Author's Notes: This story is based on the premise created in "Mara's Missing Moments," a Star Wars fanfiction that takes the romance of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade to new levels by reworking the canon material to fill in holes. This story attempts to do the same with episode 2x19 "S.O.S". It provides everyone with just a little bit more Jate goodness! I hope you enjoy!

S.O.S: Missing Moments

by touchofxpink

Kate had been washing her face in the salt-water, contemplating her day's activities, when Sawyer approached and asked her to help him dig some clams. She accepted.

It was a relatively cool day on the island, and the water too was cool as she scraped the bottom of a tidal pool. It was harder work than it looked like, and Sawyer enjoyed making fun of her as she labored.

"Now that is a nasty little clam, Freckles. I reckon it must be a fighter if a strong little lady like yourself can't get it off that rock."

She shot him her most withering look. "You want to lend a hand?"

He smiled. "I'm good, Freckles. Watching you is all I got taste for."

It was the type of barely concealed innuendo that Kate was used to hearing from Sawyer. She still hadn't figured out whether he meant it or not. She half-smiled and shook her head, her usual response for his remarks.

She worked as diligently as she could, glad of the excuse to train her thoughts on something other than Jack Shepard. He had come crashing back into her life. They hadn't spoken, really spoken, since she had kissed him. It was a foolish mistake, she figured, an instance where her underlying feelings and weaknesses got the best of her. She had been so careful around Jack ever since they crashed, trying to keep a friendly distance, so she would not taint his goodness, as she had done before. Her composure had fallen apart and she had gotten reckless, done something impulsive, and paid the price.

Thankfully, it seemed as if time was beginning to fix their situation. They were able to laugh together, or at least in the vicinity of each other, at the poker game, and Jack had extended his hand in friendship by offering to walk her to the beach. It was more than she could have ever hoped for, a sign that he might be able to forgive her.

He was such a beautiful person, inside and out. If she had been a better woman, she might have appreciated him. If she had been braver, she would have stayed and worked out the kiss instead of running back to Sawyer. It was a mistake she fiercely regretted every day. Whoever said to put the past behind you obviously had never had to deal with repercussions in the present.

She was so deeply involved her in thoughts that she cut herself. "Damn," she swore, lifting her index finger to her mouth.

"Ha. Got the best of you!" Sawyer exclaimed, whooping.

"You haven't even done anything," Kate retorted. They smirked at each other for a moment before Kate shook her hand and then went back to work.

They were silent for a few moments before Kate was able to get four clams out in quick succession.

"Haha, that's how it's done," Sawyer said. "Ah well look at you! That's likeā€¦ for in the last half hour. Let me call the Guinness book."

Now it was annoying. "You want help or not?" Kate asked sharply, "'Cause I've got better things to do with my time."

Sawyer smiled and looked as if he wanted to respond. His eyes caught sight of something coming towards them on the beach and he barely concealed a grimace. "Oh happy day. Here comes Dr. Giggles."

Kate's stomach felt unpleasant all of a sudden. She turned her head, already knowing she would see Jack there. She watched his progress toward them, trying to smile but barely managing a grin.

"Hey," Jack said. Kate wanted to respond but her tongue was oddly heavy. Sawyer beat her too it. "Hey yourself."

Jack glanced towards her once, and then looked out towards the ocean as he stated his reason for coming. "I'm going back out into the jungle to talk to our friend with the beard. See if we can make a trade."

Kate breathed a little. He had come for Sawyer, and his guns. Sawyer seemed to recognize this too, as he stood and nodded sagely. "Ah, the old prisoner exchange. And you're inviting me along 'cause you want a gun, huh?"

Jack looked confused. "I'm not inviting you. I'm inviting Kate."

She glanced up in shock. "And I've already got a gun," Jack continued, "but thanks for offering."

Sawyer looked positively incensed. "How the hell did you get a gun?"

"Does it matter?" Jack asked. Both men stared at each other for a long second. Kate thought, not for the first time, about finding a ruler somewhere on the island. They turned to look at her, each begging for her company.

She didn't have to debate. She smiled at Jack and nodded. "I'll get my things."

Jack watched Kate quickly throw a few bottles of water and some granola bars from the supply drop into her backpack. She moved quickly and efficiently. It only took her a few minutes to gather everything. When she was done, she looked up at him and, seeing his stare, grinned crookedly. "Let's go," she said, heading off towards the jungle.

"Right," Jack said lamely, moving in front of her.

"Taking the lead are we?" Kate asked, eyebrows raised.

"Well, last time you were out here the Others had you at gunpoint with a bag over your head. I didn't think you would remember where to go."

Kate frowned at him. He instantly felt a little bad. He hadn't meant it to sound like he was attacking her, merely stating a fact. He couldn't bring himself to apologize. He could never bring himself to articulate his feelings around Kate. They could laugh, cry, and live together, but he could never say how he felt.

They continued in silence for several long moments. The jungle was loud enough to make up for their quiet, but Jack still felt uncomfortable. There was a giant elephant in the room whenever they were together. It had been a baby before, a mere representation of the sexual tension between them. Now, however, since their kiss, it was full-sized and angry. He was a doctor and a "leader" of their group, but he could not figure out how to deal with this particular problem.

"I'm flattered." Her voice broke his thoughts.

He couldn't, for the life of him, figure out why she was flattered. "Yeah, why is that?"

"Because you chose me to go with you instead of Sawyer."

It had never been a question of asking Sawyer. He would have asked Kate to accompany him even if Ana-Lucia had not given him her gun. In fact, Jack had planned on asking Kate to join him as soon as he had formulated the plan. She was the face that jumped into his mind at the slightest provocation. He didn't really want to admit that to her, though, especially since he wasn't sure how she felt about their "problem."

So, he fell back on the safety net of lying. "I asked Sayid first, but he turned me down. And I only asked you because they don't want you. They grabbed you, had you at gun point." The horror of that particular recollection forced him to close his eyes for a moment. "They could have kept you, but they didn't. Then again, they didn't really want me either."

Jack half-smiled and kept walking. He didn't want to turn around and see her expression. He was afraid of what he might see there. She was silent for a few moments before catching up to him and smiling a bit bitterly. "Damaged goods, both of us," she said.

An irrational part of him wanted to tell her that she was nowhere near damaged. But he didn't. He nodded and continued on.

He had gone a few paces when he realized he could not hear her footsteps anymore. He turned around and saw Kate staring at an object in the tall grass. "What's that?" she asked.

"Kate," he began, starting to move back towards her.

She reached for. "It's a doll!"

He couldn't believe she was actually reaching for it. It was, in his mind, obviously a trap. He began running towards her. "Wait! Wait! No, don't!"

Jack reached her just as she picked it up. A split second later, a net emerged from the ground and ensnared them both. He was literally pressed up on Kate, every inch of his body touching every inch of hers.

"Sorry," she murmured sheepishly.

Jack had never felt less angry in his life.