Rating: T
Genre: General/Romance
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the WWE Superstars in this fiction. They own themselves and are under World Wrestling Entertainment franchise.
Summary: John Cena, respected champion, is ordered by a rather agonized McMahon to follow women's champion Trish Stratus in pursuits of rehabilitation for her wayward behavior. Will this deal prove to be strictly business, or will John find his way into a blonde bombshell's heart on the way? Trish/Cena fic, please R&R!
A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back on a new account, and returning with a fresh new idea. Yup, after much contemplation, I've finally established my Trish/Cena pair yet again (what can I say, I adore that pair). Please remember to send a review after you're done reading! Tell me what you think; I have an awesome story in the works!
Chapter 1 – A Done Deal
Delusional. That's all he was.
With a hint of anxiety mixed into what was sure to be a roller coaster of emotions, it was beyond concealment how utterly bewildered John Cena had looked as he walked down corridor after corridor backstage. Why had Mr. McMahon specifically called on him for a "little word"? He hadn't instigated anything more than a polite conversation with others backstage time after time, he was sure of it.
Yet after all, maybe Vince had caught on to the fact that he occasionally left the building early after his night's match was over. Still, was that something he could get in trouble for?
"Oomph." John grunted as he inadvertently bumped into a nearby table, pondering over all the possible reasons why Vince would want to see him personally. It was nearly never that Mr. McMahon, being the workaholic that he was, would call onto an individual on the roster for a personal meeting. Only on occasion did he speak to an entire group of wrestlers, but surely not just one sole person one-on-one.
Was it his own wrestling? John knew he had taken the easy route for the past few weeks, but this was only due to a more painful hip injury than he hadn't expected. But to get fired over an injury was ridiculous.
It was then that he realized the door so prominently labeled 'MCMAHON'; so seemingly quick had he reached the office. The slightest trickle of sweat had formed on his tight forehead, which he soon wiped off with haste. With a sigh John knocked, opening the door after hearing an ever most defiant yell to come in.
An unfamiliar sight the McMahon office was. Only so rarely had John seen the layer from which Vincent Kennedy McMahon so often took residence to. Plainly furnished it was, with nothing more as a black leather couch pushed into a corner accompanying a large oak desk with wooden chairs so neatly organized around it.
Yes, this was his death wish, John silently commended. Why else would he be called into the dungeon of McMahon?
"Ah, Mr. Cena, I've been expecting you." Mr. McMahon had said without even the slightest glance.
Oh, great. He's been waiting.
"Mr. McMahon, good to see you," was the only reply John could say after nervously trying to determine his boss's state of mood.
It was then that Mr. McMahon finally looked at John Cena himself through his thick glasses. There they finally met on the subconscious level; never had John felt such apprehension in his life.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Take a seat already."
Almost immediately had John dropped his body into the nearest chair, not even daring to break his gaze on Vince. No, he had to be as respectful as possible in the face of the beast.
John watched as Mr. McMahon slowly discarded his spectacles into a beige case, then laying it flat onto hiss desk next to a horde of papers. "So Vince, Stephanie gave me the message that you wanted to talk?"
"Yes, of course." Mr. McMahon eyes Cena, who ever so apparently squirmed in his seat. "Don't be nervous, Cena. You've been working with me for well over a year, and you're still under the impression that I'll give you hell? Loosen up!"
John stiffened at the short lecture. "Yes, Mr. McMahon."
After several moments of silence, Vince had finally let out a sigh before he started. "John, the reason why I've asked you here," he paused, rearranging the papers laid out on his work area. "Let me just start by saying that this, in no way, puts your career in any sort of danger." He watched as the WWE World Champion exhaled in what was sure to be relief. "But this is still business, and I need you to promise me that what is said in this room will stay confidential, and will not be repeated outside of this office."
He nodded. "Nothing will be repeated, Vince. You have my word." John held his hand up in promise, and watched as the boss rubbed his face in what was sure to be fatigue.
"I, uh. Hmm, how should I put this…" He mumbled incredulously. "I've been thinking… No, over the past months I…uh…"
"…Mr. McMahon?"
Vince stared poorly at the wall, confound in his lack of words. It was only after several more moments of silence that he finally glanced back and said, "I need a huge favor, John. That's what I've called you here for."
John stared dubiously. "No problem, Vince. Just tell me what you need, want, whatever it is."
He disputably nodded. "Just so recently have I gotten reports of, how should I put this, wayward behavior of one of our WWE divas."
"Can I ask, who in particular?"
Vince eyed the champion. "Trish Stratus." He stood up and began to pace, ready to start full explanation. "Whether you know it or not, John, Trish is probably the best we've got in this business so far. In terms of both in-ring skills as well as the ability to connect with our audiences, she undeniably is excellent and vital to the survival of the WWE." He stopped in his paces, examining a most intricate of paintings hanging on the white wall. Looking back at Cena, he resumed, "But for the past several weeks, I've gotten word from some of your peers of ill-disciplined behavior on Ms. Stratus's part. Do you recall any instances of this?"
"Vaguely, but yes, I can remember some times Vince."
"Well, I would hate to see a beauty like Trish fall in what is surely the peak of her career because of behavioral issues." With dominance, he sat back into the chair, coming face with John. "Wouldn't you agree?"
He stared back suspiciously, though curious as to what Mr. McMahon was ultimately leading him into. "Yeah, I don't think anybody would want to see somebody like Trish Stratus depart in any way…"
"Surely. But this is where I need your help, John."
"Under what are the circumstances, Vince?"
Mr. McMahon stared down at his desk, contemplating his words. Finally had he again began, "After managing you for well over three years, I've come to the point where it's almost guaranteed that I can trust you. That's why you're sitting here at this moment.
"As a peer of Trish Stratus, I need you, John, to in a sense rehabilitate her ways. She isn't exactly making the right decisions as of this moment, and I want you to help her change in whatever way so that her career will not be on the line, John."
"What exactly would I have to do, Vince?" John replied, the skeptical tone increasingly evident in his tone of voice. "You're making it sound as if I have to follow her every waking second and change what she's doing wrong."
"That is, really, what I'm entrusting you to do John."
"Excuse me?"
"Just basic instinct. I want you to stay close to her and make sure she doesn't fall over the edge. Just stay long enough to ensure she is safe each day. When time allows, start to sway her in the right direction. It's as easy as that. Soon enough will she be neutral as all the others on the roster, and your job will be done. And a paycheck is in the mix too John, if you're interested…"
John Cena took the time to digest the words that Vince McMahon had just said. What exactly was he implying? The rehabilitation of a wayward blonde bombshell? And in terms of constant monitoring? He was still very hesitant…
"How do you think I could do this, Mr. McMahon?"
"Be discreet, John. That's the key." He sat back in his chair, almost signaling a near end to this ever so unusual meeting. "You're the only person I think can pull this off, John. We need Trish, and absolutely cannot afford to lose her due to ill behavior. The future of this business lies in your hands, so I need you to promise that you'll do this." He waited as again the office became silent.
John sighed. "Alright, Vince. You've got my word. But only for you McMahon. Only for you."
"We've got a deal then." Mr. McMahon said as both stood in unison, significantly marking the start in a certain World Heavyweight Champion's quest in chasing an ever so vivacious Trish Stratus.
A/N: And with that, I've laid down the fundamentals for my story. Like it so far? Please tell me what you think and comment! Updates are weekly, so I'll be continuing soon. Happy Easter everyone!