Muggle Studies Quotes

Author: emptyfirefly

Summary: "Let us hope that we are all preceded in this world by a love story" – Don Snyder. Lily and James aren't suited, Lily and James don't work, but it is Lily and James that match: muggle quote by muggle quote.

Rating: Really, the rating could be argued, but at the end of the day it's PG13 if you're comfortable with swearing and violence, M if you do. Figure it out yourself!

Warnings: Well, there'll be violence of a sorts, swearing of a lots, fluffy love… meh, I'm not offended!

Pairings: Well, Lily/James, Remus/OC, Sirius/OC, as far as I'm concerned Peter doesn't get a girlfriend… well maybe one… where was I?

Disclaimer: Would I honestly be posting on a fanfiction website if I owned anything? How stupid do you think I am? Although… I'm beginning to suspect that Rowling stole the idea of Dobby from my description of a chipmunk, will that hold up in court?

Okay, so this is my new story, I don't think it'll be very long, but here's to hoping. There'll be fluff, but the point in this story is that a) Lily's a wacky one, b) sometimes we can't find the words that we want without a bit of help, and c) Sirius and his girlfriend are absolutely NUTS!

Anyway, any helpful suggestions you have for this story will be greatly appreciated! Greatly. But no flamers, they make me homicidal and bitchy.

Chapter One. Will Shakespeare

"Doubt that the stars are fire; doubt that the sun doth move; doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt I love."

I wanna tell him to shut up.

I wanna tell him to leave me alone.

I wanna tell him to take his wand and shove it so incredibly far up his ar… other end, that he has to wave his wand through his nostrils.

In the past I would've done just that mind you, but currently I'm attempting to just ignore the prat and pray that he leaves me be.

Hey, a girl can dream right?

I'm Lily Christine Evans, a muggle born, and one of the top students in my year at Hogwarts. Pretty sweet, huh?

There are only two students that do better than me in my year, and only one of them is in Ravenclaw. However, TimTam (or Timathii, yes she's a girl), is one of my best friends: so I don't mind her trouncing me. The other, unfortunately, is the boy sitting next to me at this stage in time, driving me around the wall.

Does he really even need an introduction? James bloody Potter: the bane of my existence, and the joy of everyone else's. No doubt all the attention he gets has gone to his head.

Yes, I do absolutely abhor him for more reasons than the fact that he's a prat, proud, and as close to perfect as the kids at this school can find… there's also the minor fact that he's asked me out five times a week for more than three years.

Three. Bloody. Years.

Now, at first it was funny; a running joke, but now it makes me wanna throw large objects at him. Very large ones.

Anyway, back to the situation in my Muggle Studies class. Before you say it; yes, I am aware that I am muggle born, but to work where I want to in the ministry you need a NEWT in it. Parentage is meant to mean nothing in the outside world; mind you, looking at all of this Voldemort bull, I'd have to disagree.

Where was I? Sorry, it's the beginning of the year, so I'm sort of on an overload that leads me to going completely off-topic. Anyway, we were reading all the quotes in our text books, something about the importance of classic sayings in muggle everyday life… right, sure, as long as THEY believe that!

My current quote that I was staring hard and long at was one that I actually knew anyway: "Cherish yesterday, dream of tomorrow, live today." I was supposed to explain what it specifically meant to me. But how the bloody hell was I expected to do that with Potter talking to me constantly!

"Lilster," new nickname, urgh! "What do you think the quote means?"

Now, if this were anyone else this would be a relatively normal sentence, even conversational. But with Potter? No! He's whining, in my ear, someone please make him shut up!

"It means: shut up!" There, that would make him quiet for at least one minute, heck if I'm lucky maybe a few seconds longer.

Okay, screw it, I'll just do a bullshit answer: "To me the quote means that you have to cherish your memories of yesterday, dream and plan about the great things you're going to do tomorrow, and do whatever the heck you wanna do, today."

"Funny, I said that to me it means hope: hope that things will one day change for me and I'll finally be what and where I wanna be."

I stop and turn to stare at Potter: he had actually said a reasonable, intelligent thing in front of me… was the world ending? Unfortunately he was watching me intently before hand, so now we're just staring at each other. Uncomfortable, much?

"What, Evans? Shocked that I have depth?"

Stupid prat! Stupid arrogant prat!

"Well, yeah! It's not like you've showed any depth… well, except when I pushed you into the lake."

Ah, good times, he was so annoying that one day I just shoved him into the lake… good times indeed. Merlin, he's still smiling, apparently it was funny for him too.

"Lily, would you go out with me this Hogmeade?"

"This is stupid."

Every single person in the common room turned and stared at me in fear. Granted, I had just yelled out that my homework was stupid and thrown my quill into the fire… but still!

Okay, and maybe the fact that I usually adore homework and think anyone who doesn't is an idiot, might add to the looks of shock I was receiving… but honestly! This really was some stupid homework!

"Something wrong?" My best friend, and only friend in my House, Carly tipped her eyes in my direction, a mild smile gracing her features.

I don't think anything in the world could shock Carly; it's like she always knows what's going to happen. Hmm, maybe she's a Seer...? Nah.

"This homework is stupid! Honestly, remind me why I chose to take Muggle Studies! I'm a bloody Muggle-born and I have never once used quotes to impact my daily life! Much less make decisions based upon them! Muggle Studies is bloody stupid!"

By now there was probably no one in the whole of Gryffindor who wasn't staring at me. Okay, probably should have sworn slightly quieter.

"Finally, Lilster, I thought you'd never admit it!"

Oh crap, I had to have my little outburst while Potter and his wanker-ish group of friends were in the room! Typical!

"Shut up and die, Potter!" Not especially intelligent, but one doesn't need that when dealing with that fool.

"Oh, Lilster you love me really!" Carly and I shared a glance at Potter's stupid statement, honestly and he wonders why I hate him.

"Potter, the day that I love you will be a sad day indeed."

I begin to walk away, the crowd makes me uncomfortable, and I hate being in the centre of attention, especially if Potter is the source of it.

"Lily, will you ever go out with me?"

My shoulders slump: couldn't we have one conversation without that coming into it?

"No, can we please not have this conversation again?" My voice has a desperate weakness, and I hate it. I can't take this anymore; the constancy of his always being there, laughing at me, why can't he just leave me alone?

"Why not?"

I glance around at the crowd, sparing Potter a glance in the process, but he appears to be unaffected.

"Because… because you don't actually love me, let alone like me, this is just one of your things. I will NOT be a notch in a bedpost Potter!" It comes out in a burst, and even though I know it's the truth I feel guilty for phrasing it so harshly in front of the crowd of Gryffindor-ians. But come on, what'd he expect me to say?

I turn back around and quickly duck out of the portrait hole: the lake is practically calling my name. I can hear it now… Lily, come to the lake. Lily, I am your father.

Wait, no, that's actually Vadar, oh well, the voice works.

Suddenly there's running footsteps as I continue onwards, and before I can even have another thought Potter's in front of me.

"Look Po–"

"Lily, please, just…" Potter runs his hand through his hair, searching for the words that weren't there. "Doubt that the stars are fire; doubt that the sun doth move; doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt I love."

I stare at him, and he stares back.

And then he runs away.

Wow, talk about that Gryffindor courage. Not.

The lake is definitely calling my name.

Next time on "Muggle Studies Quotes":

"You're dating who? Are you nuts? Tell me the truth; are you actually Snape in disguise, trying to freak me out?"

"Okay, I'll admit it, I'm addicted to coffee."