha left alive. Tch. He's softer than he acts."

"Wait!" Naruto interrupted. "I've just been swallowed by a snake, and now there are more Uchiha? Just what we needed, more people like Sasuke!"

Naruto received four glares. For Sakura, she had already deduced that the newcomer was another surviving Uchiha. She did not press the topic, knowing that it did not truly concern her. However, Naruto's comment sent her over the edge. "You make that sound like it's such a disaster!"

"Of course it is! What with their entire pretty boy, super prodigy arrogance!"

"Satomi is a girl."

"That's not the point. They're all arrogant bastards."

"I beg to differ," Sairin and Sasuke dully said at the same time. Sasuke paused. "You first? I can tell off this dumbass anytime."

Sairin smiled in gratitude. "You're forgetting that I'm not pretty, so shut up!"

All three other ninja stared at her. Sakura thought, If she's not pretty, then the rest of us just ought to commit suicide! That's taking modesty too far!

Sasuke dazedly volunteered, "I think she means to say that her parents were married before having her." That was great Uchiha pride there. I don't pride myself on my looks, but I'd never insult my looks.

"How would she remember!" Naruto demanded. "Didn't you say she can't remember anything from her past?"

"Well… I know my parents were married two years before my elder brother was born. I also happen to know that all Uchiha are forbidden from tainting their bodies before marriage," Sasuke retorted coolly. "So there. We are all legitimate children."

"You legitimate children seem to be forgetting me," Orochimaru said icily, stepping in to bring attention back to himself. How could four brats ignore an S-ranked criminal? They didn't even care about me for a few moments!

"I'll take care of you!" Naruto charged at Orochimaru. "All you care about is Sasuke! I'll make you remember me more than any Uchiha!"

Orochimaru easily brushed Naruto aside. Naruto hit a tree and fell unconscious. Aside from the gap in power, Naruto was also rash and impractical. "Quite the contrary. I am concerned about this new girl as well, Sairin, if I recall."

Both Uchiha activated their Sharingan with flashing eyes.

"I never mentioned the name I held in the life I can no longer recall…"

Orochimaru continued, as if he did not hear her, "Heh. Two such remarkably beautiful Uchiha, with such great potential. The girl even has Mangekyou Sharingan. I should be satisfied with either, but I prefer a male body."

"Shut… UP!" Sairin screamed. "We are not objects for you. We are people!" Sairin lunged at Orochimaru, but two strong arms caught her. "What? I was caught?"

"It was no easy task. I barely managed to follow your speed."

Sairin recognized the voice as that of the silver haired jounin earlier. What was his name again? Yakushi Kabuto? Was that how he introduced himself? "Yakushi Kabuto."

"So honored you remember me." The silver haired man pulled Sairin closer to him. Sairin struggled. This was much too close, and caused Sairin to become a bit worried. All her previous training was on not getting caught. How to escape? Kabuto continued, "If you don't need this girl, I certainly will take her."

Orochimaru gagged. "That's a twelve year old girl!" Sasuke and Sakura were shocked that such a thing would disgust even Orochimaru.

"Please?" Kabuto begged. "You don't need her."

At that moment, Sasuke charged at Kabuto. Sasuke kicked him off Sairin. "You… traitor of Konoha… get away from her!" In a fury, Sasuke summoned up chakra enough to use Goukakyuu and Housenka at the same time.

"Ack… okay, okay…" Kabuto backed off. "Don't use up all your chakra before we can get you…"

Too late. Orochimaru had run out of patience, and attacked Sasuke, leaving marks on Sasuke's neck. He said just a few last words, "A parting gift, if you will."

After both Orochimaru and Kabuto left, Sasuke's condition worsened. He was always pale and fair, but his complexion had turned a very unhealthy yellow.

"A seal?" Sairin muttered. "I have to report back to Mitarashi! It looks almost like it might be a cursed seal. Perhaps it was the one known as 'Heaven'?" Turning to Sakura, she added, "Cursed seals vary greatly. Don't tell Naruto anything until Sasuke is ready to let him know. I will have to leave after…" Hearing her friend's labored breathing, Sairin immediately stopped talking and tried some medical jutsu she had picked up in the Sunagakure. "Sasuke… I won't let you die. I'll never let you go. Please believe me."

I've never seen such a seal before, but if I'm correct, Sasuke only has a ten percent chance of surviving its effects! I gave him a little bit of help, refreshing his body and all, but it's really all down to Sasuke now. Not wanting to see the pain in Sasuke's eyes any longer, Sairin shot fireworks into the air, and then pursued Orochimaru, much to Sasuke's protest. Every twenty feet, Sairin fired more colorful explosives. It gave her position away, but the main trouble was Orochimaru, and he definitely did not need her fireworks to locate her.

Soon enough, Sairin found the two Oto-nin. "Orochimaru! What in all seven hells… why did you put a 'Heaven' cursed seal on Sasuke? What would be the point of hurting him? How does giving him pain benefit you?"

Orochimaru smirked. "So… despite all your inborn talent and your training, you are still just a naïve twelve year old spoiled brat."

"Spoiled?" Sairin repeated scornfully. "I can't remember if I was ever spoilt. I just know that in the four years of memory I do have, I have never had more than a sufficient amount to live on. Of the times that I did have a great amount of funds, I have always worked for it. I have never had money simply handed down to me. 'Spoiled brat' describes neither me nor Sasuke."

"Earlier you seemed to know a bit about me," he commented, "so I thought you might have been a bit more perceptive. I have found a way to become immortal. However, nothing can prevent bodies from aging. I must continue to transfer bodies."

"And Sasuke's body appeals to you because he hails from the noble Uchiha clan," Sairin finished, cold fury dripping from each word.

"Satomi!" Anko called distantly. Sairin turned to see Mitarashi leaping from tree to tree. She was alone, with no Anbu reinforcements to support her. She neared, and Orochimaru's eyes sparkled in amusement. "Orochimaru!" She reached the two ninja. Two? Kabuto had been long gone by then. Sairin was uneasy about his reasons for escape as well as how easily he had escaped. Anko glared at Orochimaru. "Sairin, you can leave now. This is my fight. This is my duty."

If there was one thing Sairin learned, it was that sensibly, she should stay. However, since this appeared to be a personal conflict, Sairin knew she should also respect them and leave.

My clansman will be in pain. Even if he is the one in ten that survives, he will be in no condition to finish the exam. What can I do? What should I do? Sairin thought as she left the examiner and the criminal behind. I can't directly help Sasuke because then that would be unjust to the other genin.

Frustrated, Sairin hit a tree with great force and knocked it over. Her eyes widened. I shouldn't have done that. The tree did nothing to merit having its life taken away. Despite that, a little bit of the bottled up anger slipped away, giving Sairin a bit of relief. Sairin continued knocking down trees until she had cleared away enough trees to create a clearing in the forest.

Now that's really stupid. How can they call it a Forest of Deathwhen I have madeso many clearings for sunshine to creep in?

Sairin wound up doing nothing. She simply arrived at the tower and paced around the room. She was once more ill at ease, seeing the Sand siblings. Sairin had met Gaara once before, and had hoped never to meet him again until she was quite powerful.

It was drier than she liked, but the beauty of the desert amazed Sairin. With its endless golden sand dunes and dark blue sky, it was a wonder to behold. In the city, enough shade could be found to overcome Sairin's first inconvenience.

"Now let's see…" Sairin turned to look around. "I'll need a contract with the local entertainment company, and then a place to stay for the next three months or so. Then, if I'm not too tired, I'll find someone who will accept me as their apprentice," Sairin smiled to herself. Sure, it was unusual to see a girl wandering around, looking for a teacher in a foreign land every so often. However, it worked. Sairin's mastery of various jutsu skyrocketed in the last year. Having no memories of life before last year, Sairin was free to go anywhere. At first, Sairin had no idea how to live, just that she needed to constantly move. Within the first week, Sairin had been taken in by a performing company. They had listened to her singing by the river, and found her voice one that could be used professionally. Now, she would travel and make temporary contracts with entertainment businesses wherever she went.

Sairin had to utilize conversations with the local people in order to find several entertainment agencies. After having been interviewed by and interviewing each, Sairin settled on working for Desert Elegance. I'd better remember the name for my next visit here. Otherwise I will have to do this every time I go to a new area.

The Wind Country was a major nation, and had its share of luxury hotels to choose from. Sairin quickly found one suitable to her tastes, and then weighed her options in her room.

"I wonder if I should rest now. I'm tired, but it's mid-afternoon. I can't spend so much time sleeping!" Still, Sairin needed rest. The clock read three, so Sairin set the alarm for five thirty. The heat of the desert would be less intense then, and would allow Sairin to search with less discomfort.

"Wow! The desert is just as pretty at night!" Sairin childishly exclaimed. Walking down the streets leisurely, Sairin casually scanned for any powerful people who may have skills to offer her. Even if they don't, I'll just pick a fight and use Sharingan.

Sairin felt no particular draw to anyone until she came across a lone boy. He was young, perhaps a year older than she was. He had red hair and blue-green eyes. He looked nearly normal, except he carried a large gourd on his back and had deep black circles around his eyes. Soon enough, Sairin saw what the gourd was for.

A couple boys were playing together. When they saw the boy with the gourd, they instantly turned hostile. Even though he was just passing by, they glared at him, saying, "What do you want now, you monster?"

Obviously, he did not appreciate being randomly insulted. The plug of his gourd came off and his chakra began shifting. Sairin activated Sharingan. She watched as grains of sand fused with ancient chakra sped towards the boys and pinned them to the wall harshly. More sand was manipulated until the boys nearly suffocated. Sairin watched as Gaara's fist slowly clenched tighter.

"Wait!" Sairin ran towards them. Gaara dropped the boys and returned the sand to his gourd. The boys fell with a big impact onto the ground and gasped for air. Gaara glared at her, as if to say, What did you stop me for?

"They were rude and insolent, but they did not deserve death," Sairin carefully chose her words, knowing that she had no firm strategy to oppose the jutsu. "If you have no skill that simply injures a person, than let me punish them."

"Tch. They aren't worth my time to negotiate. Still, I was looking forward to testing my new Sand Burial technique. I haven't had time to fully perfect it." The boy walked away, noting Sairin's unusual chakra, but ignoring her as well.

"Wait!" Sairin called. Sand Burial? It seems as though he could be a potential teacher for me. Still, he could use a lesson in etiquette. "What's your problem? They were the ones who insulted you unprovoked, but you overreacted."

"You would too if you were in my place." He then walked away silently.

Turning to the boys, Sairin said, "You two are idiots for insulting him. Aren't you two locals? Why would you try to offend someone so powerful?"

They sputtered pathetic excuses. "He's a monster! They're a monster inside him, literally! That's the younger prince of the Wind Country, Gaara. Can you imagine a prince being such a monster?"

"You mean, he has a demon sealed within him," Sairin stated. They nodded. "Well, he can't help that. Besides, that's no reason for you guys to be impertinent. He has a lot of physical power and influence." The two boys were a bit disheartened to find themselves being told what to do by a girl, but they just nodded and left.

Sairin's first visit to the Sunagakure went all right. Eventually, she found a woman named Chiyo who taught her to control Sand better than she had learned from Sharingan. Chiyo also taught her several medical jutsu.

On her own, Sairin experimented with the sand. Sairin was able to shape sand into shuriken and use it as such. Sairin also learned how to use sand to create a clone. It was good progress for her first encounter, but the gap between her ability and that of a natural sand user was very noticeable. Sairin's mastery did not allow her to use great amounts of sand the way most sand shinobi could.

One day, near the end of her first stay at Sunagakure, Sairin met Gaara once more. Sairin watched from afar as he trained. It's as if getting stronger is all he has to live for. He's just like me. I have no place to go. I have nowhere to belong to. The only thing I can do is to become powerful and then die. He's so driven because he can find no other purpose for his existence. Sairin watched with awe as he practiced crushing other minerals into useable sand, and turned solid rock into a large pool of quicksand.

At long last he stopped, and turned to Sairin's direction. "How long do you intend to watch me train?"

Sairin stepped out from her hiding spot and approached him. "I will be leaving soon. I have learned quite a substantial amount from watching you and being taught by Chiyo. I am not a born sand user, but I hope that in future years when I make return trips to Sunagakure, I can improve to your level, Lord Gaara."

A hint of pain flashed through Gaara's eyes. Perhaps this was because he felt that the root of his power was the Shukaku which cursed his life. Perhaps this was because all his life, his title was meaningless to how people felt about him. In the end, all he said was, "If a lowlife like you can reach my level, I'll swallow this gourd without transforming."

Well, I guess I'm seeing him again now, Sairin thought dryly. My sand skills have greatly improved, but I haven't focused much in them. I bet he's thinking that I'm really slow and weak right now. Gaara probably got a hundred times stronger than he was.

In spite of her worries, Gaara barely acknowledged her presence. His two siblings Temari and Kankurou were warmer than Gaara was, but that wasn't saying much. Sairin returned the kindness by inspecting them thoroughly. Sairin hadn't seen much of them during the first and second exams, but now was as good a time as any to catch up. She learned that Temari was the true Wind user in the family. Temari used a giant fan to boost her chakra winds. Kankurou took after the puppet master Sasori instead. He was so dedicated to his art that he constantly wore Kabuki makeup. Sairin sensed great power stemming from their bodies, and instantly knew why they were able to complete the second task in record time with no trouble.

Sairin left the tower several times to check on squads. She didn't know what became of Mitarashi Anko after she fought Orochimaru. Still, her job was to make sure that no jounin were unbalancing the exam. Sairin verified that all groups were genin except for the individuals of Orochimaru and Kabuto.

After a few days, other squads began entering the tower. It didn't feel as awkward with others besides the Sand trio. When the seventh day dawned and Sasuke was nowhere to be seen, Sairin grew worried. In her worry, Sairin fell asleep and dreamed a strange and distant memory… a memory that was not hers alone…

"Sorry Sasuke. Maybe next time."

"Ow! Mm…watch this, brother! Yaaaaaa!"

"Hey, wait! Don't be unrealis-"


Sairin peeked around and was nearly hit by a boy her own age. He landed softly onto some leaves, and appeared fine.

"Ow…" he winced, glancing down at his left foot.

"Are you ok?" Sairin asked, in a small voice.

"Sasuke!" an older boy came running over.

Sairin looked at them. Brothers. They both had beautiful features. Sairin blushed slightly to be so close to such stunning ninja.

The older boy turned to Sairin. "I'm sorry…Sasuke was a bit energetic, and I didn't know how to prepare myself. My name is Itachi, and this is my brother Sasuke."

"Delighted to make your acquaintance," she answered cautiously. "My name is Sairin. Is Sasuke going to be fine?"

Itachi smiled. "Yes… You're stronger than that, right, Sasuke?"

To which the younger Sasuke said, "Of course!"

"Well, it's getting late," Itachi said, looking at the orange sky. "Come on Sasuke. Hop on. I have no choice." Itachi knelt down so that Sasuke could climb on his back. Sasuke did so with some aid from Sairin.


"Do you need something?" Itachi inquired, wondering if Sairin was lost.

"I don't have anywhere to go for awhile. My parents won't be needing me, so I was wondering if maybe I could follow you guys…"

"Sure," Itachi stole a quick peek at Sairin's face. She's a pretty child. Her eyes are such a pure blue; it's as if nothing can taint them. Then, he looked at his brother. "Sasuke… why are you still smiling like that? You've just twisted your ankle. Are you just pretending to get an easy ride home?"

"Of course I'm not!" Sasuke protested. "It's just that I begin ninja academy tomorrow. I can slowly catch up to you now, brother!"

"How old are you, Sasuke?" Sairin asked.


I'm five too… my parents didn't enroll me for the academy, Sairin thought sadly. Her parents had wanted a son. Perhaps this was punishment for being a daughter.

Sairin followed the two brothers. To her surprise, they went straight to the Uchiha property. She slowed her pace and let them get ahead. She then raised her head, and saw that they had the Uchiha emblem on their shirts.

As they entered their personal residence, their father was waiting. "You're late," he looked directly at Itachi, and took no notice of either Sasuke or Sairin. "What were you doing? I have something to tell you." Looking down, he absentmindedly gazed at Sairin. "Princess Sairin. Do your parents know you're here?"

"No, Mr. Fugaku, but they don't care either."

Sairin tried her best to ignore the stares from Itachi and Sasuke. Fugaku just waved her in anyway, as if it didn't matter whether or not she was present.

In the Uchiha family room, all four Uchiha knelt down. Fugaku faced the three children. "Itachi… it's been half a year since you've become a chuunin, and you have improved most satisfactorily. You really are my son. For tomorrow's special mission, I've decided to come along to watch you."

At those words, Itachi, Sasuke, and Sairin's eyes widened. Sasuke looked down at the tatami mats, while Itachi and Sairin looked at him.

Fugaku continued, "If this mission goes well, your enlistment into Anbu will be official. Do you understand the importance of this?"

Itachi and Sasuke exchanged glances. Itachi said, "Don't worry about me too much, Father. However…"

"Um, Dad…For tomorrow's…" Sasuke's voice was frail and uncertain.

"Our mission tomorrow will be a very important event for our clan," Fugaku declared, not hearing his younger son's barely audible voice.

Itachi sympathetically gazed at Sasuke, whose eyes returned to the floor. "Well then, I guess I'll drop tomorrow's mission."

Both Sasuke and Sairin were surprised.

"What! You know how crucial tomorrow's mission is. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm going to Sasuke's entrance ceremony into the shinobi academy. The entrance ceremony requires that a direct blood relative of the student to attend. You've received the notice as well, Father. Mother cannot go, and you will not, so I shall."

Fugaku was silent for a moment. Then, standing up, he said, "Very well. Itachi, you go on your mission and I will go to Sasuke's entrance ceremony."

Sairin felt a familiar pain. My parents don't care about me because I'm a girl. Sasuke's father doesn't care about him because he's not the future of the clan. If Sasuke was born first, then Itachi would be the one getting ignored. It's not fair to be cast away because of what you are. Still, Sasuke has such a dedicated and talented elder brother. Now I remember, Itachi is the prodigy of the Uchiha clan.

"Sairin," Itachi called from the door. "Do you want to get up, or are you planning to spend the night?"

"Oh! I'm getting up!" Sairin rushed outside, having forgotten that everyone else was already gone.

"Hey, keep that left leg cooled down," Itachi reminded Sasuke.

Sasuke glanced up with a mixture of pain and happiness. "Yeah…" It's great that Itachi is such a good brother. I just wish that Father would have come on his own accord.

Many times, Sairin watched Sasuke train himself past his limits. Itachi was a wonderful brother – he was good-looking, brilliant, and talented. However, this meant that Sasuke was never noticed. Sasuke had nothing to live for other than to become Itachi's equal. One day, Sairin left the shadows to talk to Sasuke.

"Sacchan!" she called. She had complained that Sasuke-chan was too long, and so added 'chan' to only the first part of his name.

Sasuke looked back and scolded himself for not noticing her presence. "Hi Sairin!" he blushed so slightly the color wasn't even noticeable on his fair skin.

"Sasuke…why do you train like this?" Sairin asked. "This isn't healthy for you."

Sasuke looked off to the side. "The kids at school expect me to be awesome."

"But that's not the only reason is it?" Sairin pondered out loud as she handed Sasuke a bottle of ice cold Ramune. "It's because of Itachi, isn't it?"

"Father is always telling Itachi that he's truly his son. If I become strong like Itachi, then I'll get the same recognition. Itachi only needed one year to graduate from the academy. Of course, he started a year after, at the age of six, but still… Mother says that Itachi was pushed harder during an unstable year, but she also said that Itachi was born special. Why am I not? Why am I weaker than Itachi?"

To this, Sairin could say nothing. It's true, Itachi is stronger.

Sasuke handed her his first semester report card. He was first place in the entire academy at everything – taijutsu, ninjutsu, individually, as a group, and at senjutsu.

"That's great, Sacchan!" Sairin remarked.

Sasuke only stared off into the distance.

"What's wrong? Not satisfied with being number one in the academy?"

"Father only thinks of Itachi. He doesn't care about me. He only commented that I was on the way to becoming strong like Itachi."

Sairin never could say anything to undo painful facts. She decided that it was time to pay Fugaku another visit.

"Fugaku-san?" Sairin called from the doorway.

"Yes?" his voice came from far off. "Is that you, Princess Sairin? Come in…"

Sairin entered and found Fugaku in the kitchen. He looked up at her, and seeing the concern on her face, asked, "Are my boys causing trouble for you?"

"No, no they are not," Sairin reassured him that Itachi and Sasuke were behaving just fine. "However… something concerns me. Sasuke… what do you think of Sasuke?"

"Sasuke is my son. He is important to me."

Of course, Sairin thought. Maybe I should rephrase my question. "How do you feel about Sasuke compared to Itachi?"

"Itachi is a strange one…he's always a solitary type of person. Itachi doesn't know how to deal with emotions well. Still, he is a prodigy, and the Uchiha clan will eventually fall into his reliable hands. Sasuke… Sasuke is much weaker. He is talented, but he's nowhere near Itachi's level…" Fugaku stopped to pour a cup of tea. "Sasuke is a good replacement if anything should unexpectedly happen to Itachi."

"That's just it," Sairin said softly. "Sasuke isn't interested in power or money. He just wants his parents' approval and his brother's love. Sasuke is willing to go through training that potentially damages his health in an attempt to attain your recognition."

Fugaku said nothing just stared into his cup. Sairin knew that she could say no more lest she trespass into family matters. She stood up to leave, and Fugaku let her.

Despite her constant worries that the main Uchiha family now hated her, Sairin's mother proved her wrong. It was her mother's dreams to have Sairin marry one of the main family's sons since she had been born a girl. She noticed Sairin's friendship with Itachi and Sasuke, and hoped that Fugaku and Mikoto had noticed as well.

One day, she decided to pay them a visit. Negotiations were long, but Hasuko endured. "Honored Fugaku-san and Mikoto-san, surely you have witnessed yourself how fine my daughter and your sons get along."


"Oh, of course!" Mikoto said with much vigor. "You have such a darling daughter. Princess Sairin makes me wish I had a daughter as well."

Hasuko smiled. "Well, I had an idea. In order to keep the Sharingan blood thick, our family has had their children marry distant relatives. Although my direct family is much weaker than the typical Uchiha, Sairin shows much more power, as if that one child had taken power from each one of my family members and saved them for herself. If Sairin marries one of your boys, the resulting children will surely grow even stronger."

Fugaku looked directly into Hasuko's eyes. "I'm well aware of Sairin's abilities. They rival Itachi's when he was her age."

Hasuko took this as approval that Sairin was worthy of his boys. "Well now, Fugaku-san, what do you think of my proposal?"

"It is workable…" Fugaku looked at the ceiling in deep thought. "I could arrange for Itachi and Sairin to be betrothed. Even though Sasuke is so close in age to Sairin, Sasuke is a warmhearted boy who can probably find someone else. Itachi does not communicate well, but he cares for Sairin, and she for him, so it is a good opportunity."

"Itachi is a good child," Hasuko mused. "I accept this agreement."

As Fugaku and Mikoto sent Hasuko off, Hasuko bumped into Itachi, Sasuke, and Sairin right at the gate.

"Mother?" Sairin halted in shock. "What are you doing here?"

Hasuko, for the first time in her entire life, smiled at her daughter. "I have just arranged for you to be married to Itachi when you grow older."

This opened the already large eyes of the three Uchiha children.

"Mother, are you serious?" Sairin emblematically said. Am I truly going to marry Itachi? I thought these things happened only in fairy tales. I must be dreaming!

Itachi's mind was in a state of disorder. I… I will be marrying Sairin! This is a dream come true. I love Sairin, but does she feel the same about me? I don't want to force her. If Sairin is against this, I will break this betrothal, even if it crushes my dream. But wait, what about Sasuke? Itachi gazed down at his distressed younger brother. I was right. Sasuke loves Sairin too.

Congratulations, Sasuke wanted to say. He could not. Instead, he just resumed his usual expression and smiled.

Sairin knelt by the river, picking flowers absentmindedly. I hope things turn out better for Itachi and Sasuke. Suddenly, Sairin heard movement, and hid.

An older boy, almost allowed to be considered a man, appeared. Sairin recognized him as Uchiha Shisui. Following Shisui was none other than Itachi.

"Itachi…" Shisui said mockingly. "You know why I brought you out here, don't you? Baby Itachi? The treasure of the Uchiha clan?"

"What?" Itachi said quietly, as if his mind was in another place.

"I've always hated you!" Shisui declared. "You are the one that everyone cares about. You are the one that everyone fears. You are the one that everyone worships! That all changes today. Without you, I will be on top!"

"Then hurry up and kill me. I want to die." Itachi spoke firmly, but he could not help the tears that formed in his eyes. "You are wrong. Everyone will love Sasuke without me. Sasuke will be given opportunities he has only dreamed of in the past. As for me, my life is meaningless. No one sees me as a person. They all look at me and see me as the Uchiha prodigy. They see a tool. Father and Mother say they care, but they see me only as the future leader who needs to be trained. They don't care about giving me a childhood. Sasuke always admired me, but only for my abilities. Sairin… without me, Sasuke and Sairin can be wed. Everything will be better if I die."

"Oh no…" Shisui said. "We must fight!"

He's after Mangekyou Sharingan… Sairin thought. If Itachi doesn't defend, Shisui will kill him!

"Fight, Itachi," Shisui commanded. The worn and tired Itachi did not refuse, and brandished his sword.

"How will you explain my death?"

"Heh… I may not be worshipped, but I am known be more stable than you are. The people hold me in high respect. All I have to do is say that you lured me here to attain Mangekyou, and they will all believe that I killed a murderer."

Shisui's lies did not move Itachi. Itachi held his sword out, but made no further moves. Shisui got tired of Itachi, and decided that he had to make the first move before Itachi would be willing to strike back.

Shisui leapt and attacked. Sairin was horrified to see that Itachi had no intention of defending. Sairin left her hiding place and went directly to Itachi. Sairin not only defended Itachi, she also counterattacked. Shisui was shocked that Sairin could fight. He never looked into details, and assumed that everyone in Sairin's family were weak.

Itachi did not move. He wanted to die. Still, the moment before Sairin arrived; Itachi felt a panic in his heart. A little bit of his soul still grasped onto the so-called ideal life Itachi was born with. Itachi felt his mind become clear, as he tracked Sairin's actions. Where did Sairin come from? A moment ago, she wasn't here. How? Did I… I never could track Sairin's speed before, unless she was tired. Do I have the Mangekyou Sharingan? I didn't kill anyone. Shisui wants these eyes…

While Itachi's mind was lost, Sairin glared at Shisui with Sharingan eyes. Faster than lightning, Sairin performed drew chakra and targeted Shisui. He put distance between himself and Sairin quickly, but Sairin's technique had already locked onto Shisui. A storm cloud of chakra formed above Shisui's head and a great fire comparable to the fires of hell came out of the cloud and engulfed Shisui. The fire disappeared as quickly as it had come, and now, the cloud was attacking with ice. This process repeated with sand, water, lightning, and nature. Itachi expected a couple more elements, but it seemed that Sairin did not have every single element in her arsenal.

When the storm cloud left, Shisui was dead. Surprisingly, his body did not look as though it had gone through all of those attacks.

Itachi turned to Sairin, "Sairin, how did you… what was that?"

"Kage no Boufuuu," Sairin answered. "I lock onto my target, and then they cannot escape my cloud. The cloud then attacks once for every element I have even the most basic mastery of."

"It wasn't complete, but how did you come to know so many elements?"

"I watched the chuunin exams every single time," she said.

"You do know that you've just killed a man, right?" Itachi asked.


"No…" Itachi put his hands on her shoulders. "Sairin, you're too pure. Under this situation, no one would believe the truth… What can we do?"

"It's ok!" Sairin reassured. It pained her to see the twelve year old Itachi feel so empty. "We'll just make it look like he commit suicide and drowned! Really!"

That was just what Sairin did. She adorned Shisui with weights and threw him off a cliff so that it appeared that he really did jump. She used her own Sharingan to forge a suicide letter. Unfortunately, all she could come up with as an excuse was a variation of the reason Itachi wanted to give up on life.

The very next day, Sasuke showed Itachi the report card he'd received a month ago. Sasuke had not known what to say or how to vocalize his feelings. Now, Sasuke was determined to come clear with his brother no matter what.

"Dad's always talking about you… even though I'm doing my best…"

"Am I dislikeable to you?" Itachi said yieldingly. He smiled at his younger brother. "That's okay… Shinobi live in society with a despicable image. People consider us problems."

"But this way of thinking…" Sasuke stopped, realizing Itachi's words were accurate. Sasuke always had a high regard for Itachi, but resented the fact that Itachi had all of their father's attention.

"To become elite, you must become a solitary, arrogant figure. At first, you only chase after your ideals and your dreams." Itachi sighed. "In the end, you lose yourself. We are special. We are the two sons of the representative family of the Uchiha clan. We'll continue to live together to overcome obstacles, even if we have to hate each other. That's what our lives will be."

The sound of their gate being forced open broke their serene conversation. "Is Itachi here? Get out here now!"

Itachi was surprised, but blankly stood up and left Sasuke. Sasuke of course followed in the shadow. Itachi stepped into the courtyard to find three Uchiha men. He recognized them as Inabi, Tekka, and Yashiro.

"What is it…?" Itachi asked, unhurriedly. Don't tell me Sairin is caught! If I play this out well, I can cast suspicion onto myself. Sairin… you're too pure. Most of our clan already hates me, so I might as well assume your burden. If they have me executed, then at least you and Sasuke can be happy together.

Inabi was not one to mince words. "You were one of two Uchiha missing from the clan meeting yesterday night. Why were you absent?"

Itachi said nothing, knowing it would invoke more distrust. Sasuke's eyes widened, He really didn't go to last night's meeting…

"It's understandable that you've been occupied with various missions since your acceptance into Anbu," Inabi continued, "Your father also told us he would be watching over you. However…"

"We have no intention of giving you special treatment," Yashiro finished.

So it wasn't about Sairin. Thank God. "I understand. I will be more attentive to organizing my time from now on. Please leave."

"Yes…but before we leave, you must answer one more thing."

I thought it was too convenient.

"It concerns to the suicide drowning in Nakano River last night of Uchiha Shisui," Yashiro said, taking his time to let it sink in.

Inabi explained, "The other man who did not attend the meeting last night was Uchiha Shisui. Didn't you consider Shisui a brother to you?"

Itachi didn't need to feign sadness. I did, until he betrayed me. "I haven't met with you recently. It's sad to hear that I couldn't have seen him one last time."

"That's right…" Inabi said. "We, the Konoha Police, have decided to investigate this death thoroughly. Yashiro…"

"An investigation?" Itachi repeated. Sairin…

Yashiro handed Itachi a piece of paper. "This is Uchiha Shisui's suicide note. We completed his handwriting analysis. It is his handwriting."

"If it's suicide, what is there to investigate?" Itachi asked. If they know its suicide they must really look down on me to still confront me.

"For those with Sharingan, it's next to nothing to forge handwriting."

"It's written on that slip of paper there," Yashiro urged him to read.

Itachi scanned Sairin's work, 'I am tired of the duties… there is no future for Uchiha… and for me… I cannot walk down this path any further…' Was she writing a suicide note for Shisui or for me! Shisui did not suffer at all from anything besides jealousy. She should have written 'I cannot stand losing to that Itachi brat all the time' and that would have been more believable.

Yashiro took Itachi's silence as his turn to speak. "He was known as Shisui of the Mirage, one of the most gifted Uchiha. He would do any mission for the clan…"

Yes, he would, in order to look respectable next to me.

Inabi's voice grew colder. "I doubt a man of such position would just leave."

Itachi took this chance to turn all suspicion of Sairin onto himself. "It's not wise to judge others by your preconceptions and their appearances."

Inabi said nothing to that. He just made to leave, saying, "I'm leaving that letter with you. Take that to Anbu and request that they investigate well."


Yashiro added, "I hope other evidence turns up."

Tekka, who had said nothing up until this point, made clear his dislike for Itachi. "The police force has connections to Anbu as well. If you try to hide anything, the police force can find out right away."

This was more than enough to send even the innocent Itachi over the edge. "Why don't you be just a little more direct?"

All three men halted, and slowly turned around, revealing three sets of Sharingan.

"If you are suspicious of me, then just say so." Itachi glared back at them with his own Sharingan. The effect was much greater, as his eyes were larger.

Sasuke watched on from behind the wall, frightened.

Inabi was certainly one who enjoyed picking fights. "Yes, brat."

The more sensible Yashiro said, "Listen Itachi! If you betray the clan, you won't go unpunished!"

In a motion faster than Sasuke could track, Itachi and the three men were outside the representative family's property. All three police force Uchiha were down on the ground. Itachi did his best to lower his voice, "As I said earlier, don't judge others by your preconceptions and their appearances. You assumed that I was a mere child and that I had patience…" I'm not a child. I never was. "The clan…the clan…Is that all you talk about? Each of you judged the limit of our clan, and fails to measure your own limit. You certainly failed to see mine, and thus, you lie beaten."

Getting up, Yashiro gravely said, "Shisui was assigned to keep an eye on me. Within half a year of your entrance into Anbu, your actions and speech were become stranger than ever. What are you thinking!"

Shisui was assigned to watch me because you all hated me. Nothing about me changed. I was always alone. Shisui… all this time you were lying to me… All this time, you were only looking out for your own gain… "You hold onto the organization, your clan, your name…These things put a lower limit on our capacities. These things deserve to be shunned. It is foolish to fear what we have yet to see and understand!"

"Stop! Itachi!" Fugaku commanded.

Itachi only glared at him. Fugaku continued, "Stop it, already! What in all seven hells is wrong? Itachi, you've been acting strange lately."

"Nothing's strange," Itachi slurred. If this doesn't clear Sairin's name, then nothing will. "I'm just carrying out my duty."

"Then why did you not come last night?" Fugaku inquired.

"In order to reach the height…" What exactly did Shisui say again?

"The what?" Fugaku wondered.

Itachi suddenly knew what to do. I must use symbolism. I need to do something so that no one will trust me. Itachi grabbed a kunai and awkwardly threw it into the heart of the Uchiha emblem on the wall. By awkwardly, it meant an awkward position. Itachi's form was perfect and flowing.

"…of my capacity. I've lost hope for this pathetic clan."

From the safety of his house, Sasuke thought back on Itachi. 'Our clan protected the order of Konoha since the very beginning. Our clan emblem is a symbol of the honor of the Uchiha.' Then, Sasuke remembered the night Itachi was accepted into Anbu. 'That's my son, I'm proud of your acceptance into Anbu.'

Itachi resumed. I can't stop now. I must protect Sairin. "You forget what is truly important because you cling to something as insignificant as your clan. Is it being born to the Uchiha clan what makes one strong? Or is it hard work and determination that makes one strong? True change cannot be made if it is bound by laws, limitations, predictions, and imaginations…You think that bearing the name 'Uchiha' automatically makes you so elite? You haven't struggled at all to reach your full capacity."

"What arrogance!" Inabi growled.

Sasuke remembered the recent conversation. 'At first, you only chase after your ideals and your dreams. In the end, you lose yourself. We'll continue to live… even if we have to hate each other.' Why? Why does it have to be this way, Brother?

"Enough already!" Fugaku commanded as he helped the three police officers to their feet. "If you continue this nonsense, we will have to take you to jail."

As Sairin walked towards the Uchiha household, she heard a skirmish. She quickened her pace just in time to catch those last words. "Wait! What's going on!" Sairin looked from Itachi to Fugaku to the three police officers to Sasuke and back to Itachi. "Why are you confronting Itachi?"

Tekka looked at Sairin with disinterest. "He was absent from a clan meeting yesterday night."

"That's not a crime," Sairin stated. "It is irresponsible, but not illicit. You have no right to be holding up my fiancé for such a trivial matter."

The fiery Inabi glared at her. "It's not just that he was careless. There's also the possibility that he took the opportunity to murder Uchiha Shisui."

"Murder?" Sairin scornfully repeated. "That is not something Itachi would resort to, even for a bastard like Uchiha Shisui. I will become the ultimate Kage of the entire continent before Itachi commits murder."

Stop, Sairin! Itachi looked at Sairin with gentleness but also a sense of urgency. If you continue, you will erase everything I've done in the past half an hour.

"We can't put up with these brats anymore!" Inabi yelled. "Captain, please order an arrest! It's humiliating to be held off by a mere brat and his infantile lover. I request that you have Itachi, Princess Sairin, and Sasuke all arrested!"

Itachi then calculated the position of each person's vision, and made to attack from an angle only Sasuke could see. "Stop, brother!"

An obvious signal such as that required an obvious action. Itachi dropped to the ground and lowered his head. "It is not I who killed Shisui, but for the words I have spoken, I take them back." The regret was as true as Itachi's words. Itachi knew the truth about both the life of a shinobi and what happened with Shisui, and disliked it. Every moment of pain ran into his eyes and stayed there.

Fugaku couldn't help but notice that hurting. "Inabi, I see no reason to have these children arrested. Lately, Itachi has been fatigued with missions from the Anbu."

"Captain!" Inabi whined to the best of a twenty five year old man's ability.

"The Anbu is a battalion under the Hokage's direct authority. Even the police forces cannot arrest them without an official order," Fugaku reviewed the law. "Besides, I will look over my son with full responsibility. Please leave."

Inabi looked reluctant to let Sairin and Sasuke off as well, but Tekka and Yashiro led him off, saying, "There is even less reason to arrest them."

Though Inabi complained of Itachi's "arrogance", he was just as arrogant in uttering a final, "Understood, Captain," as if he were the leader of the trio.

Fugaku sighed even though he was less exhausted than Itachi was. He gestured to their house, and in a barely audible voice, said, "Itachi, let's go inside. Sairin, you too."

Itachi didn't know whether or not to trust Sasuke. In the end, he decided that Sasuke was too pure to be exposed to the truth as well. Itachi glowered at Sasuke, allowing him to take in his Mangekyou Sharingan.

Sairin felt the sleep begin to leave her, but she clung onto it tightly. Her efforts were rewarded with a thorough view of the depth of Sasuke's perception.

Sasuke stared blankly up at the rich ceiling sprawled out on his crane-feather mattress and silk sheets. What was that in my brother's eyes? His Sharingan looks so different from before. And why does Sairin have three tomoe in hers? I never looked directly into her eyes before, but I'm almost sure that she only had two before.

"Princess Sairin!" Sasuke called. Sairin looked up from her practice with manipulating grass. "You can do Goukakyuu no Jutsu right?"

Sairin thought for a moment. "That's the one where you use fire and blow it out in the shape of a giant flaming sphere, isn't it?"

Sasuke nodded. "Can you help me with it?"

Sairin was genuinely surprised that Sasuke would need her help. "Of course I will help. That's what friends are for. Still, this is a bit sudden. Why the sudden need for it?"

"Father just showed it to me, and I couldn't do it," Sasuke said quietly. "Itachi could do it, but I can't, so I need to learn, even if it takes all night!"

Sairin gave whatever aid she could, keeping a tight watch on the way Sasuke's chakra flowed using her Sharingan. I can't believe he's that driven to be the same as Itachi-sama. Why can't Sasuke accept that even if he isn't as stronger as Itachi-sama, he's not in any way inferior to his brother?

Sasuke was dead beat but wasn't giving up. An Uchiha family member isn't seen as an adult until he or she can use the Katon jutsu. The Uchiha trait is the manipulation of fire. I need the mind of an Uchiha in order to succeed. Sairin told me that I wasn't drawing my chakra up right. If I draw like this, it should work. Damn it! Sairin is younger than I am, and she can make a fire ball even larger than Father's! Not to mention, Sairin even says that Fire is one of her worst elements.

A worn-out and bandaged Sasuke ran up to Fugaku before daybreak. "Father! Please follow me."

Fugaku simply said, "It is too early for you. Even if I taught you in a week, the result would be no different."

"No…Let me show you. I have worked out Katon."

And so with that, Sasuke led Fugaku down to Nakano River at dawn. Sasuke performed the hand seals even more assuredly than before, and used some of the little remaining chakra to generate a vast ball of flame equal to his father's, if not Sairin's.

Fugaku was a little surprised, but by the time Sasuke turned around to accept any comment, Fugaku already had his back to him. Sasuke looked down, knowing that he was only considered acceptable.

Then, out of the blue, Fugaku said with a slightest hint of pride, "As I expected, you are my child. You did well. From now on, you may shamelessly wear the family crest on your back. You must now improve, and then you can soar to great heights."

For the first time, Sasuke smiled out of genuine happiness because of his father. Before, the only smile Sasuke wore for his family outside Itachi and Sairin was a forced one, to show that at least he wasn't upset. This time, things were different. "Ok!"

Right after, Fugaku added something that would take away the smile. "Also, I will say one thing. Do not follow after your brother."

That's right… Itachi is a little bit different now. He still takes care of me, and I know that his love for Sairin is unchanged. What I need right now is a reassurance that Itachi is still my brother. At that, the brilliant Uchiha mind began to think.

"Aniki… Can we train with shuriken today?" Sasuke asked innocently.

"I'm busy. It'd be better if you asked Father," Itachi automatically spouted his usual excuse as of most recent. Actually, before I really was busy. Now, being with Sasuke would ease my mind immensely. I can't become the perfect big brother for a long time though. I have to make sure Sairin's slate is spotless.

Sasuke persisted. "But you're the best at shuriken. Even a child like me can see that. You're always treating me as if I were a burden," Sasuke looked at him mournfully.

Itachi waved Sasuke over. Sasuke rushed over only to have Itachi's fingers poke into his forehead dead-center. Itachi smiled and said, "Forgive me, Sasuke. Another time. I don't have time to look after you today."

Sasuke pouted, but then seeing the sadness in Itachi's eyes, changed his strategy. "You're always saying 'Forgive me, Sasuke' and then poking me. And then you give me some excuse for why it cannot be today… I never see it…"

Itachi didn't answer, just smiled, and went on his way.

Sasuke looked warmly after his brother. That was perfect. He still is Itachi. Then, as Itachi's figure moved off to the side, Sasuke caught sight of the damaged wall and lost the rare smile. Brother… you seem so unpredictable…

Itachi saw his betrothed attempt to levitate rocks. "Adding more weapons to your deadly Kage no Boufuuu? If you wanted to escape our marriage, you could just say so, you know," he teased. Then, in a more serious tone, "Honestly, I don't want to be on the receiving end of your anger."

Sairin only smiled at the boy she loved. Itachi doesn't sound like he cares whether we are engaged or not. I only want to marry him if he wants to marry me. "Kage no Boufuuu is my original technique, so I want it to be flawless."

"Sairin…I don't know how I'll be able to go on."

"Itachi-sama… what are you saying? You are fine. I am fine. What more do you need?" Seeing the despair in his eyes, Sairin grew uneasy. "Itachi-sama… Shisui betrayed your trust. You had no one who ever showed you tenderness. You believed Shisui could be the one who would look after you like a real parent. Shisui was only using you to attain Mangekyou. Besides, you weren't the one who killed him."

"Sairin… People trust you. No one cares about me. I'm just a mentally unstable kid with too much talent in their eyes. Even though I'm innocent, my slate is completely black. Yours is almost pure. I would taint my slate even more in order to entirely cleanse yours," Itachi said, not really to anyone in particular.

"Itachi-sama, please don't look down on yourself so," Sairin urged. "Even if they think of you so, you are precious to me."

"Thank you for your concern. My life has become much more blissful after I met you. I think you treat as if I were a person more than Sasuke ever did."

"Sairin?" Sasuke asked. "Why is your Goukakyuu so enormous?"

"Oh! Good morning, Sasuke-chan," Sairin grew to accept the longer form of endearment. "Why do you ask? Yours is plenty large enough."

"I just wanted to know."

"Well, I think it's because I sing," Sairin reflected. "I'm trained to be able to breath right, so I can let out more chakra."

"Okay, then, teach me how to sing!"

"Sasuke-chan, the world doesn't revolve around being the best at everything!" Sairin reprimanded her friend. "When will you understand that there's more to life?"

Sasuke chose to ignore those last words. Instead he changed the subject, "Say, Sairin, do you ever get older?"

"Of course I do. Everyone does."

"But you don't seem to have a birthday."

"Everyone has a birthday."

"Whenever Itachi or I have a birthday, Mother and Father hold a celebration."

"My parents don't care about me, so I've never had a birthday party," Sairin told him with no trace of sadness. "I'm used to it. It doesn't mean I don't grow, though."

"When's your birthday?"

Sairin calculated the weeks since the last festival. "My eighth birthday is next week, on the first of December." I was born when the first snow had fallen.

"Mother, I have a request to make of you," Sasuke said, attempting formality.

"Anything, Sasuke," Mikoto answered.

"Could we have a birthday party for Sairin next week?"

"Princess Sairin," Mikoto corrected, "Will her parents not be celebrating?"

Sasuke repeated what Sairin told him, "Her parents don't care about her."

Mikoto was truly astounded. "Hasuko-san doesn't care for Princess Sairin? She's such a lovely child. Well, if they don't celebrate, there's no reason why we shouldn't."

The eight year old Sasuke had planned everything. He had even swallowed his fears and taken the initiative to invite her over. Sasuke had promised Sairin a simple day spent with her two best friends.

What Sasuke provided for her was, instead, an exceptional party celebrating her life by her two best friends and her only true family. Sasuke had reviewed all of Sairin's favorite things. He designed a "banquet" of unagi and various onigiri.

To even the Sairin before her memory loss, that day was a faint dream. For the first time, Sairin's life was honored, and she was acknowledged as an Uchiha. However, the one gift that Sairin held by her side after her memory loss was yet to be seen.

"Um… Princess Sairin…" Sasuke's fair face was colored near crimson as he stepped up to Sairin holding a small box. "This is something from me and Aniki."

The young Sairin opened the box to find a dazzling pendant. She stroked the cool surface and confirmed it was made of authentic gold. Inscribed in the metal were the words, 'To our dearest friend, Sairin'. Sairin was startled by the present. "How could you two spend so much for someone like me!"

"We could only spend so much for someone like you," Itachi said lightly.

"Yeah, you're our best friend, right?" Sasuke added.

"Yes… we're best friends, now and for eternity…"

Itachi stood alone in a clearing. He turned Sharingan on and off. Then, he turned Mangekyou Sharingan on and off. No matter what color and pattern he made his eyes take on, they could not hide his tears. "I can't go on… I'll have to do it."

It was near midday. Sairin was debating what to have for lunch when the answer appeared before her. "Itachi!"

Itachi smiled, his fiancée diminishing any feeling of pain temporarily. "Sairin! It's good to see you. Would you like some lunch?" He offered her a black bento box.

"Really?" Sairin asked. It seemed he noticed how much she enjoyed his cooking.

"Why don't you go down to the river, and I'll catch up to you later?"

Sairin agreed. She walked to the calm river, which despite its splendor, was a heavy weight upon Itachi's heart. It wasn't a joyous place for Sairin either, but she had not lived as a hated person even before the incident.

Meanwhile, Itachi had stolen into Sairin's home. I want to protect this… He scooped up an adorned lavender book which was obviously a diary. Everything else seems pretty material. It can be lost.

Itachi strolled over to Sairin and sat down beside her. Sairin smiled at him and opened the lunchbox. "You're such a remarkable cook, Itachi. What will I do when we are married?"

Sairin ate in silence, enjoying this brief moment with her beloved. "You gave me dango as well? This is your favorite!"

"Yes, but I can taste my own cooking anytime." Itachi felt uneasiness linger around his heart. Sairin must not get involved. This is my sacrifice. It is my choice to make this sacrifice.

Itachi set his left arm around Sairin and pulled her close.

"Itachi?" Sairin wondered.

"Don't mind me," Itachi murmured. "Can we just stay like this, just a little bit?"

Sairin bit her tongue to see if she was dreaming. I'm not dreaming! Itachi does care about me! Serene pleasure sparkled in her eyes. Sairin wanted to quietly sit there for eternity. She even ate slowly, as if eating any faster would disrupt the tranquility.

Then, very suddenly, Itachi's eyes were filled with a terrible longing, and he brought his left hand back. In a split second, Itachi hit her in the back of the head, and she passed out. Itachi held her so she did not fall. Itachi gently laid her on the ground. He reached into his clothes and pulled out a package of food and medication, and hid them within her clothes. Itachi left Sairin there for the time being.

Sairin watched as Itachi's pain enveloped him to the point that he could not contain it any longer.

Itachi began his purges. Sairin might be seen as innocent among the Uchiha, but I have to make sure the rest of Konoha hates me enough to ignore her. The first step to this was a bloodbath on the Uchiha property.

Itachi was a sensation to watch. Every stroke from his sword slashed cleanly into the target. Each shuriken he threw with perfect form. The only way true pain could be repaid was with the beauty Itachi possessed.

He saved his parents for last. He entered his home with weapons drawn. Mikoto and Fugaku were surprised, but they were trained jounin. They drew their own weapons, but they were no match for the phenomenon they had raised. As they lay dying, Itachi knew he had to seal his fate entirely. "This is for taking away my childhood. This is for always seeing me as an entity, and not as a person."

Just then, Sasuke came home. Itachi had forgotten his adored little brother, and did not know what to do. I did a flawless job keeping Sairin out of this mess, but I totally forgot to keep Sasuke away as well. What now? Itachi didn't need anyone to answer. He already knew. He had to make Sasuke the avenger. It upset him deeply to see that he had to hurt his little brother in order to make Sasuke hate him. This is all wrong. I love Sasuke, but for my love, I will destroy this love.

Itachi struggled with his tears as he threw Sasuke to the door. He used Tsukuyomi as a diversion so that he could dry his eyes. Thankfully, the Mangekyou Sharingan hid any traces of the redness his eyes would normally be sporting.

Outside, Itachi lectured Sasuke. He had told all sorts of lies about how he cared about his capacity. Each word he said about the concept was true, but each word he said about seeking it was a falsehood. Itachi even declared himself Shisui's true killer.

His final words were to beg Sasuke to become the avenger. "It would be worthless to kill someone like you. My foolish brother, if you want to kill me, curse me! Hate me! Live a long and unsightly life. Run away. Run away and cling to your pathetic life. Someday, when you have the same 'eyes' as I do, come before me."

Sairin woke up with the cold realization; I caused Uchiha Itachi to lose all sense of himself! I caused Itachi to lose his common sense and make a rash decision!

Please review? Was it terrible? Was it so logically glitched that I should have just thrown it out?

It's the first story I've bothered to go to 28 pages on Word with. Also, it's the first story I've ever submitted, and only because someone had to read one of my works. Anyway, I'm looking for constructive criticism. Even if you felt everything was out of place, please don't flame.

Yes, I do have a second chapter planned, but this is really just for Arbitrary to sample. If anyone else feels it has potential, I will continue.