This is a lil' oneshot that i was inspired to write after some events that happened to me last night, not gonna say what of course but i suddenly came up with this story here and began to type it up the next morning, and here it is for all of you random readers to see!

Uh... There are NO pairings in this story, alrighty? I'm sorry if it seems that way to you but i tried my best to not make this as couple fic or one with hints at it, 'cause then my story would be ruined. Gah. Well, enjoy! Tell me what you think of it, and i dearly hope it doesn't suck. -. -. But then again, i just woke up about 30 min. ago (literally) so i won't be surprised. Meh, ignore my babblings and just READ already, people!

Disclaimer: I own nothing of this so leave me alone. I merely have an imagination and intend to put it to use!

A Moment's Pause

Every day she thought about it, every day she wondered what would happen next and when she could free her friend. Sherry knew that the last time she saw her, she was helpless--she was almost killed! However, now she wasn't so weak. She had a goal and the power to make a difference between their lives. To free Koko from Zophise's grasp, that was her intention.

Days passed by and she fought everyone and everything in her path, she just had to reach her friend, absolutely had to! Though each day brought her closer to her goal and made her stronger, she always took a moment to pause and think.

In these moments when she thought, tears would come to her eyes but she wouldn't wipe them away. She didn't know what to expect, she would admit that, but she knew she could do something about it, Sherry knew that her friend would be freed!

But she didn't know when.

And in these moments her companion would look at her strangely yet say nothing, there were no words he could say that would enlighten her mood, or perhaps give her more hope. Brago was no encourager when it came to relationships or anything else for that matter, but when it came to fighting however it was a slightly different story. For the past few months he had been training her, making her stronger for the future fight to free her friend. He did not care about Koko or most of Sherry's laments, only the throne which awaited the winner of the war.

Although he didn't care, he knew this troubled her, yet still he would say nothing. As said before, he was no encourager, only Sherry's partner in the battle. Brago merely told her to get through her pain in combat and continue on, to fulfill both of their promises to each other: Make Brago the king and free Sherry's friend.

Sherry would still ponder though, what else was there to do when she wasn't fighting the other teams? There was always free time to muse over the future and what would happen when Koko was finally freed.

There came one day where the darker duo was walking through the forest, searching for the enemy that was nearby, when Sherry couldn't take it anymore. A single tear formed in her eye and trickled down her cheek and she sobbed. The demon next to her turned to see what was wrong and was immensely surprised to have been grabbed by the shoulders as she quickly embraced him. He stared at her blankly, not knowing what to think; he did not hold her back, but instead waited patiently for her moment to end.

When she finally released him after a minute she wiped the tears away from her eyes and apologized as she continued walking. Brago stared back and said nothing; he was no encourager, merely her companion in the battle. So he continued walking and caught up with her after the moment's pause.