Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

A/n: Sorry it has taken me so long to update, but I have been very busy and last time I didn't get that many reviews so I was starting to feel as if this story was going down the drain. Anyways I am willing to try to make it better so please review and tell me what you think!

Last time on College mates!

Sure." Lorelai said and rolled her eyes. Then they both saw a guy around there age running naked through the square…

"Ahhhhhhhh!" when he came to where Luke and Lorelai were standing Luke put a protective arm around Lorelai.

"They're baaaaack," the boy screamed and continued running.

"Who's that?" Lorelai asked.

"That would be Kirk."

"Your right, this town IS weird…but I like it," Lorelai said with a smile. Luke leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss.

"I'm glad," He said as he pulled back a little and gave her another quick peck on the lips.

Luke and Lorelai continued to walk around the town

"It's getting hot, maybe we should go back inside and cool off for a bit." Lorelai suggested.

"Yea or you know what else we can do?" Luke asked.


"Well we could go swimming."

"Really? There's a pool around here?" Lorelai asked.

"No but we can swim in the lake that we visited earlier. I remember when I was a little boy my sister, my dad, and I would always go to the lake when it would get hot outside. It would always relax us and we would have races and through a ball from one end of the lake to the other. It was fun."

"That sounds great, only I don't have a bathing suit." Lorelai said disappointed.

"I'm sure you can borrow one from my sister, you should be around the same size."

"Really? You think she would let me even though we only met a few hours ago?"

"Yea, it will be fine," Luke said while heading towards the house. "Hey Liz!"

"What's up big brother?"

"Do you have any bathing suits you could lend Lorelai? We were thinking of going for a swim in the lake."

"Yea, I'm sure I have one that should fit her." Liz said and turned to Lorelai. "You can come up to my room and pick one out if you would like."

"That would be great, thanks!" Lorelai said as she followed Liz up the stairs.

"So I have some boring one pieces, some average tankini's, and some brilliant but sexy bikini's. Take your pick."

"I've never really been one for one pieces."

"Yea me neither," Liz laughed. "My dad made me get those when I was younger when he was scared that bikinis would show too much skin."

"Yea I know the feeling. My parents used to be so overprotective when it came to bathing suits. I somehow got around their rules though." Liz laughed.

" I think you should wear a bikini. I have black, baby blue, and white."

"I'll try the blue one," Lorelai replied.

"Good choice," Liz said as she took the blue bikini out of the drawer and handed it to Lorelai. "I have a bathroom right there if you want to try it on."

"Oh that would be great, thanks."

"How does it fit?" Liz called through the door after a few minutes had passed.

"Great actually!" Lorelai called back. "Wow we must be the same size."

"Yeah, looks like it." Lorelai came out of the bathroom fully dressed with her bathing suit underneath her clothes.

"Thank you for letting me borrow your bathing suit. I know it must be weird you not knowing me that well and me already asking to borrow your clothes."

"Oh don't worry about it. If my brother loves you, I love you. Just don't hurt him, otherwise I will have to beat the shit out of you," Liz said half joking and Lorelai laughed.

"Don't worry, Luke is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would never want to hurt him."

"Good, well I am glad he finally found someone. I mean he had Sam but I could tell she wasn't good for him. I didn't like her the moment I saw her. I have a good feeling about you and my brother though, and I hope you guys work out."

"Thanks, I do to. I really care about your brother and it means a lot to me that you approve of our relationship," Lorelai said and gave Liz a hug.

"You should probably head down to my brother, you know how impatient he gets."

"Yea, I guess I will see you later."

"Looking forward to it," Liz replied as Lorelai headed back to Luke.

Lorelai came down to see Luke sleeping with his head on the table.

"Jeez I didn't think I took that long," Lorelai said to herself and walked towards Luke.

"Luke…" She whispered and kissed him on the head. He gently started to stir and finally awoke. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"Hey there sleepy head."

"Are you finally ready to go to the lake now?" Luke asked.

"Yea, well I wasn't the one passed out on the kitchen table," Lorelai joked.

"True, but you were the one who took forever to get a bathing suit."

"Ok, well lets go before we never leave," Lorelai suggested and took his hand in hers and led him towards the door.

At the lake

"Where should we put our towels?" Lorelai asked.

"I'll show you," Luke replied and took her to a spot of green grass around the lake. It was near a shaded tree but had a good amount of sun close by. "How's this?"

"Perfect!" she replied and laid out her towel.

She removed her tank top and shorts and looked up to see Luke in a trance.

"Like what you see?"

"Sure do," Luke replied as he continued to check her out. Meanwhile Lorelai got out the suntan lotion and began to apply it.

Eventually Luke took of his shirt and now it was Lorelai's turn to stare. She could tell that he had been working out and it was definitely paying off.

They both went to the bridge and Lorelai slowly dipped her toe into the water.

"Oh my God Luke! It's freezing, I am starting to think this was a bad idea."

"Oh come on its not that bad!"

"You go in then!"

"Fine," Luke said and jumped into the lake.

"Cold?" Lorelai asked.

"Nope, feels good. Come on and join me."

"No way. You aren't getting me to go in there." Lorelai said and started to return to their towels. Luke quickly got out of the water and picked her up.

"Hey! Luke put me down! Your cold and wet!" Lorelai screamed.

"You want me to put you down?" Luke asked.


"Okay," Luke said as he dropped her into the lake and then jumped in after her.

"LUKE!" Lorelai screamed as she resurfaced. "That was mean" She said with a pout but then began to grin.

"How else was I going to get you to go in with me?"

"It's freezing."

"Come here," Luke said and wrapped his arms around her. "Better?"

"Much, thank you."

"No problem" Luke said as he looked at the freezing girl in his arms. "Thanks for coming to Stars Hollow with me."

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world," Lorelai replied and Luke laid a wet kiss on her nose.

A/n: Wow sorry it has taken me forever to update! I will try to be better and have updates sooner! Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. A next one will be coming shortly.