Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter. And i have no idea what this story is about, or where it came from. It's completely random, but if you want to give it a deeper meaning, fine with me.


Story by StormDancer

It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.

It was that time of the year again. The time all teens hated most. The first day back from vacation. In Hogwarts School, 10 alarm clocks went off. Almost in unison, 10 hands reached out and hit the snooze button.


All that peaked out from the rumpled covers of the four poster was a shock of red hair emerging from a lump under the covers. As the alarm sounded, it rolled around, hopping to stop the noise. A moan sounded from its depths. A hand emerged from the blankets and hit the alarm before withdrawing once more. Ron Weasley moaned once more, than dropped back into sleep.


Hermione Granger's hand had hit the button soon after the alarm had sounded. She sat up quickly, and turned to get out of bed before she stopped, her brief energy depleted. She groaned softly, than toppled back into the warmth of her bed.


From the green and silver covers, Draco Malfoy stretched out from the curl in which he had been sleeping. He smacked the snooze button down, then rolled onto his back and placed his hands behind his head, eyes closed. But he wasn't asleep. He was simply thinking, lost in his own mind.


Harry Potter rotated quickly as his alarm went off. As he turned, he flailed out with the back of his hand and slapped the button. He stretched, than curled back up, hugging his pillow tightly.


Straightening from her sprawl on her bed, Ginny Weasley quickly struck the snooze button and stretched, yawning, she squirmed a bit, than settled back into a comfortable and dream filled sleep.


Lying on his back, straight as log and unmoving as a mountain, Vincent Crabbe, slowly as if moving a giant, reached out to push the snooze button. As his hand fell onto the button with a thud. He stopped moving. None could tell if he was awake, asleep or simply dead.


Colin Creevey hit the snooze button as soon as the alarm sounded. He lay a moment, squirming slightly, than jumped out of his bed, tripping as he hit the floor he lay on the ground, unmoving in sleep.


Up already with make-up on and dressed when the alarm sounded, Pansy Parkinson slowly walked to her clock and hit the snooze button. After finding it, she sat on her bed, groaning. A tear traced its way down her face as she lay back down, crying silently.


A hand slowly emerged from the near fetal position of Luna Lovegood. As soon as the button was pressed, she drew it quickly back into her, almost as if she was afraid it would be hurt. She uncurled lethargically and unwillingly.


From Neville Longbottom's bed a hand emerged, groping for the alarm. It missed several times, before the boy grudgingly sat up and grabbing the clock, threw it at the wall. He lay back down onto his stomach as the clock hit the wall with a satisfying crunch.


Some things transcend good and evil. They are above such petty things as rivalry and friendship. Things such as… The snooze button.