Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Disney owns Kim Possible and everything related to it.

Authors Notes: Surforst original theory has many differences with my version, and in his theory the reasons for Kim's birth are totally different from mine's.

The ghosts of the past

The years passed on as Kim evolved her fighting skills, already showing to greatly excel at fighting, training would only make her reach her max and what of Ronald? Why he began failing ever since he got there. Although it would be the boy's wish to leave the training, Kim was the only thing that compelled him to stay.

As time passed, what James had been waiting for some time had finally began to emerge and that's Kim's independence of being successful while with Ron the exact opposite happened, as he also quickly began developing an extreme lack of self-esteem and self-confidence as well as laziness. Never did he prove to be better at something than her daughter, and that's what James wanted, he wanted the image of Kim as the blessed girl and Ron the inept, dumb, stupid loser to be carved in their minds, so that they don't forget their place in this world.

Yet he also noticed something, something what was both a counter back and an advantage. The wanted her daughter to be happy, to feel as if she was on top of the world, and Ron gave this to her, never did one day pass when Kim didn't giggle a hand full of times in Ron's presence.

This did turn out be an advantage, as this strengthened their bond, and after all, what more would James want than a happy daughter, not to mention it would keep Ron in an all time stasis of intellectual inactivity. Yet this may very well have its disadvantages, as it would mean that her daughters bond with Ron might last long, and there may be the strong possibility of developing into something even deeper. James saw her daughter always enjoy Ron's company and strangely everyone who knew him fairly well, also seemed to enjoy his presence.

James's original plan was to put Ron in a stasis stage while her daughter evolved in every sense, thus clearly showing it's effects in the close and far future, as her daughter would be on the top of the world, while Ron would be seen as a useless loser without any intelligence, suffering from a serious lack of self-confidence and esteem. Of course James would know the truth about Ron's intelligence, yet what it maters is that everyone else, including Ron, wouldn't know a thing about it, thus immortalizing his image of an mindless, hopeless idiot. Unfortunately, since this didn't turn out as he was hoping to have been, he would just have to improvise.

And that improvisation must first come from tolerance, although everyone seemed to enjoy his company, there was one who never was, and that was James himself. Ronald's presence was a forever reminder to him that there are others who are more genial, better, than him. It was a difficult task, no to mention barely tolerable to him and most of that tolerance came from the thought her kimmie-cub was happy with this scum's presence, but it wasn't just her, her wife enjoyed having him over, the twins saw him differently than other guys, they saw him as "cool", yet it was himself who would have kicked out this scum out of his house if it hadn't been for his family happiness.

As time passed, Kim had now entered the hero business much to James delight, there was no better to prove that everything's possible for a Possible and soon did his daughter get known as the girl who can do anything yet, if Ron hadn't been on those missions with her, she would have never been successful.

James knew of this, but he didn't care, after all, it was her daughter the one who could do anything, not this scum, it was her who was a Possible, not him, it was her who was the team leader and the world wide known hero and not him. He didn't care if Ron did much less than her although the few times he acted in every mission were vital to the success. Furthermore, the fact that Ron's turned out to be unknown to all, his few achievements completely ignored and that everyone thought that there wasn't any "team" just the great Kim Possible and finally being mistreated by almost all in his life did turn out to be quite a bonus to James.

In James mind this scum was worth nothing, he didn't care if he had never had the opportunity to develop his skills or to have proven having been good at something, the fact his daughter had done things he had never done made her the hero, after all he was no Possible.

Ever since the beginning it has came to his knowledge that Ron did made some quite impressive feats, yet although these happened in every mission, they were very few, although in very rare occasions did James find out that he had been the sole responsible for entire success of the mission and all this had been told through the feeling of pride her daughter emanated when relating what had happened.

James was not surprised to see her daughter in this state when concerning Ron, after all, their bond goes much deeper than any other he's seen up until now, yet he was happy to find out that besides all this, Kim's idea or her being a hero and her abilities had grown firmly in her mind, to the extend of not liking to see other people be heroes or becoming arrogant about her abilities, this was indeed a good counter balance, for Kim was behaving the way he wanted her to be and defending what he saw as rightful greatness.

But something else happened, he simply didn't knew where he had failed during the processes, but as a consequence of their missions, James early from found out that some crucial changes in Ron had been made. What scared and annoyed him the most was that this idiot had done things which were completely impossible for her daughter at both physical and mental levels.

The real important ones started to happen since Camp Wannabeep, where he had shown both great tactical and hand craft skills, right after that there has the Ferret Convention where he showed several other skills, not to mention the talent contest in which talent and ability was something he may have shown to have excessively along with several other examples concerning both logic and practical issues. But James was nor blind nor idiot, for these were no normal skills, in time he founded out more indirect demonstrations of his superior intelligence.

There were also some rather usual fighting scenes such as dodging Shego and her daughter's blows all at the same time with very little effort and also the same when it came to Monkey Fist as a consequence of possessing such tactical skill, yes he knew of Monkey Fist quite well, not to mention all the other villains and of course little Drew.

When the knowledge of Monkey Fist as a rival first came to his knowledge so did came some rumours of a monkey power of some sort and Ron seemed to possess it however, James didn't knew a thing about it, the only thing he knew was that it would make the owner, in this case Ronald, practically invincible, offering super human strength and powers. As far as he knew, this monkey power seemed to be connected with some ninja school of some sort, but he new nothing else.

But this wasn't what scared James the most, for in very rare occasions Ron has shown raw examples of his absurdly high intelligence and it was those which feared him the most, especially when putting into consideration the fact that he had very little knowledge, so technically we would have to completely resort to his mechanical/logical capabilities. From building laser armour piercing doomsday devices, to gigantic ATV semi-automatic plasma cannons, to fixing and improving all of Drakken's inventions, to building from scratch a super efficient weather generator which allows the user to control the world wide weather in an instant and to show incredible tactical capability, not to mention that her daughter was literally toyed by him when trying to save the world.

Building all these inventions was a more than certain proof of his incredible genius and if how the was able to do it all with very little knowledge wasn't enough, the fact he did this all in less than ten hours was almost enough for James to suffer from sleeping problems every night, he himself had taken several months just to build a lousy stinking shuttle while this idiot builds all sort of extremely complicated mechanical devices in just ten hours. Not only this but associating with the fact Ron showed to be by nature a bad boy, it only made things more dangerous. From now on he would keep both his eyes open.

James was clearly not expecting this, but I the end it only turned out to be a natural reaction from Ron, you know what they say, "You harvest what you grow".

But things quickly lowered down to what they once used to be but James was now more watchful then ever. As he was concerning his relationship with her daughter and he knew that things were evolving pretty straight forward to a more intense level while personally he didn't approve much this choice. At least in his mind he was safe that if her daughter further progressed her relationship with Ron, at least wasn't hanging out with some mindless idiot, far from that.

After some time considering, James finally concluded it would be best if he let Kim and Ron remain together, after all her daughter is Ron's main reason for his mental inactivity and laziness and furthermore, if that's what makes her Kimmie-cub happy, than she will do as she desires.

But just as things seemed to stabilise, his old college partner Drew Lipsky had been successful in almost destroying their lifetime friendship with merely a single synthetic drone. When he first saw Kim playing with this total stranger, he first thought that came to his mind was "Where's Ronald?" Full of suspicions, he decided he should do some investigation and quickly found out Erik was nothing more than a Synthetic Drone designed to be attractive towards any female.

There was now no reason to have these two together, first he knew her Kimmie-cub would be heart broken when she finally discovered the truth, secondly, Ron should not be away from her, for that was out of the question.

How to help? Simple, he would only need to act at the right time, for now he would simply let things go on by themselves and thus the rocket motorcycle was born.

With the Diablo incident at an end, James decided he should not oppose Kim and Ron's relationship in any way, for reasons already told, yet he would always keep an watchful eye, for he had learned in the past that dreams have a nasty habit of going wrong when you're either not looking or when you think everything is as you think it should be.

And in the end, the same thought still lurked in James's mind.

"There can be only one!"

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