Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. But, I probably could if I um, bought it. All I need now is a couple hundred thousand dollars, maybe a couple million, and um… does anyone know what else I'll need? Or a couple hundred thousand dollars to start me off?

The New Annoyance

Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto waited impatiently. Almost seven hours late! Kakashi Sensei had been late before, but- no wait a minute, he had always been late, but this was pushing it!

Sasuke was especially annoyed, sitting against a tree next to Sakura (not his idea!) and drawing random images with a stick. It didn't help with Sakura over his shoulder asking what he was drawing, what was he going to draw next, asking the history behind each and every object. He had given up shaking her off about an hour and a half ago. A couple times he had even written, 'shut up Sakura' but it made her talk more. This was torture!

"Kakashi Sensei! Finally!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke quickly moved his foot over the patch of dirt where he had drawn Kakashi and clock dropping over his head.

"Sorry I'm late, I had something to do, for real this time," Their Sensei explained.

As if to prove it, a girl of about eleven, possibly twelve, moved out from behind him.

"Sensei, what's going on?" Sakura asked.

"This is my friend's relative's daughter. Her family was killed and my friend had to leave on some important business, so now I get to watch her," He answered vaguely.

"My name is Keitorin Marukomu," (A/N: pronounced Kay-eh-tore-en, but when say quickly, Kay-i-tore-in) The girl answered a bit shyly. She light blue hair that was in a ponytail and went down to about her mid-back. She wore a blue dress (shorts underneath, of course) that looked a bit silver-ish and seemed to flow in the wind. (It was short sleeved, so it covered her shoulders.)

"Hi! My name is Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto greeted himself warmly.

"Hi, my name's Sakura. Sakura Haruno," She said just a little solemnly. Another girl in the group? Would her dear Sasuke-kun fall in love? Of course not! Oohh, if she steals my Sasuke-kun, she'll really get a beating!

Sasuke noticed the urging look on his Sensei's face (well, more like in his Sensei's eye) and quietly introduced himself. "Sasuke Uchiha." An eleven year old? Seriously, this was just a waste of time! Seven hours, actually. Seven more than he wanted to waste, about four and a half more than he expected too.

As if reading his mind, Kakashi told them, "She is only eleven, but her birthday is in two weeks. She is very skilled, and will be an interesting partner. Don't worry, in a few weeks, she'll be completely caught up. I'll be going, I've already shown Keitorin where she'll be staying," And with that, he turned around and left. "Oh, Sasuke, do you mind showing her there? It's that little house next door to yours, it's been reserved for her." (A/N: I would be very surprised if there actually is a little house next to Sasuke's house, because I made it up.)

Well, that's just great. Now she'll go bothering him all day. He was in for a nice um, however long she's staying. Come to think of it, he never said when she'd be leaving. Probably just annoy Sasuke. That's all he could think of it, anyway.

She took a good look at him, then turned to Naruto. That was actually a pretty smart move. Talk to the people that like you already, then go annoy the other people. He should savor the Keitorin-free moments. He would even be walking home with her.

"So, do you like Ramen?" Sasuke heard Naruto say. What a loser!

She giggled. "It doesn't taste bad."

"See you tomorrow, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura said. Oh great, now she had to deal with her and Ino. And now he had to do the painful job of walking this girl home.

Kakashi had obviously told her to walk home with the dark-haired boy, because as soon as he left, she said good bye to Naruto and followed him. At least she was more behind him than next to him. She only tried to make friendly conversation once.

"That boy Naruto must really be a pain. He really is something, though. Has a thing for Ramen," Sasuke actually would have agreed with her and furthered the conversation, but she might get used to it so he said nothing. He was pleased when she fell back beside him.

Well, he did his job and got her home, she didn't get lost or anything. Kakashi Sensei didn't say anything about actually talking to her, now did he?

My first Naruto fanfic, so please be nice and don't stress over small details like spelling. And if anyone cares, Keitorin means Kaitlyn in Japanese, I'm not that creative. Anyway, if you hated it, tell me why you hated it. If you loved it, tell me why loved it. If you don't, I probably will keep making it hate-prone material, and if you loved, maybe I could use that element of writing a little more or whatever… Anyway, please review!