Chapter I: An Interesting Dilemma

Colonel Samantha Carter wasn't one to worry about things, unless it involved family or saving the world. However, a letter that came from someone claiming to be her estranged sister did cause her to stand on edge. In fact, she was so…STUNNED that she had to re-read the letter just to get her facts straight.

"Dear Colonel Carter,

My name is Nodoka Saotome and, as hard as it may seem, you and I are related by your father, General Jacob Carter. Don't be alarmed, I'm not joking or fooling you. However, there is another surprise. I had married and have a son, Ranma Saotome. He went to China a long time ago and had returned recently. He has experienced a few…changes since being there. He currently is back in China taking care of these…changes, in a place called Jusenkyo. I want you to please take him with you to wherever it is that you reside at in Colorado. Please, the current situation that he is in is damaging to his already shaky health. I'm asking you as not only a family member but as a mother. Please help him before that idiot of a husband kills him.


Nodoka Saotome"

She looked at the letter a few times before taking Nodoka's offer up with General Landry.



"Come in," Landry's gravelly voice said back.

When Col. Carter walked in, Cameron said, "We where just talking about you, Sam."

Carter looked surprised for a few moments before saying, "Really, Sir?"

"Yep," Cameron said.

"You received a mysterious letter from a person in Japan." Teal'c stated.

"And, according to your file, you have no relatives in Japan." Landry said.

Carter handed Landry the letter and said, "Apparently, I do."

Landry took the letter and started to examine it. After a few minutes he handed her back the letter and steepled his fingers in thought.

"Sam, the letter could be a forgery." Daniel said.

"Yeah, or a fake," Cameron said.

Daniel gave Cameron a look while Landry looked at Sam.

"Fake or not, we've got a little break from anything. Colonel, you may go after this 'Ranma'. If anything comes up, I'll have someone take a chopper and get you." Landry said.

"Thank you, sir," Sam said and started leaving.

"Just a minute," Landry said, stopping her.

When she turned around, Landry continued, "I want you to take Dr. Jackson and Col. Mitchell with you."

"You…what?" Cameron asked, looking surprised.

"Excuse me, sir?" Daniel asked at the same time.

Landry smiled and said, "You heard me, Dr. Jackson…Col. Mitchell. You both are accompanying Col. Carter. I don't like the way this 'Nodoka' character mentioned these 'changes' in this 'Ranma' character. If they are a threat to the Stargate program or to Col. Carter's health, I want both a linguist and someone who'd be willing to take care of any problems you might encounter. Any questions?"

Daniel and Cameron started to ask.

"None, good, dismissed," Landry said before they could say anything.

As they all three left, Cameron said, "Great…just great."


Taking the letter to heart, they booked a flight to China. Upon landing in Beijing, they started off for Jusenkyo. A few hours and a long trek up a mountain later, the group was getting tired of seeing nothing but green.

"Ya know, Carter, if you just wanted up here for a hike you could've said somethin'." Cameron said.

"It shouldn't be too much farther now." Sam said.

When they finally reached the Jusenkyo area, they noticed a broken sign that looked like it had seen better days. It was, as such, unreadable. The little group looked around and saw that there were nothing but bamboo poles stuck in the middle of a few manmade springs.

As they walked down, a little man in a uniform said, in broken English, "Welcome to Jusenkyo, home of forbidden springs. Each spring tell story of whoever drown in it."

"Wait a minute…back up, sparky. Did you say, 'Forbidden Springs'?" Cameron asked.

"Yes, oh honorable customer, springs are forbidden. When customer falls into spring, they take form of whatever drown there last. Then, they only change back to normal with warm water." The man said.

"OK, that does it for me. Carter, Daniel, pack it up. I'm not going to fall into some spring 'n change into something weird or different." Cameron said.

Daniel started back up to where Cameron. Sam turned but slipped and fell into one of the springs.

"Terrific," Cameron said as he and Daniel started over towards Sam.

Before Cameron could even get her out of the water, she jumped out herself. She was still in BDU's but she had two swords attached to her belt, a bandoleer filled with throwing stars, and had a cold, menacing stare with blood red eyes. It was the eyes that shocked Cameron the most. The eyes had only one message in them: 'Slash-'n-Fade'.

Daniel, out of fear, stepped back. The bad part was that he fell into a spring himself.

Cameron literally ran back towards the guide and said, "Looks like I'm not taking a bath in those springs."

"Too too sad. Woman fall into 'Spring of Drowned Ninja Queen'. Very sad story of Ninja Queen who drown in spring 1800 years ago. Now, whenever cold water hit her, she change into Ninja Queen. Man fall into 'Spring of Almost Drown Goddess'. Very sad story of unknown goddess who fall into spring 5000 years ago and survived. We see if man change into goddess and, if did, change him back with warm water." The guide said.

"Oh, lovely…why didn't you tell us this before!" Cameron practically screamed.

Before the guide answered, Daniel appeared out of the water. His brown hair was now a deep scarlet red and on his hand was a ribbon device. His eyes glowed for a moment before he started attacking Ninja Sam. The guide, prepared, had got a bucket of warm water out threw it onto the pair. What they didn't know was that when the water hit them, they were still attacking each other. And when they stopped they noticed that they accidentally knocked Col. Mitchell into another spring.

"Oops," Sam and Daniel said at the same time.

"Uh-oh, man fall into very cursed spring," The guide began but Cameron slipped into unconsciousness.


This is a rewrite of my story 'Change of Body, Change of Mind'. Tell me what you think. Don't forget to Review.


SG-1 and RANMA ½ are owned by other people, not me.