Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and Nickelodeon. All characters (that I have not created or borrowed from other sources) belong to them . This is a fan fiction, and is not intended to violate the rights of those who hold control over the Ranma 1/2 and Avatar:The Last Airbender series. I have no money for legal problemsand would very much appreciate it if no one tries to sue me. Thank you very much.

Wild Avatar

Chapter Twelve

Ranma mind was working in overdrive at the possiblities he was picking up from his training sessions with Aang. Working together with his sensei, he finally developed the understanding of the Hiryu Shoten Ha. He mind looked it over, 'I understand the information behind it now, how the hot air rises at the same time my cold air sinks. It creates a circle which draws the air down and up in a cycle. Or that is how Aang explains it. Of course, once I perfected Cologne's version, Aang showed me some moves which don't depends on a person's ki.'

Ranma had been directed by Aang to develop his own move for the school of airbending, since this was a sign of becoming a master. Once they had developed the knowledge of the thirty-six levels of airbending and created a new move, they would gain their arrow tattoos. Yet Aang had only learned the first thirty-five levels, but his development of the air scooter made him a master at a rather young age. Ranma, while older, was willing to match that record for his own personal pride and the pride of the Saotome School.

Ranma had done his share of teaching Aang as well. Ranma pointed out the echos of something which resemble Hsing Yi or as it would loosely translate into Mind heart boxing. Staffs were part of the tools used in the style as legends said it was based on spear combat. It uses linear movements and sharp bursts of powers, instead of the circluar movements of the Ba Gua style most airbending was based on. It is based on power attacks to overwhelm the foe, attacking and defending at once. Many of it's forms were animal based, yet it also involved the five traditional chinese element.

'Aang really got a kick out of the Chinese elements. Especially the constructive, destructive and neutral cycle of the whole thing. His elements might have fire, water and earth as well but he had never experience the ideas of metal and wood. Given the fact Earthbenders are suppose ta be unable ta bend metal. Yet something doesn't seem right with that ta me.' Ranma thought as a part of his mind reviewed his moves to make a new move.

'I have started Aang's lessons on the combat styles of Hung Gar, Tai Chi and Northern Shaolin style. He's promised not ta try and bend with those till he knows what it is he's doing. Making a mistake with those moves in my world can lead ta pulled muscles and broken bones, here they could lead ta death. I could mix up my techniques with those styles, but I want something more unique to airbending.'

'I have what I know from Anything Goes as well as the Hiryu Shoten Ha as well as... The Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken! If I used that with the ability ta control wind resistance like Aang does when he runs, combining the two of them inta one move. I think I'm on ta something...'

Ranma turned to his teacher and said, "I have the new move. I'm going ta show it ta you, Fierce Tiger's Thunder Blast!" With that Ranma, prepared himself to make a move while targetting a large rock. Raising his hand, he pushed his fist out, pulled it back again and pushed it back into it's out position with a supersonic speed as sound wave burst forth. The sound wave smashed into rock and caused some splinters of stone to shatter off as the rock was pushed back at least five feet from it's former position.

Aang's eyes widened as he looked at the effect of the attack, "That's so cool, Ranma. But how did you do it? I didn't sense any wind coming from the attack which could have caused the damage."

"It wasn't an air attack, really, it was a combination of the air resistance trick you showed me with the Kachu Tenshin technique Cologne taught me. It caused me ta move faster then sound, which caused a boom of sound when the sound caught up with my moves. The power of the sound is what caused the damage ta the rock. With more practise, I can control the power of the sonic boom to create less and more damaging attacks. Anything from stunning to unconcious to even death, even if airbenders don't do deadly attacks it could be of use against rocks and stuff. With more work, I might be able ta effect the inner ear thingy which controls balance. Which would make anyone fighting against me sloppier then normal." Ranma told his sensei as he explained the idea and the possiblities behind the move.

"I guess I'm going to have to perfect the Chestnuts Roasting over an Open Fire techique before I can use this one. It's definately something I have never seen in airbending before. I have just one question, why did you call it the Fierce Tiger Thunder Blast? "

"It just felt right ta me for some reason. I got some help with the idea from different moves from some manga and anime I've seen. Makes me thing of other things I can do with airbending. Like a wind slash ta slice open things like doors and rocks, or even smaller controlled slashes ta cut off people's clothing as a distraction. The kind of thing swordmasters in those comics can do if they're masters." Ranma continued with his thinking outloud.

"Also if I can make a mini-tornado at the end of a staff or spear, I might be able ta make a drill techinque which would be great ta use against the rock attacks of an earthbender. Or for creating a human size tunnel if I make it big enough. Then there's all of the uses of a sphere like your air scooter..."

Aang listened and smiled at the imagination of his first student.


Shampoo was still in her cat form as she waited for Sokka to pick up the gifts of gear which the villagers were giving them. Things took an annoying side trick for Shampoo when Sokka started to get into the roll of servant of the 'lucky' cat spirit. He seemed to be getting anything he could carry back to Appa and the rest of their group. She let out a soft "Mew", which meant "Sokka, let's get out of here. I think you're taking this a little too far!"

Sokka, however, seemed to have other plans. He turned to the pink cat and the turned to the people of the village, "Yes, my mistress is pleased, however she wanted to let you know she needs a large amount of meat for the journey to feed both of her forms. Delicious meats of every varieties!"

Shampoo decided she had enough and moved to make her intensions clear to Sokka. She leapt on him as he spoke, "Owwww! No no, the bitting is normal everybody, it's just... a spirit tradition involving a servent. To teach a member of her stuff humility. I think if you just get a few more pieces of meat for us to carry, she should be satified. Owwwwwww! We'll be leaving soon and she give the village a blessing of good fortune and good luck."

As soon as the people started to move around to pick up more meat, Sokka whispered to Shampoo, "Owww Shampoo, we probably could have gotten at least enough supplies to get us halfway to the North Pole. Then we can get more supplies by pulling the cat spirit trick a-owwww! Watch it, those claws are sharp and so are your teeth! Okay, you don't like the spirit trick much I gather."

Shampoo jumped off of Sokka as she moved to his feet. She thought to herself, 'Shampoo is going to need to work on him to keep him from trying this trick again. The problem is this is likely to happen again with Shampoo's curse being water related and no hot water heaters or taps in this world. The only advantage I have is Katara can make water hot with bending, yet she uses water which can trigger the curse.'

Katara stood over the netting which she had been imprisoned in during her time within the icy cold grip of the tons of ice which had been swung at her constantly. During all of that time she kept on trying to destroy those same blocks with just a single touch of one finger. The surprise was the expectation of the elder woman for her to pick up the move within the first time she was trained in the manevour. Seems that Ranma was a quick learner and Cologne had been use to the speed that he and a rival of his named Ryoga could duplicate a technique once shown.

'I don't know where she had expected me to learn how to get this all down so fast, even if she did help me with my ability to freeze water with that soul of ice technique of hers. That's going to be useful in future combat with people like Zuko or any of the other Fire Nation troops. Yet I am still not sure how bursting mini, landbound icebergs are going to help me in a fight.' thought the young Water Tribes girl, but then the answer she was seeking was revealed by the return of her new friends. Ranma and Aang had shown up to meet with them after their training method.

"Katara, guess what Ranma's done? He's created a new airbending move and he has all of these new ideas for other cool airbending moves. Like drills and airbending slices and all sorts of great moves. Of course, I would have to train to keep from using the moves in a manner of an airbender. What do you think, Katara?" asked the excitable twelve year old as he seemed to be holding back from jumping up and down.

"That's great, but what kind of move did Ranma create?" asked the older girl as the older woman watched the two young men who was talking to them.

"I'll show ya." said Ranma as he moved to face a rock which lay nearby. Moving into a lazy combat stance which was the trademark of Ranma's art, he moved his arm into a pre-punch position before ramming it forward and back with a speed which made it hard to see it move at all. Yet experience with Cologne's training in the Chestnut Fist had revealed the signals of superhuman speed. There was a rush of wind which targeted the rock before it exploded as all of this was followed by a huge boom which seemed to deafen all around.

Katara stood stunned as she heard Cologne lecture on the nature of the move, "I see, a combination of airbending's reduction of air pressure and the speed of the Chestnut Fist has caused the creation of a sonic boom attack. I take it that a certain video game about fighting on the streets of the world had no influence on the creation of this ability, ne Ranma?"

"Maybe just a little, old... woman. I just figured out that by combining the two moves, one could create a powerful new move. I have a few more ideas of doing this with airbending, plus I have been thinking of what I know for other types of bending as well like Shampoo's earth and Katara's water," said the teen with the black hair before continuing, "Heck, but using some of the other styles I might be able to create even more moves and techniques for each school."

"What do you mean by using the different styles?" asked Aang as he give the same question that the elder teen girl was thinking.

"Each bending style has a principle of it's own, like airbending's avoidiance of attacks or waterbending's reflection of the attacker's power. However, it is possible for a waterbending to pick up new moves based on the styles of the other schools. Imagine a waterbender who adapts the airbender's avoidiance techniques, would it not need a new set of moves? Or if they adopted the stand and endure ideas of an earthbender or even a firebender's strike first and harder philosophy. By changing the ideas behind that katas, one would change the katas themselves into some new forms. Sometimes even fightening in their possibilities, as it would grant an airbender lethal moves which would be against their core idealogy." said the amazon leader as she made it clear what could happen.

"Of course the mixing of ideas and styles does seem to be in line with Avatar philosophy itself with the uniting of four dissimilar elements with one user, yet one would have to remember to remain true to one's self even when mixing elements of other's ideas. One must master the universe within as well as the universe without to gain the greatest power of all, or so many great thinkers believe. So has anyone my great-granddaughter and Sokka yet?" said the matriarch as they shifted the gears of the conversation. All of the young people surrounding made it clear they didn't know with the shaking of their heads.

"We better go looking for them." Katara said as she slowly became worried with the fate of her brother. It shouldn't take that long to gather supplies for the trip up north. The four of them gather themselves up to look as Appa rested near by and Momo flew to Aang's shoulder from what he had just woken up.

Minutes later...

Sokka was stumbling along where he had been carrying all of the supplies they had 'gained' from the village, with Shampoo following him after regaining her human form from a 'gift' of hot water. She was making sure he carried everything in her anger for his behavour, even if she had not shown it until they had gotten out of the sight of the village. He could only guess at her anger, 'She keeps yelling at me in that strange language of hers, which I have no idea what she's saying. However if it's anything like Katara when she gets mad, it's going to be insults with about my skills, manhood and personal traits.'

However, suddenly Shampoo stopped as she seemed to move into her combat stance. One he recognized by the number of times he saw her fight with Ranma, Aang and his sisters under the training of Cologne. This caused Sokka to sneak a hand close to where he kept his club since his boomerang was under the weight of his burden. He had a hunch at what was going on, 'It looks like someone is following us. The question is who and what do they want?'

As the Water Tribes man waited for the next move of whom ever it was who had followed them, there was a change in movement from Shampoo as she began to earthbend. With a surge of earth thrusted from her position, there was a movement which seemed to moved the mixture of bushes and trees around them. There was a shout from the uprooted trees from a female voice. This caught the attention of the southern warrior as he looked to the female fighter. It was only a fraction of a second before they heard the sounds of movement from a different direction, yet Sokka noticed the purple haired girl was still staring in the direction of the earth attack. She seemed not to be worried about the steps of the group of people, which turned out to be correct as his sister and the others came into view.

Ranma and Cologne instantly slipped into a pose ready for a fight, while Aang and Katara were moving into position as their faces took on a questioning aspect to them. He decided to inform the two at what was happening, "Shampoo seems to be sensing someone trying to follow us, so she just sent a blast at her in those group of trees. I'm just wondering what our next move might be."

The three from the other world were watching the woods before they seemed to relax, just a little bit. Then they turned to the other trio of people including Sokka before Shampoo spoke, "Shampoo sensed a man following us when we left the village... which Sokka conned out of their goods using Shampoo! Shampoo was worried that someone with the idea of the truth behind the con was trying to gain back some of the goods taken or trying to seek the truth to tell the village. However, Shampoo knows that the woman has started to run a fair distance away in a hurry after Shampoo's attack!"

"Hey, I might be the guy to use the spirit cat idea but you didn't object when we left the village with all of the food and stuff." spoke Sokka as he tried to defend himself from the accusation of the teen girl.

"Shampoo didn't want to remove the hope of the people at the idea of being blessed by a spiritual cat, even if it wasn't true. Plus Shampoo did try to return the goods, but all of the people rejected Shampoo's attempt to return the goods." said the younger amazon as she looked at the fifteen year old.

"Sokka! I'm going to have to have a talk with you about your behaviour. Your setting..." said his sister as she started to get pissed at him before she was interupted by Ranma.

"I wonder if I can use my curse like that to get free stuff or if I should just stick to flirting with my girl form to get the stuff I want." camed the voice of the sex changing teen, as all eyes turned to him as Katara finished her thought.

"... a bad example. Ranma, what in the world are you thinking?! What kind of example are the two of you setting for Aang?" asked the waterbender as she and Shampoo gave him dirty looks at the same time as he acted like he had been struck by them.

"I wonder who it was that was following you two. Since there are many in the Fire Nation which would love to capture the Avatar, we have no shortage of enemies. Yet they ran at the first sign of trouble, either sign of a coward or something without the power to press an attack on a bender. Which doesn't sound like a troop of soldiers or a collection of benders. Something else is at work here, however it is likely when we get on Appa we would be able to loose them unless they are more stubborn then we thought." spoke the elder as she made the move to head back to the sleeping bison.


The figure in the shadows was regrouping as she tried to figure out what to do next, since it seems the cat spirit held earthbending powers. More then enough to fight a woman like herself, no matter how clever she might be. She realized the truth of the game, 'No matter how I hate to admit this, I'm going to need some aid in capturing this spirit being. At least someone with bending powers to counter act the bending of the spirit... maybe more since it could be possible she could have more bending powers or even bending servants as well as warriors. The kid she was with was holding two different weapons of strange make. I am going to b careful and look for some... assistance as I track them.' She thought, with the thanks for a purple haired, red eye girl or one which could turn into cat would be easier to track then most people.