Blitz - When defensive secondary players rush through the offensive line into the backfield to try to "sack" the quarterback.

CHAPTER 1 - Short on Staff

Rory Gilmore made her way through the crowded hallways to stop at her locker for the sixth time that Friday morning. She was off to a late start and was forgetting everything, which was the ultimate reasoning for her current bad mood. As she reached for her history textbook, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Not now Trevor," Rory said as she turned, but was surprised as to who she found.

"Not Trevor." a dark haired boy said as he locked eyes with her.

"No, you're not. What do you want Eric?" she said with a bit of an attitude, not wanting to deal with his antics.

"Whoa, someone got's an attitude. Do you need a bit of cheering up?" he asked as a smirk made its way to his face.

"No, not now, not ever. So please just leave me alone." Rory said as she pushed past him and began walking to her next period class.

"Just wait, you'll want me some day." Eric's voice boomed through the halls as he smirked.

"Dream on!" Rory replied, getting father and father away. Once she was out of sight Eric turned and made his way to a crowd of people, slapping hands and saying hellos as he walked into the thick of it. "Hey, what's up man?" he asked a tall, blonde haired boy.

"Nothing...trying to find out if we have a game tomorrow." his friend answered as a girl in a short mini slid up next to him, "so Tristan, are we going out tonight?"

Tristan gave her a smirk and replied, "I don't know, it depends on whether I have a game tomorrow or not."

"Yeah bro, we do." Eric said as he turned the combination to his locker.

"What time, do you know?"

"It starts at 1, we have to be there at 12."

"Okay, thanks. I gotta get to class. Catch you later." Tristan said as he turned and walked away, quickening his pace with each step.

"Tristan, wait!" he heard Lindsey yell, which only made him walk faster. She thought that because he gave her a ride home and kissed her once that they were suddenly an item. Which just proved her to be wrong, very wrong.


"Hey Mom," Rory said through the phone. "I don't think I'm gonna be home until after 5 today."

"Ok hun." Lorelai, her mother, responded. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital. They called and asked if I could work a shift right after school. They were short on staff today."

"That's fine. Just call me when you're on your way home and I'll meet you at Luke's."

"Ok, I'll call you later then."

"Bye Ror." Lorelai said.

"Bye mom." Rory untangled herself from the phone cord and hung it up, only to be welcomed by a desk topped with a bunch of papers. "Fun, fun, fun, " she said to herself.

"Yeah? You think that desk is bad, take a look at mine." Chloe, Rory's co-worker and friend, said to her.

Rory laughed as she turned and saw that Chloe's desk had two-times the amount of papers, probably more, thrown onto the desk.

"So, what time are you getting out of here tonight?" Rory asked as she wheeled her chair around the curved counter to get to her desk which was aligned with Chloe's, just on opposite sides of the semi-circle.

"Probably 7. You?"

"I'm thinking 5 or 5:30." Rory said as she leafed through some papers.

"Lucky." Chloe responded with a smile. Chloe worked at the hospital full-time, she was a nurse and was the one person that actually took the time to teach Rory the ropes when she first started working at the beginning of the year. She and Rory had become pretty close. Some people would feel a bit uncomfortable about the age difference, but Rory didn't mind. Since she was best friends with her mom, she got along just fine with Chloe. Chloe was a 40 year old divorcee with one son. Her son was older, in his fourth year of college, so Chloe didn't have much on the home front, which she thought, is part of the reason why she and Rory grew so close, so fast.

Rory's relationship with Chloe was very similar to hers with her mother. She told Chloe everything. Chloe knew about Lane, Chilton, all the idiot guys at Chilton, getting harassed by the idiot guys at Chilton, and more. She was very understanding and helped Rory out with a lot of the crap she had to put up with at school. Like when Rory first started and Eric and his friends started calling her Mary, it was Chloe's idea to get Trevor to fight them. But of course, Rory being Rory did not want to put her best friend's life on the line, instead she just ignored them and pretended it didn't annoy the crap out of her. But all in all, Chloe was probably the one reason Rory enjoyed going to work.


On the way home Rory tried to grip the steering wheel and get her cell phone out of her purse at the same time, which is a difficult task when you are trying to unzip your purse with your teeth. When she finally got it she dialed her home number and waited for her mom to pick up.

"Hello?" Lorelai answered.

"Hey mom, I'm on my way home."

"Oh thank god, I'm starving. I was about to call the ghost busters out for you."

"Umm, ok?" Rory laughed into the phone, "Am I coming home first and then we'll walk to Luke's?"

"Sounds good." Lorelai said with a smile on her face.

"Ok, I'll be home in 5 minutes. Be ready, I'm really hungry." As Rory hung up she looked out the window as she passed the football fields. Her school was playing and she noticed already that #7 was running the ball down the field in her direction. #7, Tristan DuGrey, was the school's star quarterback and heart throb. Although Rory didn't disagree, she just didn't see the real reason why everyone was so obsessed with him. She'd hung out with him a few times, since he and Trevor were friends, but he wasn't anything special, just another egotistical jerk who thought much too much of himself.

She glanced at the road and then back to the field. She noticed that the crowd was cheering and the team was celebrating, they had obviously just scored. Rory watched as #5, Eric Mathers ran up to slap hands with Tristan. Eric was another one, the whole school loved him and worshipped him like he was some type of god, but all he did was annoy the crap out of Rory and hit on her all the time. He would never grasp the concept of "no." When Eric was done congratulating Tristan, Trevor came up from behind and grabbed Tristan in a friendly headlock, a guy's way of saying good job. Out of the three, Trevor was the only one Rory actually liked. He was her best friend and had been since freshman year. He was the only one of them, she thought, that had a brain as well as a sense of self. After watching for a few seconds Rory stepped on the gas and continued on until she got home.

"Hey the kitchen!" Lorelai said once she heard the front door slam.

"Hey! You ready?"

"Yup, just let me get a jacket and then we can go."

Once Rory and Lorelai were outside, Rory started talking about her day.

" - and so then Eric came up to me, after I was in a pissy mood and had forgotten my history book."

"What'd he say?"

"I dont know...he just said hi and then I guess I gave him an attitude and he asked if I needed cheering up," Lorelai snickered as Rory kept telling her story, "so I told him I would never, NEVER need cheering up from him."

Lorelai broke out laughing when Rory finished the end of her story, "Well one thing's for sure, you are your mother's child. When I was in high school I was known for telling guys off. You would think that after a while they would just stop bothering me, but you know, guys are stupid and don't get it."

Rory laughed, "Yeah mom, you were real nice."

"Hey! I was nice, I helped Gerald Rowenwinger with his science project in the fifth grade."

"Okay first of all, you said it was a partner project and second of all, you said you made him do all the work."

Lorelai laughed, "Well, ok little miss 'I work at a hospital so I am a good person..."

"Ok, ok. Let's be nice now," Rory said as they made their way across the street to Luke's.

"Alright, now let's have a nice dinner. And I promise when we get home I will call Gerald and apologize for taking all the credit for his A ."

"Aww. Good girl!" Rory replied as she opened the door for her mother.