I don't own Avatar, 'kay?
Sokka loved flying. He loved the feeling of weightlessness that it gave him. He loved being able to see everything at once. He loved the air. He raised his arm and made a swirling motion, catching himself too late.
Stupid, he thought. You haven't been able to bend for three years now, what makes you want to all the sudden?
That was obvious. The conversations with Aang had gotten him into the mood. It made him remember.
But I don't want to remember! Sokka thought viciously.
Yes, you do. A voice in the back of his mind urged him. Almost unwillingly, Sokka went back. He remembered the day. The day that changed his life.
It started out normally enough. He recalled. It was even warm enough for some fishing. That's what I was doing. Getting some knives and string for fishing. Sokka yawned and stretched. If only flying didn't make him so tired!
Sokka's dream brought him back to the Water Tribe. He was standing next to the hole he had made for the fishing pole. He was looking in. Looking for fish. Maybe he'd Waterbend one out.
Then Katara went speeding past him, on the back of a penguin.
Sokka screamed for Katara to watch out. But she didn't hear him. She fell into the hole.
Sokka went down to his hands and knees. He searched the water desperately, knowing in his heart that he wouldn't find Katara. People pf the Water Tribe dressed in many layers to combat the cold weather. Those clothes were dead weight once they were wet.
Katara didn't stand a chance.
Sokka, who had never been religious, had an idea. Maybe-maybe if he asked the spirits to get Katara, they would. But they wouldn't do that for nothing.
If you save Katara, you can have my power. Sokka prayed. He searched the water for some sign that the spirits had heard him. Nothing. Nothing at all.
Then there she was. Katara was floating to the surface. Her face was pale, but she was still breathing. Gasping was a better word for it, but she was still alive.
Sokka hugged his sister, knowing that her ten-year-old lungs wouldn't have been able to stand much longer down there. He was thanking the water spirit at the same time, for saving Katara.
But at the same time, he felt a sense of loss. Without even trying, he knew that Waterbending was gone. Replaced by an empty nothingness.
Sokka woke up, covered in sweat. He hated that dream. He hated remembering everything. He hated thinking how close he had been to losing his little sister.
He glanced over at her. He did that, every minute of every day. Just a small glance, to make sure she was still there. Still breathing. Still safe.
She was immersed in her sewing. She was currently trying to make all three of them a new set of clothes, as their old ones had become rather ragged. He smiled, knowing how much she loved to sew, one of the only talents she'd picked up from their mother before she'd died.
Then Sokka looked over at Aang. His new brother, in a way. The Avatar was "driving," which was Aang-speek for sitting-around-practicing-some-air-bending. Sokka smiled slightly when he saw Aang jump off Appa like a diver. He was always doing that.
Sokka leaned back and studied the clouds, thinking about the powers he had lost, and the mother that had died.
And the brother he had gained.
How'd you like it? Go on, tell me. I don't bite.