These are a series of expressions, adages, and one-liners I deemed a graceful fit to our Hidden Village crew! Basically, just picture the character saying them and enjoy the humorous effect. It's a short read, so no harm done!

That Naruto Expressions Vol. 2


"God's busy, how may I help you?"

"Your village called, they want their idiot back."

Puts the F - U in FUN

"I upped my standards, now up yours!"

"Gee, let me find a container for my joy."

NEW! My life is one of those, "you had to be there" jokes.


Got Ramen?

When life gives you lemons… go buy Ramen.

Bad spellers of the world UNTIE!


NEW! "It seemed like a good idea at the time..."

NEW! I'll be more mature if you will.


Love, true love…

"You're village called, they want their slut back."

NEW! "I didn't say it was your fault, I said I'm going to blame you."


"I'm not here."

"I see stupid people."

There are several reasons for porn,

And one has just entered my head;

If a man cannot read it while living,

How the hell can he read it when dead?

NEW! Comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable.

NEW! "Sarcasm... just one more service I offer."

NEW! "If my head were really up my ass, then how can you explain my great hair?"


"Sit down, shut up, and buckle your seat belt."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

NEW! "Why don't you slip into something nice, like unconsciousness?"

NEW! "You're child may be an honor student, but you're an idiot."

NEW! "I tried to tie down my troubles, but the little brats learned a new jutsu!"

NEW! "I don't just enjoy guilt trips, I run the agency!"


Why do something today that you can put off till tomorrow?


NEW! Boldly going nowhere.


It's a dog eat dog world. And Akamaru has already crapped your pooch out.

"Bravo, you're stupid. Have a treat."

NEW! Dog is my copilot.


"What the hell do you mean, 'Sands of Time', I am the f-ing sands."



Itachi NEW!

NEW! "I'm busy, you're ugly, have a nice day." - submitted by KIKYOU AND HOJO SUCKS

NEW! Runs with scissors

NEW! Chaos, panic, fear... my work is done here.

Genma NEW!

NEW! "There was a sensative poet inside me, but I kicked his ass and put a bandana on his head."

If you have any one-liners, adages, idioisms, expressions, that you think would match ANY Naruto character (Genma and Raidoh, anyone?) Leave a review or email me and tell me them! I will put it in Series 2 and credit your name to your expression! And be sure to tell me the name of the character you think should be saying it. XD Who I need: Genma, Raidoh, Tsunade, Shizune, Itachi... etc... there are lots I could use. And Orochimaru. He's got to have some good ones.
