Cast Of Characters

Iris Thorne (Age: 100, Appearance: 16)
A Repliforce soldier from 21XX. Iris and the legendary Maverick Hunter Zero were dear friends until the Maverick Wars' "Repliforce Affair," when she went temporarily insane and he was forced to kill her. After being revived a hundred years later by Professor Ross Smith, Iris has decided to search the world in hopes of finding her old friends and loved ones. She carries Zero's old Z-Saber as both a weapon and a momento. Zero's sweetheart.

Mega Man X Light (Age: 200, Appearance: 16)
An innovative new type of robot built by Dr. Thomas Light in 20XX. X's potential risks forced Light to seal him up for a hundred years. After X awoke, he fought bravely against Sigma in the Maverick Wars until the legendary Maverick Hunter Zero sealed himself away. X then sealed himself up as well. Awakened again another hundred years later, X has decided to help Iris find Zero in any way he can.

Zero Omega (Age: 200, Appearance: 18)
A dangerous robot built by Dr. Albert Wily in 20XX to rival Light's creation, Mega Man X. Details surrounding Zero's past are unknown, but he reappeared again a hundred years later. First a Maverick, then a Maverick Hunter, Zero is always in the center of combat. Zero fought in the Maverick Wars alongside X until he realized that he was partly responsible for the war in the first place. Zero sealed himself away and hasn't been heard from since. Zero acts cold, but he has a soft spot for some of his closer friends. Iris's sweetheart.

Sharon Doherty (Age: 4, Appearance: 18)
A firey-spirited martial artist Reploid. Built by Dr. Keitaro Sushi for the sole purposes of housework and servicing, she soon fled to the United States and was taken in by Professor Smith. Once meek, she became a short-tempered powerhouse who won't let anything stand in her way. After befriending Iris, she joins her on her journey.

Darren Lucas (Age: 20, Appearance: 17)
A young engineer. Darren's father disowned him when he got his technical degree, so he wandered the country until Smith permanently hired him at the Science Museum, where he's been working ever since. Darren and Iris are close, so he always does everything he can to help her. Darren was once in love with Tara Slater, but doesn't like to talk about it.

Snake Man Wily (Age: 200, Appearance: 18)
One of Dr. Albert Wily's Robot Masters. Snake Man fought Mega Man in 20XX and was defeated. Revived by Professor Smith and now his assistant at the museum. Wants to become an archaeologist. Snake Man also helps Iris and the Maverick Hunters when he can.

Frost Man Wily (Age: 200, Appearance: ??)
One of Dr. Albert Wily's Robot Masters. Frost Man fought Mega Man in 20XX and was defeated. Revived by Dr. Otto Donnerstag and now his assistant in Tynda. Big and stupid, but otherwise friendly.

Bubble Man Wily (Age: 200, Appearance: ??)
One of Dr. Albert Wily's Robot Masters. Bubble Man fought Mega Man in 20XX and was defeated. Revived by Dr.Emma Thompson and now her assistant in Cooktown. Also a friendly expert boat pilot.

Flame Man Wily (Age: 200, Appearance: ??)
One of Dr. Albert Wily's Robot Masters. Flame Man fought Mega Man in 20XX and was defeated. Revived by Dr. Ali Bahai and now his assistant in Cairo. Always wears a turban.

Professor Ross Smith (Age: 35, Appearance: 35)
A young, little-known robotologist working at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul. Smith worked for CONSTRICT, INC. until a potentially dangerous project made him decide to resign. After that, he devoted his life to the resurrection and study of ancient Reploids. After creating a powerful anti-Maverick Virus program, Snake Man and Iris were some of his first successful projects. His warm manner and calm temperament make him almost a father figure to Iris.

Professor Charles Olson (Age: 42, Appearance: 42)
A portly and good-natured Science Museum scientist working alongside Professor Smith. Specializes in anthropology, but also has knowledge of Reploid armor and weapon systems.

Professor Wallace Krein (Age: 40, Appearance: 40)
A wirey and cheerful Science Museum scientist working alongside Professor Smith. Specializes in fossil dating, but also has knowledge of Reploid health and medicine.

Dr. Otto Donnerstag (Age: 56, Appearance: 56)
A rotund, jolly scientist who worked with Professor Smith to develop the anti-Maverick Virus program. Using the program, he revived Frost Man to be his assistant at his lab in Tynda.

Dr. Emma Thompson (Age: 37, Appearance: 37)
An energetic, kind scientist who worked with Professor Smith to develop the anti-Maverick Virus program. Using the program, she revived Bubble Man to be her assistant at her lab in Cooktown.

Dr. Ali Bahai (Age: 60, Appearance: 60)
An eccentric and cheerful scientist who worked with Professor Smith to develop the anti-Maverick Virus program. Using the program, he revived Flame Man to be his assistant at his lab in Cairo.

Dr. Keitaro Sushi (Age: 50, Appearance: 45)
A shady and secretive scientist who almost never leaves his South Pacific island laboratory. Sushi only builds luscious Reploid females, but what he does with them is unspeakable. Creator of Sharon.

Frances G. Peabody (Age: 48, Appearance: 60)
The grouchy and irritable curator of the Science Museum Of Minnesota. For a man in charge of a nonprofit establishment, Peabody has an uncanny obsession with money. He's constantly at odds with Smith, who insists on running all his experiments in the museum labs and as such bringing in a lot of unwanted trouble.

Big T (Age: ??, Appearance: 20)
Leader of a gang of troublemaking Reploids. Uses his bulk and a huge club to harrass the St. Paul locals.

Morph Moth (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A Maverick working for Ribosome. He uses his powerful wings and Silk Shot weapon to mercilessly attack his enemies.

Frost Walrus (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
An Ex-Repliforce soldier working for Ribosome. He uses his awesome mass and Frost Tower weapons to demolish his opponents.

Launch Octopus (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A Maverick working for Ribosome. He viciously assassinates his enemies with his lashing Sonic Tentacles and Homing Torpedos.

Storm Owl (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
An Ex-Repliforce soldier working for Ribosome. He punishes his offenders with his feather missiles and Double Cyclone weapon.

Armored Armadillo (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A Maverick working for Ribosome. He prefers melee combat to using his Rolling Shield weapon, so he carries a reinforced katana as well.

Sting Chameleon (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A Maverick working for Ribosome. He taunts and tears his foes with his Chameleon Cloak and Chameleon Sting attacks.

Tunnel Rhino (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A Maverick working for Ribosome. He tramples anyone against him with his powerful charges and his Tornado Fang weapons.

Fighting Fefnir (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A mysterious Reploid hailing from a place called Neo Arcadia. Fefnir loves to fight more than anything and doesn't care who gets in his way. Fefnir serves humans, but in truth he loathes them above all else.

Vile (Age: ??, Appearance: ??)
A Maverick working for Ribosome. Vile was Sigma's right-hand man in 21XX, and he's no different for Ribosome. An extremely sadistic and sick person, Vile will employ any tactics necessary to psych out his opponent, including taking the forms of other Reploids.

Ivan Ribosome IV (Age: 50, Appearance: 50)
The CEO of CONSTRICT, INC, a multinational corporation. While CONSTRICT leads the world in the production of goods, its real products are massive weapons for armies and terrorist groups. A cold and greedy man, Ribosome will do anything to expand his corporate empire. As of late, his attentions have focused on Iris Thorne for an unknown reason.

Colonel Thorne (Age: Deceased, Appearance: 30)
The short-tempered, arrogant second-in-command of the 21XX elite Reploid army Repliforce. Colonel and Zero were good friends until a misunderstanding set them at each other's throats. After much strife and combat, Colonel was finall defeated and slain by Zero, much to the horror of his sister, Iris.

Tara Slater (Age: Deceased, Appearance: 19)
A classmate of Darren Lucas's. Darren and she were lovers for a brief time before she was killed by Mavericks. Not much else is known about her, but she bears an uncanny resemblance to Iris.

Dr. Albert Wily (Age: Deceased, Appearance: 70)
The psychotic mastermind of 20XX. Wily is responsible for the construction of over 80 Robot Masters and the dreaded Maverick Virus. He's always looking to build a robot capable of defeating Mega Man to prove that he's the superior robot designer. Creator of Snake Man, Zero, Frost Man, Bubble Man and Flame Man.

Dr. Thomas Light (Age: Deceased, Appearance: 70)
A kind-hearted and brilliant scientist of 20XX. Dr. Light developed his theories of robotics until he finally crafted several robots, one of which was the legendary Mega Man. Later on in his life, Light built Mega Man X, but was too old to live to test his creation. In 21XX, X stumbled upon the huge cache of enhancement capsules Light had left behind. Creator of Mega Man X.

Dr. Thomas Cain (Age: Deceased, Appearance: 70)
A grouchy and kind scientist of 21XX. Cain was a plant archaeologist until he stumbled upon the ruins of Dr. Thomas Light's laboratory and found Mega Man X. After studying X, Cain duplicated his programs and created the Reploids. Regrettably, Cain never could find a way to stop the rampaging Maverick Virus that turned his creations into killing machines, including his finest work, Sigma.

Sigma (Age: Deceased, Appearance: ??)
The Maverick overlord. Once the leader of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma became the leader of the Mavericks himself soon after his battle with a psychotic red Reploid known as Zero. Something happened between the two, and Sigma inherited the virus that Wily had built into Zero. Sigma fought X and Zero in every way he could, including changing Reploids into Mavericks, turning their friends against them or just causing general chaos.



John Louis "ker-plop" Smith


John Louis "ker-plop" Smith



John Louis "ker-plop" Smith

Chad Hyou


John Louis "ker-plop" Smith


John Louis "ker-plop" Smith



John Louis "ker-plop" Smith

Chad Hyou


John Louis "ker-plop" Smith




Square Enix



Chad Hyou



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