Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers, plain and simple. If I did, Nick would be shirtless more often, PR romances wouldn't be in the sad state they're in now and continuity would exist to some larger extent.

"A dark phoenix, raised in the light, shall bring an end to his beginnings."

Koragg laughed when he heard the prophecy. "No dark child could be removed from the darkness," he stated confidently, crossing his arms. "We protect our own. Such a child could never flourish in the Light." The soothsayer shook her head negatively, pieces of lank hair falling from underneath her hood.

"Believe what you wish, but it is true. The Sight does not lie. Tell Morticon that he would be well advised to watch all the younglings within his domain, lest one ascend to the Surface World."

Behind his mask, Koragg scoffed. Soothsayers had never held much sway with him, being quite vague about the future under the claim that it was ever-changing, but both Morticon and his wife had a firm belief in their power. Morticon had ordered him to see this particular soothsayer, stating that he needed to know about the future of his army. The prophecy Koragg had heard would not go over well at the palace, not only for its foreboding message but for the lack of military direction it contained, but he tossed a few silver coins into a coffer and left.

The ride back to the palace was uneventful, save for the now routine stares that he drew, and as he thought, the soothsayer's words did not go over well. Koragg had to listen to nearly an hour's worth of ranting from Morticon–why had he not pressed for more military-oriented advice?; wouldn't she have better responded with the threat of bodily harm?; how could she give such an unrelated prophecy when she was under the employ of the Dark General himself?; his grievances had no end.

Somehow, the Wolf Knight escaped the machine-head's ravings, and was now riding his steed back home. The soothsayer's words pestered him as he rode, a spore in his mind that expanded and grew as he thought more of it. What if dark children could be raised in the Light? They would grow to be formidable foes with dual magic, and he would find it hard to kill one of his own kind, even if it meant his own destruction. He simply couldn't harm another follower of the darkness, not unless he wanted to destroy his honor in the process. But could such a child go against his darker instincts, even when nurtured by the Light? He knew himself the feelings that drove him, the rage and hatred; how could a child with such feelings flourish in the weak Light?

Though peace had reigned between the kingdoms of darkness and light for centuries, war had erupted in the last year. Skirmishes had dotted history for years, but now war was everything. Both he and his wife were mainstays on the battlefield, cutting down the warriors of light that were unfortunate enough to cross their paths. In between battles, news more grand than he ever could have expected arrived: his wife was pregnant. It caught him off guard, but he was overjoyed. She was no longer allowed on the battlefield, for the protection of the dark's future, and for several months he did not see her while she was confined at home.

While he hated them, his wife placed much trust in soothsayers, and sent news of the future one had predicted for their child. More than any warrior, what she wrote chilled him.

They were to have a son, that much he appreciated. But this son was going to be born with a tremendous power, paired with the ancient and feared power of the phoenix, one of the patron creatures of the Ancients. Though this pleased him greatly, it triggered something in the back of his mind. The phoenix... a dark phoenix... end to his beginnings... In a moment of realization, the pieces fell together neatly. If his son was going to be this dark phoenix that the soothsayer had foreseen all those months ago, then the boy was going to be kidnapped.

No. He would not let the boy be taken. Even though the child wasn't even born yet, Koragg felt a fierce protectiveness toward him. He'd fight to the death to protect his son. Over the months of the pregnancy, he fought more fiercely than every, obliterating any light soldier as a possible threat to his son.

On the eve of battle, he was called away with word that his wife had gone into labor. He raced to their home as soon as he could, but arrived too late: the boy was born and asleep in his mother's arms when Koragg finally arrived. The boy already had a shock of dark hair and, startlingly, brilliant green eyes. They searched for names, but nothing seemed to stick. Eventually, they agreed on one thing: he needed his true name. One of them would make the trip when the opportunity arose. Until then, he was just 'Boy.'

For a few weeks, they enjoyed a leave of absence from the war, spending all the time they could with their new child. He came into his powers quickly, and though he couldn't do much, Koragg often found bottles hovering over the boy's crib after being dragged out of bed by the child's crying.

They both received the call to war once again, as Morticon held no special place for the needs of infants above the needs of his own war movements. That meant leaving his son in the care of someone else, no matter how hard it was. He and his wife searched across the lands for candidates, finally selecting a highly trained, powerful sorceress. Every person he asked claimed that she was strong enough to kill hundreds of Styxoids with a single spell, but knew her place well enough to know what would happen if anything happened to the child.

Reluctantly, they left for war, their son in the hands of this sorceress. It felt good to once again be on the battlefield, but every moment in between was spent wondering about the safety of the boy. Every time a battle came close enough, one or both of them would visit the boy. The sorceress was more than capable, and the boy seemed at ease around her. All was fine.

When they won a particularly difficult battle, his wife was given leave. Though it meant not seeing her family for a month or two, both agreed that now was the time to find their son's name. She ventured to the South, taking up the dangerous and often deadly quest for a true name. He continued fighting, leading his own elite battalion against the forces of light. Many times, he came close to defeating their leader, the Fortisian warrior known as Ambrose. The Crimson Magician never struck a deadly blow to Koragg, though he had many opportunities to. While this puzzled the Wolf Warrior, he took it as general weakness on the light's part, and fought as viciously as ever.

Several months passed in this fashion, with his wife pursuing their child's name, and Koragg checking in on their son at every given opportunity. Slowly, though, something went awry. The sorceress-nurse began acting peculiar, saying things that should not have been said and doing things out of the ordinary. Occasionally, he could feel her casting spells, but her intent was hidden. In one day, all became clear.

She was a spy of the light, come to gather information and take the boy, who was the subject of light prophecies as well. As she incapacitated him, his wife returned, and the pair engaged in a tumultuous battle. In the end, his wife was slaughtered by the sorceress, who fled with the child. When he finally regained himself, he spent many weeks hunting the sorceress down, but war eventually called him back. The defeat of the darkness sealed him in the Underworld, damning him to an inescapable eternity without his wife or son. Fury built within him as the years passed, becoming much more vast as each year passed. He vowed that one day, no matter how long it took, he would find the sorceress, and that on that day, she would feel every bit of his mounting hatred.

A/N - Okay, what do you guys think? Not my first PR fic, but my first up here. Rants/reviews accepted. I'm really into this story (I usually write some, even a little, every day), so I'm hoping to get it up pretty quickly. One thing though: I'm not sure where I'm going with the whole thing. I'm more of a 'fly by the seat of my pants' kind of girl anyway. EDIT: This is my revamped prologue. I've been meaning to do this for a while, so I figured I'd do something with my writer's block.