
So, this is the last chapter. I just want to thank everyone who read and replied. So thanks a bunch.


"Have I dreamt of it? Of course I have, what guy hasn't?" He replied with a bright smile. "Excited? Hell yeah. This is what I've worked for my entire life."

Haley smiled at his answer and his heart melted as his eyes shifted quickly and met hers. "Haley James." He answered with ease. "She has always been the biggest influence in my life, from when we were 2, till now, she has always been there for me."

"My biggest influence on basketball would be my brother, Nathan Scott." He swallowed the tears back. "He played the game with such, grace and beauty. I always used to be jealous of his skill, he truly had the greatest talent that I've ever seen someone have."

"My tattoo?" He replied as he pulled his sleeve up to reveal it. "I, I got that for Nathan. He was killed in a car accident almost two years ago. If he were still here, you would be talking to him right now…he woulda been one of the greats." Lucas replied with a slight smile as his fingers traced the basketball on his arm.

"I'm not really sure how that affected me." Lucas said squinting his eyes in thought. "I guess, if it taught me anything, it taught me that life is too short to let anything just pass you by. So when I got the letter, at first I was a little hesitant. But then I just, I thought about what he would do, what he would say to me, and I knew that I couldn't just let it go. And of course Haley played a big part in the decision."

"I've got all the people I need with me right now. So no, I wouldn't say that I've left anyone behind." He replied. "I've got Haley, and my three wonderful nephews, and if it weren't for them, I don't know where I would be right now, but I know I definitely wouldn't be here."

"I guess I'm not really hoping to take a lot away from this experience." He answered. "I want to have a good time, and enjoy the game that I've loved since I was little boy. At the end of the day, if I know that I tried my hardest, then that's enough for me. It's not about winning the game, as long as I can hold my head high and say I tried, then I know that I've done right by my brother, and by myself.

"A goal for this year…I haven't really thought about it." He replied as his eyes met hers again. "Basketball wise? My goal would be to enjoy the game and make my friends and family proud."

"A personal goal. That one's kinda tough." He sighed. "I would have to say…wow, this is hard. I guess my goal, would be to just be happy. My life has been kinda, up and down for a while. So my goal would be to just settle down and enjoy everything that's happening."

"Hitting the game winning shot, with what my brother would call, 'a weak-ass jump shot'." He laughed lightly. "That would be my fantasy."

"When I retire, I'm not really sure what I would want people to think of me." Lucas answered. "I guess I would want them to say, 'Lucas Scott was a great player who truly loved the game and always played his hardest.' That's what I want people to think."

"I was waiting for these questions, I knew they would come." He let out a light laugh and saw Haley smile too. "Brooke Davis? Yeah, we dated, but now we're just good friends."

"No, I'm not really seeing anyone right now." He said never breaking his eyes from Haley's. "But this is this one woman, she's been in my life forever, and I guess we're just starting to explore our feelings for each other. I've always loved her, and I always will, whether it be as friends or more, she always has and will hold my heart."

"No, thank you." Lucas shook his hand as they both stood up. "I can't wait to get out there on that court."

"Haley?" Lucas said pushing the front door open and allowing the two boys to run in front of him. "Hales, I'm back." He called as he walked into the kitchen and saw her sitting on the counter.

"Hey big shot." Haley teased as he sat across from her.

"Yeah, about that." Lucas shrugged as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not so sure if I'm going to play; I'm just not sure if it's the best thing for me right now."

"You know I love you right?" Haley questioned; he nodded his head. "Then it's ok for me to say this; you're a damn fool."

"Listen, I know that this is a big deal, and that it only comes around once…" Lucas sighed. "The timing just kinda sucks." He tried to explain but was interrupted by a loud piercing cry echoing throughout the house. "I'll get him."

He returned a few seconds later cradling a crying Nate in his arms and rocking him back and forth to quiet him down. Haley handed him a bottle and he fed it to him gently. "See what I mean Hales?" Lucas questioned, his eyes still on the small child.

She watched him hold her son gently in his hands and she found, that for some reason, it just looked right. "But Luke. And I don't say this to hurt you, but they are my sons."

"Haley…" He shook his head disapprovingly in an attempt to stop her from continuing.

"No Luke, just listen." She sighed as she took Nate from his arms. "They're my sons. Which means that you shouldn't have to give up your life for them. You shouldn't have to give up anything for them."

"I get that." He shrugged meaningfully. "But I want to. I want to be here with you and with them. I know that I don't have to, but I want to."

"But it's not fair to you." Haley stated as she rocked Nate back and forth causing a giggle to escape him. Both of them smiled to themselves at the small but amazing sound.

"So what?" Lucas countered. "Haley, you know me better than that. I don't care about what's 'fair'."

"Still Luke." She protested. "I care. And I don't think I could live with myself knowing that I was the one standing in the way of your dreams."

"You know how I grew up. With Dan abandoning me, and Keith being my only true father." Lucas stated, even though he knew she would understand even if he didn't explain it to her.

"Yeah…" She nodded slightly, urging him to continue.

"Ok, so…I want to do the same thing. I want to be in their lives Hales." Lucas smiled gently at her as he stepped closer and smoothed down Nate's hair. "I want to make Keith proud. Cause that's all he's ever wanted, to be in my life. And that's what I want to do for Jak, and James, and little Nate here."

"You're amazing, you know that?" She smiled gently as he wrapped his arms around her waist and she held Nate in between them. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead. "Keith is proud of you." She whispered gently as their eyes met; he simply nodded.

"Luke…do you think you could take them out for a bit?" She questioned curiously as she placed Nate into his arms. He shifted slightly and threw her a confused glance.

"Yeah, sure." He nodded. He scanned her eyes for any clues. "You alright?"

"Fine." She tried to assure him. "I just have something I need to do, and it'll be easier if they aren't here."

He nodded skeptically and called for the boys to put their shoes on. "You sure Hales?" She nodded and he figured she was telling the truth. "Ok. I'll be back later."

"Thanks." She smiled lightly. As soon as she heard the door shut behind them, she got to packing. She wasn't going to just let him give up on his dream. She first packed the twins room, and then their stuff. A few hours later she heard the door open again and his voice fill the house.

"Haley…" He gazed around wearily at the many brown boxes and bags that filled the house. He shifted Nate to his other hip as she entered the room. "What's going on? What's with all the boxes?"

"I packed." She stated simply. He moved around the couch and carefully placed Nate into his playpen.

"I see that." He replied, the shock evident in his voice. "I told you, I'm not going."

"Uh yeah, you are." She rolled her eyes as he sat down on the couch. She moved towards him and sat on the coffee table in front of him.

"Haley no. We talked about this." He shook his head as she clasped her hands around his. "I'm staying here."

"Oh." She frowned slightly. "I guess my new house if gonna be quite empty then." She shrugged. He cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"What?" He questioned.

"I'm moving to Charlotte." She informed him. "You're welcome to stay here, but you might get kinda lonely." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"You would really do that for me?" He whispered unbelievingly. A small smile broke out onto her face and his heart rate jumped.

"Of course I would." She said playing with his fingers. "I would do anything for you."

"Thank-you Haley." He smiled sincerely as he pulled her into a tight hug. Somehow their lips found each other's and he pulled her on top of him as they lay back against the couch.

He walked quickly from the stage back to where she was waiting for him. She immediately pulled him into a hug. "You were great." She smiled widely as they pulled apart but he still held her waist.

"Thanks again Haley." He smiled down at her, their eyes never leaving one another's. "For everything."

"Luke, do you remember what you told me right after Nathan's funeral?" She questioned quietly.

"Haley, you don't…" He tried to stop her from talking about that. She gently placed her finger against his lips to silence him.

"No. It's ok, I'm ok." She shook her head to assure him. He furrowed his brow as she continued. "You remember what you said to me, and what I yelled at you for?"

"I told you that I would always be here for you." He whispered, she nodded. "But you told me that I couldn't promise something like that." He fought himself to stop his tears from streaking down his cheeks.

"Yeah." She nodded as she ran her fingers along the back of his neck and through his hair. "But Luke, even though I told you not to, I still believed you."

"Good, cause it's the truth." He mumbled as he unknowingly pulled her closer to his body. Her fingers on his bare skin sent tingles throughout him.

"Well Luke…I mean it too." She whispered lovingly. "I'll always be here, for you."

He chose not to respond, instead his lips gently pressed into hers. It was a simple promise, one they knew that they shouldn't make, but in their hearts they felt as though they could. Whatever life threw at them, they knew they would make it through, together. They would be there for each other when times got rough, and they would always love each other.