- When you look through a glass window, what do you see? The glass or what's on the opposite side of the glass? - My Quote that goes with the story :).

It's not a one shot.. so look out for more chappies :)


"Be safe," she said softly as she handed him a paper bag filled with food as she waved a goodbye to him again. Another goodbye. Another day. He came back for a visit, and nothing else. Just a 'hi' and a 'how are you' that was all right? His reassurance. He rarely spoke to her in his stay in the spare room in the bar. He stayed hibernating in his room or sometimes he'd sit downstairs at the bar, with a beer in hand and he'd just stare.

"I will," he answered before keeping his blank face straight and giving her a firm nod before mounting his Fenrir and riding off. She watched him go, just like she did always. At least he had the decency to let her know he was leaving. Not like some where he'd just pack and leave without word. Those departures hurt her. He hurt her, even though he may never know. It was him, the core of her pain.

"Just come back soon," she whispered as she waved him another wave before his Fenrir rode off into the city. There was only one moment that she'd treasure, and that was their promise under the Nibelheim sky. The sky of Midgar seem dull to her whenever she stood in this situation. Why does he return, but only to leave again?

She turned regretfully and entered the bar. The customers flashed her a smile before returning to their own conversations with their friends. She smiled in return and made her way to the other side of the bar table. With a towel in hand she began her duty with the stack of dripping utensils that Cloud had so kindly washed before leaving.

"Tifa," Denzel came running down the steps and into the kitchen. He shook his head angrily when he didn't find her anywhere in the kitchen. Stepping to the side he walked through the doorway and up to the bar where she stood hunched over the sink with a towel in hand.

She continued to wipe the wet glasses and placed them away as the child continued to call her name. He walked up to her slowly and saw the sadden face. She didn't hear him, she never did. Her heart was once the strongest, but now, it was at its weakest state. Her happiness and the glow in her eyes were no longer there, but slowly seeped away with the rain. She was always lost in thought and never responded easily unless shouted at.

"Tifa," the boy touched her hand and looked up to her with soft eyes. She looked down and fought the tears rising in her eyes, unable to give up so easily. "It's okay," she heard his small voice whisper softly. "He'll come back soon."

Her eyes watered but no tear fell, she smiled warmly and nodded, "I know."

"Who needs him anyways, you've got me and Marlene," Denzel stated proudly and gave her a wink.

She giggled, "I know I've got you two," she took his small body and embraced it at her side. No matter what, she had her kids. Denzel and Marlene. The reason she woke each day and did what she did. This, the bar, was all for them. The money, was for them. And cloud too.

"Hey boy, mind leaving your mother alone for a while, I want another pint," the guy leaned over the bar and held out a thin folded piece of money. The hair around his face was so thick that one found it hard to even look and find his mouth.

Tifa nodded and pushed Denzel away slightly, "I'm sorry sir but we are closing soon."

The guy looked to the clock that sat up on the wall on the opposite side. 12pm. He turned around and grunted, "Ah hell then. See you tomorrow," he smiled and waved before walking out the door.

She looked back down at Denzel. His pale stiffen face startled her for a moment. "Everything okay?" she touched his shoulder.

His eyes gazed up to hers and he blushed, "Did he just.."

"Well everyone thinks you're my son," she replied wearily. "And in a way, I'd like that," the smirk on her face left him wondering, just what would it be like to have a family?

"So, whose my dad?" Denzel asked but then winced after he realized what he had just said. If Tifa was the mother, who would be the father? It would be a man that lived with them for starters, and had a close relationship to the children. Cloud was that man, he was the one that lived with them. Had a relationship with the children and was the only man that Tifa was closest too.

Her eyes lowered as she stared blankly at the cup that sat between the towel in her hands. His soft blue eyes radiated in her mind as she tried her hardest to not think of him. She looked back up and glanced around the bar, he wasn't there, he never was. He never will be.

"I'm sorry," Denzel's soft voice startled her for a moment. She glanced down and touched his cheek.

"Don't be Denzel, it was just a question," she said softly.

The boy nodded disapprovingly and turned to look at another man who had approached the bar table. "Thanks for the beer Tif," he handed her some coins. "Great place you have here," he smiled before turning and leaving.

She glanced through her bar and saw its plain darkness again. Everyone had gone, it was just another day like many others. Her arm fell from Denzel's cheek and she placed the towel back on the rack, as well as the cup on the drying rack. She threw away the picture of those blue eyes and fixed her thoughts on Denzel.

"Go get Marlene," she mumbled with a smile growing on her lips. "Lets make lunch together today." His eyes lit up. It was a rare occasion that she'd actually allow them to cook, mainly because the kitchen would always result with pots and pan on the floor.

He nodded with a beaming smile on his face, "Okay."

She watched him run off excitedly out of the bar place and up those steps with a heap of noise. "I shouldn't dwell in my thoughts so much," she said to herself and walked to the door. She looked outside at the busy streets of Midgar and turned the sign to 'Closed'. The loud click of the door assured her it was lock and she turned and walked to the kitchen.

"Take care Cloud," she mumbled softly.