Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine. And I have never claimed it to be mine.

A Good-bye

As I left Hogwarts, I was still called Brina or Bri, but those who didn't know my name simply referred to me as "Sirius' Girlfriend" which was nice.

I did find my love that year. My Prince Charming. Except his name was Sirius Black, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't set to inherit any kingdom that I knew about. I knew I had picked the right wizard. Sirius and I were still with one another when school ended. We were inseparable most of the time. Lily and I became closer because of our boyfriends.

Matt did not talk to me, and A'Marie was slipping away because she felt obligated to stay with him. I still talked to her, just not as much as I used to. Dion moved to England with his aunt after school, just to be closer to A'Marie.

Lily and James got engaged the summer after Hogwarts. She told me all about it the next day. We started planning her wedding right there and then. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see that one coming. I think everyone did, except maybe for Lily. But they are perfect for each other. I'm so happy for them.

7th year I left the life I knew, along with my best friend. But I gained my prince and I was closer with another friend. I guess you can't have everything when you're living out your own fairytale.

A/N: Awww this is the end my dearies! I hope you liked it. I know I liked writing it because there's so much I didn't write. Because it wasn't needed. Like Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises. And half of you prolly don't know what the heck I'm talking about so I'm going to let it go.

Thanks to each and every one of you who reviewed. I realize this is really different from most Lily/James stories, and it really doesn't center around them too much. Oh well, it's my story after all.

I really like writing sort of short stories like this one. Be on the lookout for more! J