Sasuke and Sakura's life had been going really well from that point on. There were no more squabbles about her being annoying. And besides, Sasuke didn't need a fan club composed of girls anymore. Sakura had taken care of that problem for him, by being a devoted girlfriend and banishing all the other fangirls' hopes. Sasuke was grateful for that. He couldn't have lived if multitudes of fangirls kept jumping on him every day.

Sakura was happy with life. She had everything she needed: Sasuke by her side. Somehow, she knew that he was never going to leave her again, never kill anybody again, never want to have revenge again. Of course, the Sharingan activated in certain situations, but that was only if it was very dangerous and he wanted to protect her so that she wouldn't get hurt. Most of the time Sasuke got hurt, but since she had become an expert at healing, she could heal all his wounds.

And as for the rest of Team 7, their lives were going on very well also.

Naruto had Hinata to protect and love, but that didn't always turn out to be such a good thing. Sometimes Neji pounded him when he felt angry at someone or something and needed to vent his frustration on something. But Hinata always came to stop the fight. Not like it was really a fight. Neji had gotten over Naruto and Hinata a long time ago, especially since he had Tenten. Lee was still stealing looks at Sakura, but she didn't mind. All that really mattered to Naruto was Hinata and his beloved ramen.

Kakashi had everything he wanted. He had won a contest of copying jutsus, and had gotten a magnificent prize: well, for him at least. He had gotten all the volumes of Icha Icha Paradise, even though he already had all of them, and all the volumes of Icha Icha Violence. What's more, he got all of them autographed by the author and they were all Special Edition. He also got a free ticket to go and see the author of the graphic novels, Jiraiya the legendary Sannin. So all in all, he was very pleased about his life.

Sasuke knew that many years had passed since his first kiss with Sakura. They were now 21, Kakashi being the exception. The perverted sensei was not showing any signs of aging, even though he was already 35. And soon, Sasuke and Sakura planned to be married. It would be the best. All they had to do was wait until the time was right. They would invite all the people in Konoha because this was probably the most important marriage ever to hit the Leaf Village. There was only one sane Uchiha left, and that was Sasuke. If he married a sane wife, then peace would be restored between the Uchiha brothers, mainly because they had already had a truce, and because Sasuke had to be single to actually really fight Itachi. If he had a wife, there would be no such thing as fighting his brother because Sasuke had lost pretty much everything in his life, and his wife would bring it all back again, and there was no way the Uchiha would lose her too. That would probably mean that he didn't care about his wife and his mind had reverted back to revenge and killing.

Sasuke didn't plan to do that. He planned to live the rest of his life normally, without any thoughts of his brother. Of course, he would have to go on missions sometimes, but they probably wouldn't be major. Just minor, and he probably wouldn't sustain enough wounds to get himself killed. Life was going to be good from now on. Besides, he would always have Sakura as a sparring partner, and she would probably go on the same missions with him. But who knows? Not the Sharingan, or even the Byakugan, could foresee what was going to happen. Only time would tell.

Sasuke made his way to the master bedroom in the Uchiha complex. The master bedroom was large, though not as large as the Hyuugas' master bedroom. But it was enough for Sasuke and his wife-to-be. He opened the door quietly, and shut it just as quietly. He smiled as he surveyed the once bland room. Now that Sakura had moved in, there was Chinese stuff all over the bedroom. Not that it mattered. It made the bedroom look more homey, as though no death had ever passed through it. Chinese fans hung from the ceiling, suspended by red tassels. A small sakura tree grew outside the window. Its pink petals were drifting off in the wind, and coated the backyard of the Uchiha complex. Sakura had started growing that tree a year ago, and it showed signs of good care. Its bark was silky smooth and the petals were as pink, if not pinker, than Sakura's hair. She was the only one who could take care of the plant. She wouldn't let the gardeners touch it, Sasuke and she were the only ones who could touch it. She took very good care of it, making sure it got enough water, making sure there were no weeds to choke it. She practically defended the small tree with her life.

Right now, she was sitting with her back towards Sasuke, combing her hair in the mirror she had brought from home. She never called it a mirror however, she called it a looking glass. Her pink hair looked so silky in the afternoon sun, that Sasuke was tempted to go and touch it. He walked up silently behind her, and gazed at her hair a few minutes before stroking it gently. She looked in the mirror, shocked, and saw Sasuke behind her. She smiled and lifted her head up for a kiss from her beloved. He obliged, feeling her soft lips under his. As they broke for air, she smiled at him and said, "See, love...I was on the wrong side of the looking glass and you pulled me out. That's how I can see you in the looking glass..." Then they kissed again.