Author: JazzyMcWier

Authors Note: This isn't beta'd; it's hardly even proofread, so all mistakes are my own. This was something that just randomly came to me, so it might not make much sense. Apologies in advance.

AN2: It's based on the 1994 movie and I must say, whatever else he has done (Batman, Reign of Fire, American Psycho) Christian Bale will always be Teddy to me!


He relished every secret look that was just for him; the ones that indicated she was amused, the others that meant her sisters were insufferable. He reveled in the way they embraced when he had done some small task for the betterment of the family, and her. He could not pull his eyes away from the curve of her lips, upturned to show beauteous joy or straight with grief. That was her most telling feature, for she could avert her eyes all that she wanted, but the shape of her lips would betray her every time.

He stood in front of the hall mirror, wiping the sweating palms on his new jacket, sent directly from Milan. He had no ring, no large bouquet of flowers to woo her over with, but what he had was his heart. His heart had felt a sweep of that strange immeasurable emotion love when he had set eyes on her that first day. He had scoffed at his friends' declarations of love at first sight, but when he saw her, tramping through the new snow, he knew what they meant. She was bold and open, with thoughts of her own and inked fingers; she was beautiful. By no means was she a classic beauty, with soft blond hair and a lovely curved nose, but she was exactly what his heart and body wanted.

Grandfather stood in the doorway, watching as he muttered those words that dripped like sweet wine onto his tongue,

"Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Josephine Lawrence?"