Hello, dear readers. I've decided to edit chapter 1-6 because... I didn't have anything to do during the summer and I've improved a bit since I wrote the 1:st chapter. I know that the begining is just repeating what everyone alredy knows, but when I started writing this my friends wanted to read it, and then my mom, and my dad, and some other friends, and my English teacher. So that is for them, all the other readers can go to Muarim's PoV.
Oh, and I say PoV, but it's more like third-person, but a third person who can read the mind of the PoV person but no one else. Unless I messed up somewhere. This is also my first fic, please be nice.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem, why would I?
Chapter 1: Prologue
Tellius... A continent divided in nations. Gallia, Crimea, Daein, Begnion, Goldoa, Phoenicis and
Kilvas. Tellius is also the home of laguz and beorc, demi-humans and humans. These different races has fought each other for many generations.
The beorc have a hard time accepting the laguz for all kind of reasons. Mostly because they are different from beorc.
Laguz see beorc as the weaker species because they have to rely on weapons to defend themselves. And some can't even use weapons unlike laguz that can fight from the moment they are born.
In Bengion laguz-slavery was legal until year 624 when the apostle forbid any kind of slavery among laguz. This, however, did not stop the nobles from having laguz as slaves in their homes. Most slaves are born so. This is the story of one of them...
Muarim's PoV
Hello, My name is Muarim. I'm a slave, and a laguz. A tiger to be correct. I'm about seventeen to nineteen years old. Maybe nineteen, I'm not so sure. The only ones that knew and cared were my parents and they died a long time ago. They opposed our master and their punishment was... Well, I give you three guesses. That is why I never question my master. I have a sister however, they beat her all the time because she won't shut up. She's not like me. If she gets an idea on her head she blurts it out without thinking. Then they beat her and I have to clean up the blood. Me however... I think in silence. And that's why I came up with a plan. Tonight, I'm going to flee. I'm going to be free...
This is ten years pre-game, so you might think that someone is OOC, but I will try to get them more mature as the story goes on. Don't yell at me for grammar/spelling mistakes. I'm swedish and I'm learning.
Please read on, and review if you want to.